Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1232: "Mother Cizi Filial Piety"

"I said it, you're too jerk!"

A dark-skinned, golden-eyed child sitting beside him in a speeding light rail train nearly 100 meters above the viaduct, mumbled.

"What's wrong with me?" The child looked up in surprise, asking something unknown.

"I mean your student, don't you think it's too much for him?"

"Where is it too much? I asked him to go home to visit relatives and friends, and gave him enough time. After he returned, I lent him the divine hell. As a teacher, I can say to this student It is due diligence. "

"Don't pack garlic with me, I saw it. When you caught him back, there was a fruit girl lying next to him, right? According to their world, that's his girlfriend. You put him at this time It's too confusing for me to come back. "

"The time I give him is one day, and I am just observing time." Of course Muria would not admit it, but he is a great good dragon with a good character such as honesty, trustworthiness, kindness, and modesty, which can serve as a model for moral standards.

"Come less, I haven't been together for a short time. What kind of guy are you? I know more or less. You are intentional, right?"

"Too lazy to tell you." Muria closed her eyes.

"When your student was caught by you and got a fire, you offered to lend him the god's puppet, so that he couldn't even say a word of complaint."

After learning about Arena, after careful analysis, "The reason why you do this is very likely because of jealousy. After all, your student can be gentle with his girlfriend, and where is your mother-in-law partner? Do not know at all."

"Don't think you talk too much? Really feel boring, I can find something for you."

Muria opened her eyes and turned to look at the girl who was telling the truth.

"No, I'm not bored, I can meditate." The girl stared at by Muria shrank her head abnormally, completely without the kindness of Jin Longniang.

"Yes, are we really going to find the fleet of Yuguang Civilization?"

Muria's ears did not remain quiet for a long time, and she was broken by the curious girl.


"What are you going to do?"

"Do nothing, just take a look."


"Under normal circumstances, I will not interfere with the operation of the world without everything."

"Although you are very handsome, you are too pretentious. You don't know how much everything has been interfered with."

"I said, it's a normal situation, and I'll take a shot naturally under special circumstances." Muria's forehead had blue tendons, and he spoke out word by word. If it wasn't for the girl's special status, he would definitely throw her away.


"Wow, this kind of thing is artificial. It's really incredible. Sure enough, the more time I follow you, the more I am glad that I left home with you that year. It is very correct."

On the desolate Gobi, the girl looked with a look of wonder at the butterfly warships floating in the sky above the Gobi Beach.

And beside her, there are thousands of backpackers who ran to watch Starcraft sparsely. These are some guys full of adventure, curiosity, or singularity. Some of them ran far away. Here is to see the fleet of advanced civilization.

The reason for this desolate Gobi Desert is because this unknown high-level civilization fleet came from. They chose to settle in the inaccessible Gobi Desert. The reason they claimed was that Try not to interfere with the development of local civilization.

"Is this your own decision? Obviously because of my threat of force. So you reluctantly follow me."

Muria squinted at Arena, and he finally found something similar to his mother Jinlong Niang Atris in the girl—shameless. Obviously it is not her credit, and she can force herself on herself, and there is no one.

"It's the same, it's the same, no matter how tortuous the process, the result is the most important." The young girl, Arena, had a rogue look.

Although Muria felt that the girl's rogue was influenced by his mother, Jin Longniang, he forgot a famous saying called "near Zhu Zhuchi, near Mozi Black".

"Oh," Muria sneered, not wanting to waste time on this kind of problem with this young girl who didn't know when she became quite rogue. "You are mentally prepared, I'll take you aboard to see it later."

"Well, can this be done? Don't mess around! Can you create such a large flying fortress? Can you easily provoke it? It's easy to cause trouble."

I thought Muria was just pulling her over to take a look and heard the words of Muria, she was suddenly shocked.

Huge artificial objects can always give people the most direct shock, which makes people appear in awe from their hearts. At this time, the girl Arina was shocked.

Although she traveled with Muria in various realms of the world and saw a variety of magnificent scenes of nature and magic, but it was because of this that she knew that the horror of these warships was enough to surpass the absolute Most of them are artificial wonders of natural wonders.

"Taking advantage and avoiding harm, of course I understand this simple truth, but these things are just looking at scary people, and they are not within my scope of avoiding harm."

Muria grabbed the girl's hand, and then he was hit by an unprecedented fierce struggle and resistance from the girl ~ www.readwn.com ~, you give me up, go if you want, don't get involved with me, something went wrong With your strength, you can definitely walk away easily, but I'm finished. "

"What are you talking nonsense? You are my mother. If something goes wrong, how could I leave it and run by yourself?"

Muria looked like a small body, just just reached out a hand, and firmly grasped the body bending, trying to break free of the young girl with her body weight.

"That being the case, as a mother, I shouldn't be a drag on my son's pace. I'll just stay here. You go alone." Although her struggle did not make any difference, the girl still didn't give up.

"No, I will take you with me whenever and wherever I am."

"What are you worried about? Do you think I'll run away? I'm not familiar with life here, how could I run away?"

"You don't think I can protect your safety? So I don't want to go in with me." Muria raised her eyebrows lightly. "You're questioning my strength? Well, I'll just hit those broken copper and iron, and let You see. "

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