Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1228: Remains of ancient gods

"Warning: Detecting the fluctuation of true God-level power, please take precautions in time!"

A harsh warning sounded in a star-level battleship that could completely cover a metropolis with a population of tens of millions as if it were floating on land.

So among the battleships, countless handsome, light-armed Yuguang people ran like panicked beasts, and quickly ran, one after another, calm, or panic, or serious questions and orders, but these voices There was an irrepressible fear in it.

This is a normal reaction of a civilization that encounters and conflicts with the gods. They know the power of the gods and have suffered the damage caused by the gods, so they will be afraid of it.

"Where did the location of the true god-level wave come from?"

"Report, at the entrance to World 0072."

"What happened? Didn't you just send a squadron there?"

"Yes, according to local observers, a powerful outsider has appeared there."

"But now there are real god-level fluctuations out there. Contact the squadron. If it can be reached, I want to know what happened there."

"Report, we have lost contact with them."

"Hmm!" When I heard such a nightmare report, the commander who was supposed to be angry was calm and calm. After all, he encountered the true god. Such casualties were nothing at all.

"Commander, what shall we do?"

"Observation, of course, and then decide whether to retreat."

"Aren't we going to rescue that missing squadron?"

"What happened to meet the true God? What are we saving? We are just advance teams. We have no capital against the true God."

"I understand!"

The Yuguang Civilization Fleet, who came from afar, was waiting for the sudden emergence of the true God-level power fluctuations. They were fortunate that the power fluctuations continued and disappeared within a short time.

But even so, after a long negotiation, the fleet sent a team of unmanned detectors to the waters where the true God-level waves were emitted for inspection.

But what makes these Yuguang people feel wrong is that the door of the exotic land that should have been connected to the sky has actually disappeared. The place is just a sea that seems too normal and normal, leaving no trace.


"Teacher! You ..."

The head of the serpent's body was stunned, watching the golden light pervading the heavens and earth slowly gather into Jin Long's chest. At this time, Jiuli who was able to move quickly made a noise.

"I'm trying to eliminate the scourge for you. In a short time, this civilization will not be able to trouble you again."

For the first time in the big world, the power of his deity was released, and Muria, who erased the natural space passage between the two realms, looked at his students.

"But how do I go back?" Although shocked by the scene I just saw, the young man who had some vague speculation in his heart still cared how he would go home.

Because what he really valued, he was willing to give all his energy to fight for it. The root of it is in another ordinary world, not in a world that can make him extraordinary and holy.

"As long as you can become a true **** and want to find your way home, it's easy!" Seeing a young man who had changed his heart but never changed his heart, Muria said with a stingy tone.

"This is not easy." After hearing what his teacher said, the young man's face suddenly pulled down. At this stage, he can roughly understand what the true God is.

"It's not easy for you, but it's not difficult. At your speed, it won't be long before you can become a real deity."

Muria, who tried to use the power of the deity once, looked at this already independent world realm. He can be sure that there is no deity here. Maybe there was, but it is not.

In the absence of competition and suppression from other gods, the earth gods who already have a certain power, want to conquer a world with an extremely backward civilization, but it is only a matter of time.

"Teacher, is there any other way? You can erase the door of the foreign land, then you can certainly send me back." Jiuli asked carefully, looking forward.

"Why should I send you back? Here for you, it is safe and can make you stronger in a short time. And your hometown has not only no possibility of development, but also a lot of crises. danger."

"But with my mother and my girlfriend there, I can't leave them."

"Okay, look at you like this. Are they babies just born? They don't have the ability to take care of themselves and live independently?" Muria scoffed at her anxious attitude toward her students.

"Teacher, I beg you, let me go back once! Save it once. Even if you keep me here, let me tell them, or they will worry about me."

In front of the Laxia people, when the majestic earth **** faced Muria, he looked like a child with begging eyes.

"Since you don't want them to worry about you, then you haven't hurry to do what you should do, and talk nonsense with me here."

At this time, Muria was unusually unfriendly, and the bond of mortals was extremely precious and extravagant to the gods. Such a bond was sometimes fatal to the gods.

"Teacher, I beg you!" But Jiuli was still unmoved by Muria's words, and he wanted to hurry home now.

"You're so annoying."

"Teacher ~ www.readwn.com ~ You promised?" Jiuli looked up in surprise.

"When did I agree?" Muria changed from Jinlong to an adult form, with both hands behind her. "Jiuli, I am your teacher. It is my responsibility to preach and explain my mission, but not my obligation.

I am not your parent and I have no responsibility to give you unconditionally, so if you want me to shoot, you have to pay the price that can make my heart beat. "

"Can it make you feel good?"

"Yes, think clearly. What you saw just now is my true deity. Do you think there is something that can make me heart?"

Although it was only a moment, Muria, who had shown her Titan in front of her students, looked at him with a playful smile.

"Yes!" Jiuli frowned for a moment, then resolutely answered.

"Huh?" Muria frowned.

"Three months ago, I led the tribe to lay down an archipelago. I found the body of an ancient **** on it. I would like to use this as the price for your teacher to take it and send me home.

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