Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1246: Annexation, fusion, replication

"Do you only have this thing? Or do you have more powerful weapons, but feel that it is enough to deal with me, and it is enough to send out these torn copper?"

Muria glanced at the pterosaur that flew up from the deserted land, and waved it into the portable world and let it cultivate. He looked up slightly, looked at the spherical fortress that descended from the sky, and smiled disdainfully.

Although he did not know whether the silver-white metal in front of him, or the manipulators who controlled these weapons, could not understand, this did not prevent him from expressing his opinions and opinions.

"It's not a good habit to despise the unknown!"

Similar to the previous Pterodactylus, but it was not built at all in a high-level area. The dragon snake built by Thunderfire was full of hot high temperatures and bursting into the realm of Thunder, destroying everything blocking them.

With the thought of the reincarnation of a certain great existence, as many as tens of thousands of elemental creatures spawned in his realm. Although these elementary creatures have spirituality, they only have the first-level action instincts, like beasts, instinct The ground destroys all material incompatible with the realm.

Although these thunderfire dragon snakes have no wisdom, as a manifestation of a legendary dragon power, they have the terrifying destructive power that has reached the peak of the world.

This is the power of near gods that can survive in the void and easily destroy a country. It can also establish a regime that changes the topography of the continent and affects astronomical phenomena.

And such a power, under the control of an epic, when it broke out completely, its results far surpassed that of an ordinary pterosaur species for hours of killing.

And the field built by such an erupting legendary Weili just only maintained a short ten-plus interest time, and Muria took the initiative to lift it.

In the face of a group of enemies with a large and unknown number, but their power is far less than their own, to open a field with a radius of more than 10,000 meters and play with them, this is an idiot behavior with water in the head.

It is generally used in the field of cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers. In this case, it becomes the target of the enemy and gives the enemy a way to attack himself, so Muria takes it when he sees it.

And this time he broke out, clearing the area around him with a radius of 10,000 meters. In this area, except for the element and himself, there are no tiny creatures.

But in the next instant, diamond-shaped metal and silver-white jellyfish that were enough to make dense phobia mad, filled Muria's attack just now completely meaningless.

Such a result would be enough to drive him crazy if he replaced it with a transcendent and unwilling existence, because such an enemy might be weak. But there is no hope of victory, and it can only be consumed alive in the end.

"How much is that? I have broken so many special reactions?"

Muria whispered to himself, smashing a silvery-white winged snake dragon that had just rushed at him as soon as it took shape. Then, he looked up at the armed satellite that was still slowly landing, the bright golden awns flashed, and the slender demigod appeared.

The dragon with twinkling divine light shining between the scales spread its wings, and then the crisp and melodious dragon chanting sounded in the sky filled with silver and white metal structures.

Crackling ~

The dazzling golden thunder erupted between heaven and earth, and tens of thousands of thick thunders were connected to each other, forming a horrific thunder storm, and the violent thunder full of powerful destructive force would distort and destroy everything it touched.

Then the scorched black and twisted metal structure split by the thunder fell from the sky like a heavy rain, and the large satellite fortress in the sky has not yet been opened. Muriana was put into its attack range and was thundered by a thunder. When it breaks down, the core components are directly melted, dragging the flames, and falling from the sky ...

"Is this a weapon or a civilization in a special form?"

Hold up a shield, and ignore the other parts of the shield. Muria has attacked with hundreds of metal structures and looked at the metal parts in his hand.

It's been about half a month since I set foot on the boundary of the forbidden area by the advance fleet of Yuguang Civilization. For the past half month, Muria has been fighting, or looking for.

Because fighting is used to describe his experience in the past half a month, Muria feels that it is not appropriate. Although these silver-white metal components, their upper limit of attack has reached legendary standards, which can distort the terrain of a continent. Change the sky.

However, all such fortresses that can launch such attacks are huge fortress-level weapons. Only the fluctuations circulated during the preliminary preparation stage can make Muria aware of and destroy them in advance.

Even if they can be successfully fired, these destructive forces can be compared with the legendary attack, and they cannot complete the lock. They hit Muria, so this is not a fight in Muria's eyes.

After all, the strength of the party participating in the battle is too small, and only has the advantage of being large in number. He can only bring about huge losses by just doing it at will.

But the quantity is not the only advantage of silver and white. The strong adaptability is that in this half month, Muria has seen the smallest size, but the largest number of rhombus metal components into various forms and structures. , And attacked him with completely unrelated forms.

Among these forms, ~ www.readwn.com ~, there are various types of warships, fortresses, rail guns and other technological forms created by civilizations similar to the development of science and technology, and more biological forms similar to extraordinary creatures.

These have nothing to do with each other and are completely unstructured, so that Muria understands that he should now be facing a very aggressive race, or a weapon made by them.

After all, how did these diamond-shaped metal attack dynamics come from, Muria has already seen.

"Merger, merge, and copy."

This is the horror that is surrounded by these silver and white metals that can be combined and deformed with each other at any time, but such horrible metals also have a great flaw, that is, their upper limit of combat power, depends entirely on what they are fused with Creatures or weapons.

"It seems that these metals have not swallowed the legendary creatures, otherwise I should face a bunch of legendary sieges now? Until then, unless my deity takes the shot, otherwise I will not be able to retreat from the whole body."

Muria thought divergently, "If these metals get the blood of my deity, I don't know if I can reproduce a silver-white metal version of me?"

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