Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1250: Transformation Dragon

"Yes, His Majesty Muria didn't do anything, which means that these enemies have no existence worthy of His Majesty's shots. What am I worried about?" Hearing Naga's words, the giant of the storm revealed a sorrow, so his His eyes became firmer.

Although as a warrior, being called by the master to participate in the war, there should be no thoughts, just to fight the battle with all his heart, but the pursuit of victory is the instinct of the warrior.

At this time, it was confirmed that the outcome of this war had been determined. The Storm Giant immediately took a reassurance pill, and the momentum emanating from his body was even more three-pointed.

Her Majesty Muria has not yet shot, which can explain too many problems. No matter how large the number of enemies is, the number is a joke until it has the power to fight the epic.

"This is not war, this is the experience that Her Majesty used to sharpen us." The Storm Giants, who have spontaneously formed battles with their giant companions around, are somewhat enlightened.

Then he devoted himself to fighting the strange enemies in front of him, without any thoughts.


Muria stared at the vast battlefield in front of him, and the family members rushed out from the gap behind him that could already be called the space channel have reached the million level, and the enemy they face is in the unit of billions.

Although the numbers are not equal and the disparity is huge, the quality of the two sides is completely different. His family's weakest members also have gold-level strength.

And an ordinary gold class in the world already has a powerful force to destroy mountains and make rivers flow back, but such power is just barely able to become the lowest standard of epic formation.

Because the life body with gold-level strength has excavated its original physical strength to the extreme, it can adapt to most harsh environments and terrains, and even in the void, it can rely on the power of epic to distribute long battles. .

Therefore, the weakest power has a million family members with gold-level power. They are on the upper hand with the civilization of Aroz, and in the eyes of Muria, they keep the front line centered on what he stands for and continue to advance.

Although the overall battle was dominated by his family of legions, casualties continued to occur. After all, the creations produced by the Aroz civilization can launch legendary attacks.

For a legend, of course, such an attack can be easily avoided, and there is no worry at all, but for the gold level and the soul level, it is very embarrassing to face such an attack.

Whether or not they can survive is no longer dependent on their own strength, but on luck. If it is on the track of a legendary attack, unless there is a legend of his own who can free up his hand, otherwise it is basically a cool end.

Facing the casualties of his family members, Muria thought for a moment, but chose to shoot.

There will be casualties in ordinary exercises, so there will be death indicators. In a war, the death of a soldier is even more normal.

However, the situation facing Muria is different. Although this war he launched was called a war, its essence was an exercise for training purposes.

What's more, his power is not restricted by the existence of equivalence. He can use his epic power, which is enough to change the sky, and he can control the battlefield.

In this case, why did Muria cause damage to his family members? Each appearance of a gold class was accompanied by the consumption of a large amount of resources, which was his money.

There will also be death indicators in the drills because even the organizers have no way to control 100% of the situation. Because of those accidents that cannot be controlled, there will be indicators, but none of the organizers hope to use them.

But Muria is different. Under the epic spiritual power, everything on the battlefield is under his control. His power can reach every place covered by spiritual power. Then he can let things follow. His will develop.


The black dragon sprayed with frost, and the pure white dragon fell on the silver-white metal. Because of the extremely low temperature, the hard and tough metal turned into a fragile object in an instant, and in the next instant, The dragon's claws struck the metal strongly and forcefully, and the metal contaminated with frost turned into fragments and burst into the sky.

The fighting style is more inclined to the untrained black dragon, twisting his stiff neck, looking for the next prey.

Because he has undergone the transformation and has his own exoskeleton armor cultivated from his own bloodline, the fighting method of the Black Dragon is even wilder, because it can maximize his advantage.

Of course, this method is excluded in the dragon army of Muria's Majesty, considered to be foolish and barbaric, after all, it is an elite dragon who has received compulsory education for 120 years in the Dragon family. .

When fighting, they spit out their breath like the savage dragons, relying on melee combat, it is simply ruining their reputation as civilized dragons.

The dragon of the new era should fight with a more elegant posture, relying on the dragon's natural strong spiritual power and strong mana, washing the ground with spells, calm and calm, and being better than thousands of miles away, this is the orthodox battle today. the way.

As for spitting dragon breath, melee combat or whatever, it should be the last resort of fighting after exhaustion of spirit and exhaustion of mana, how can it be the normal state.

But among the dragon legions under Muria, there is such a strange branch of dragons with fresh and refined thinking and muscles in their brains.

They used alchemy to create their own exoskeleton armor with growth potential, further enhancing their melee combat capabilities, and then graduated to transform themselves, no longer confined to the natural dragon body, desperately transforming themselves.

Dragons that can breathe a variety of dragons are already conservative in this strange-thinking dragon. The true radicals are no longer tied to the normal form of the dragon. In their eyes, the form of the dragon is still not perfect when fighting.

Therefore, a multi-headed dragon species with reference to a multi-headed creature such as the nine-headed dragon was born due to the transformation of the body. And this is just one of them, and there are wings and tails.

Of course, the transformation of radicals in this type of dragon is still subject to restrictions, that is, their followers, the aesthetic view of Her Majesty Muria.

That's right, just to take into account Muria's aesthetics, so this particular faction did not toss out a wonderful transformation dragon with full eyes or tentacles.

Therefore, the dragons of the biotransformation school may be more aggressive in appearance, but they are definitely not ugly and do not give people a disgusting feeling. Majesty, sternness, domineering or something, that is necessary, and there are no restrictions in these areas.

Therefore, in addition to the physical constraints, other aspects, these dragons are really nothing to worry about.

So, just to strengthen the physique, with the exoskeleton armor, the conservative black dragon with all the dragon's breath, while searching for prey, he saw a nine-headed dragon with six wings flapping on it, and a scale of glittering gold. It was arrogant among the silver and white fleets.

"Sao package!"

Seeing that the dragon of the same faction was killing the Quartet, and the arrogant posture of the battleship, it looked normal, but murmured the black dragon stronger than the similar dragon.

Such a special gesture is from the same faction, how can he not know the details of the other party.

The gold scales on the goods were all exoskeleton armor changes, it was not the color of the original scales at all, this was a green, a green dragon dissatisfied with its appearance.

Then, after entering the Dragon Academy and contacting the dragon body reforming faction, the green dragon was gone forever on the road of transformation, and even became one of the most radical dragons.

"This kind of ghost, even if he has survived Gulong, there will never be a mother dragon to see him."

The black dragon murmured and murmured, of course he knew it was impossible. Such a powerful dragon, which is favored by various female dragons, would not be rejected because of its appearance.

You need to know that the Dragons are the least valued species. They don't even care about their races, so how can they care about appearances. There are not a few powerful dragons who have swept across the swamp nine-headed dragon, because one who uses alchemy technology to give himself a few more heads will not let them reject it at all.


The crimson beam full of devastation suddenly radiated from a distance. Everything that came in contact with it was melted, and the goal was the nine dragons that were eating while eating.

The consciousness of the colony boarding in Vinda saw the creatures that could use the special metals they made as biscuit crickets, and it felt crazy, they thought that the existence of such creatures was incredible in itself ~ www.readwn.com ~ full of various Irrational.

However, other dragons felt that there was nothing wrong with the behavior of the nine-headed dragon, although few dragons would emulate the behavior of the nine-headed dragon, except for the radicals who transformed the dragon body.

He has transformed his appearance into a dragon that is about to break away from the dragon, and his internal estimate is that he is about to leave the scope of ordinary dragons. Such monsters will definitely not have problems such as indigestion.

Roar! Roar! Roar……

And the nine-headed dragon who was happily taking the battleship as a ham and spotted the attack against it, and the extraordinary organs used for detection in the body were madly alert, disappearing from the heart very much, avoiding this straight and straight uprightness attack.

Then, when Jiutoulong didn't think it necessary to pay attention to this attack, this crimson beam that emitted the legendary wave suddenly made a turn after touching the special device suddenly formed by the rhombic metal. Enveloping all his body, the screaming dragon roar suddenly sounded.

"What the **** is this?" The sudden turning attack scared the black dragon next to him. Then, he immediately reacted and flew towards the dragon of the same faction's predecessor.

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