Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1235: Working with God

"You can reach the resources of the medium-sized world without barely reaching the point where you can sail in the void, and yes, you are an excellent civilization."

Looking at all kinds of spaceships flying from the sky to the earth, Muria didn't hesitate to admire him, his mental strength had covered the earth in front of him, and he already knew the general situation.

"Of course."

Hearing Muria praising his civilization, Zomali, a semi-forced and semi-voluntary lead party, proudly raised his chest.

"Speaking of which, isn't it your own place? Your identity is in your ethnic group. It's notable, what are you doing to hide your face?"

After crossing the two-way space corridor of China Unicom, which has been closed by Yuguang civilization, the young girl Arena looked curiously about the huge unmanned facilities, and looked with some doubts in a simple combat suit, while using a fully closed helmet Covered Fleet Commander.

"Come, even if I am prominent, I will be executed if I am a deserter on the battlefield, and I am doing much more serious than a deserter."

The tall, slender limbs, but at this moment flinched, and the squadron commander Zomali reluctantly responded.

"Take your two unidentified fellows to see the most honorable Princess Astia. This is a more disgraceful crime of betrayal than deserters. If I were found, my identity was confirmed, and it was not just me who wanted to After that, my family will be implicated because of me.

what! Damn, what the **** am I doing, why did I just agree to bring you two guys here, I'm really stupid, if someone is seen ... "

"It's a regret? How long is this? Your will is too tenacious!" Arena looked surprised when she watched the Yuguang commander perform.

"Don't regret it!" Leaving the entire fleet, sneaking into the civilization, the captain squinted squinting at Muria, the shortest stature, muttered, "In the beginning I shouldn't agree, if it wasn't for you by force Bully me. "

"Don't whisper, now you're useless even if you regret it, you can only follow us all the way to the dark."

"Wait, this ..." Zomali looked at Muria, only to find that he didn't know what to call.

"You can call me Your Majesty!" Muria, who was floating in midair, looked at the pouch and rice bag, his face indifferent.

"Your Majesty?" Zomali looked at Muria in suspicion, and then instinctively tempted, "I admit that you are powerful, but do you know this is a honorable title that only the true **** can use, you make me like this Calling you is an offense to those eternal beings that are high above you. "

Muria tilted his head, and he was interested in this senior Yuguang civilization executive. "In your civilization, is there the protection of the true God?"

"The shelter of true gods? How is it possible? Although there are many old guys in the empire who dream of gaining the power of gods, it is a pity that our civilization and gods are in a state of hostility. There are many gods who want to destroy the armies of our world and then enslave us. Civilization. "

"But you didn't submit, you chose to fight those gods, didn't you?" Arena was also interested, and the civilization that opposed God sounded like fun.

"That is, of course. Our Yuguang civilization will never be enslaved by any being. It is a god, and we do not want to enslave us."

"But you long for the power of gods, right? As long as you bow your head and pray prayerfully, you will not only get strength but also eternal life. How many people in your civilization can resist this temptation?"

Muria is also curious about how to resist the temptation of eternal life without the support of another god.

"You ... how do you know God so well?" Zomali was terrified when he heard Muria's words. "This is in our civilization, but only ..."

"Secrets that only a few people can know, right? A simple and effective way to block all God-related news directly to the lower and middle classes and only to proclaim the cruelty of the gods to them is not a long-term solution."

"Yes, when we fight against the gods, we can only block the news. Otherwise, there will always be mutiny. I am still young, so I can not believe in God, but when I am old, I am not sure. What kind of thought will I have by then? "

"You guys, what's uncertain, waiting for you to get old. You must be trusting in God and betraying your civilization." Arena, who had understood what was going on, replied mercilessly.

"What's the basis for you saying this? I'm extremely loyal to my civilization, and even willing to give my life." Hearing that the indigenous person looked down on him so much, Zomali argued suddenly with a blushed neck.

"Come on, if you're really as loyal to your civilization as you say, then you can't show us here."

"I'm doing this for the princess, and I haven't betrayed."

"You just said it yourself. Once found, you're betrayal. And don't use that princess as a shield, you know we're here to destroy the princess's engagement ceremony, but you don't know what we will do. And whether our approach will affect your civilization. "

"Well, Arena."

Seeing the young girl Arena who was slamming the sister-in-law, Muria stopped her. This guy counseled a little, but the creatures are bloody, and if they are stimulated, things will become troublesome.

"Guide the way, tell [Biqudao www.biqudao.vip] me, the shortest way to the place where Princess Astia is."

"I can tell you, but you must guarantee that Princess Astia cannot be harmed."

"Even if your civilization is destroyed, she will have nothing to do."


"It's a city in the sky! It's spectacular!" The artificial wonder has the charm and impact that the natural axe and magician can't match. When the young girl Arina sees the city floating in the sky, she suddenly exclaims.

"Ptolemy, the city that never fell, the center of our civilized politics and culture." The Leading Party introduced the symbol of its home to others with a proud tone.

When seeing such a symbol of a civilized building, Muria didn't react very much. The cities that can float in the sky are no more than one thousand and eight hundred in Elasia. But the sky city in front of him is not without its glory.

"Without relying on special terrain and special metal materials, but relying on technology and abundant energy, we forcibly lifted a city from the ground. It seems that Yuguang civilization has gained a good harvest in the void, actually Able to waste energy in this regard. "

"Your Majesty, Princess Astia is in this city. Excuse me, what are you going to do?"

"You just said that this city is the center of your civilization and politics. So, is the highest ruler of your civilization also in this city?"

"You mean Her Majesty? If there is nothing special, Her Majesty is naturally sitting in the center of the town and will not leave."

"Well, that's good, I'll talk to her."

"Your Majesty, what did you say?" The party leading the way gave a wrong look and added persecution. "Don't you say that you interfere with Her Royal Highness's engagement? Why suddenly go to the supreme ruler of our civilization? Or is this what you started with purpose?"

"It was just a temporary accident. I didn't expect that your civilization was still a monarchy. In that case, I just need to talk directly to your ruler."

"No, it's impossible, unless it's God, or you can't see her without your Majesty's approval."

"God? That kind of being, huh."


"Well, the empire managed to restore peace. It was thought that it could enter the stage of peaceful development, but it suddenly appeared a space crack. It was really troublesome. The reason for the crack still remains inconclusive."

In the wide but unusually simple office hall, women in loose robes wore sorrow on their faces. "When I ascended the throne, some people joked that I was the luckiest emperor of the empire. Now it seems that I'm afraid the worst. "

"Your Majesty, why do you say this? Although the emergence of space cracks is accompanied by unpredictable dangers and great opportunities, the empire may also control more territories and acquire more resources, so the overall civilization Further development."

"But the prerequisite for the expansion of the empire's territory is that our army must start more wars, which will cause more casualties. Minister Remy Locke."

Between the eyebrows, a tired female emperor looked up at the man standing respectfully in the middle of the government office.

"And this time, our advance fleet found what you found after passing through the space gate."

"The Trail of the New God ~ www.readwn.com ~ I know that these immortal beings seem to find their tracks no matter where they are."

"So do you still think this is an opportunity for the development of our civilization?" The empress looked at the man who looked respectful in front of her. "Once we raise the blade again, we will certainly be more enemies."

"The empire's army is invincible. Even if it is facing the gods, it will not retreat."

"I believe in the fighting will of our army, but there is no need to let them pay casualties for this. The existing resources of the empire have been stable for a century and there is no need to start a war."

"Yes, Your Majesty, war is not the only way to deal with our confrontation with God."

"What do you want to say, talk to God and live in peace?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"It seems that I came at the right time. Does Yuguang Civilization want to cooperate with God? In this case, how about cooperation with me?"

The clear voice echoed in the wide administration hall, and the black-haired and golden-eyed child slowly appeared in front of the female emperor from scratch.

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