Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1253: Unstoppable pollution spread

"What's the use of procrastination? Pray that the evil **** will disappear after he has consumed enough flesh and soul?"

Mordo asked blandly, but the old man who communicated with the knight could feel the anger in the heart of the determined willer.

"This is our only hope now. After all, poverty is always a problem, but evil gods do not always exist in our world because of poverty.

Although his appearance is irregular, after each raging, it will cease for a period of time. This shows that the needs of evil gods are also limited. "

"Oh, elder, what are we like to evil gods like this? Crops or hogs that can be harvested at any time?"

"Mado, I know, and I can understand the anger in your heart, but what can we do? The monsters we have born to deal with the pollution of the evil gods are exhausted and confront the evil gods directly. We simply do not have this ability.

"..." The man sitting cross-legged on the stone bed was silent. Although he was angry with the elder's idea of ​​obedience, he could understand the difficulty of the other person.

"Elder, did the temple investigate the cause of the awakening of the evil **** that was only recorded in the book this time?"

"There is no verifiable cause. You know, every time an evil **** appears, there is no trace. Every time an infected person is born that is contaminated by the evil god, it means that we are late, and the evil **** was laid out earlier. Now. "

"We don't even know when the evil **** appeared? What would cause him to wake up?"

Modo has made no secret of his disappointment, which indicates that the evil gods are too strong or that these people are too weak.

"Ah, although there is no conclusive explanation, we still have a high probability."


"Do you remember the space door that suddenly appeared, then flew out some unknown metal artifacts, and then disappeared in a short time?"

"Of course, I remember this." Modo's eyes were frozen, and such news was completely blocked for the public, which was naturally an open secret for his hunter hunting around the world.

"Many people in the temple believe that this space gate has led to the revival of the evil gods."

"... The reason is that even if it is a guess, it must be based on some reason."

"Some of us think that behind that portal is connected to another world that has nothing to do with us, and the emergence of this world is connected to our world to wake up the evil gods who are sleeping."

"Is it a different world?" Modo nodded without refuting. Although such a reason can be called a brain opening, it is not impossible.

"Do you have any questions now? If yes, raise them early."

"As early as possible, arrange a batch of exorcism oil to be sent here. Although it is impossible to isolate the evil **** from pollution, at least it can be delayed as much as possible." Modo asked.

"Already in production, I will arrange for people to send to you as soon as possible, and then I will arrange for officials to receive. You remember to always pay attention to the situation in the slums. Those who are most likely to be deceived by evil gods and become monsters are those with unstable lives The poor. "

"I know, my knife is already ready." The man turned his head slightly, looking at a huge metal box that could almost shoulder him.


"Nico, do you think our city is getting weird?"

On a busy, busy and busy river, a docker unloading cargo looked around to a healthy young man.

"Strange? Do you mean that those hunting adults who are rarely seen now frequently appear?"

The questioned youth heard the elderly uncle's words and smiled indifferently, "Maybe there are some wanted criminals who kill and don't blink and come to us! Otherwise, the hyenas who are noble people will not show up. . "

"Don't make a joke, the changes in our current city can't be explained by the wandering wanted man." The worker who was heavier than his body with a wooden board recalled the changes in the slums these days, with eyes in his eyes Fear of the unknown.

"Uncle, don't think so much. No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with us. It is too easy for those noble masters to block the news from us. He doesn't want us to know, we will never know. "

"Yes, too." The middle-aged and old man with a heavy sigh sighed, but the uneasiness in his heart grew frantically.

He knew the status of these people in the eyes of city managers, a group of consumables that can be replaced at any time, but now these nobles are willing to send patrol officers for them, and even distribute those that are considered extravagant. Material, this is very abnormal.

There are more than one docker in doubt, but even if there is a lot of panic in their hearts, they can only suppress the uneasiness in their hearts and continue to follow the track of the past. This is the only thing they can do.

The sun has not completely fallen from the horizon, but the patrol officers at the dock have begun to expel the dock workers, forbidding them to continue carrying goods.

In the process, even if some businessmen were waving their banknotes and wanted to bribe the patrol officer, they were extremely rudely rejected. Some businessmen who wanted to make a noise were even put on sticks and then dragged away.

"It won't let us do it before it's dark, really, how much less copper do you make?"

The dock workers who were forced to go home looked at the fairly bright sky in front of them, and some muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Talk nonsense, be careful." Someone whispered, and then the complaint disappeared.

The returning workers did not return to their dilapidated houses in twos and threes. They entered the huge shanty houses, which were quite prominent in the slums.

Their family has been here by the city's management for a long time, and these huge shacks that have been temporarily transformed are their new homes.

The poor people living in the environment will not complain about it anyway, anyway, they will not be worse than their original living environment, now it is very good.

Night fell, and the city was covered by darkness. The main area of ​​the city was always lit with lights, even brighter than before, and the slums that had fallen into the dark were spontaneously lit with lights. This faint light came from the emergency reconstruction Huge shack.


With a strong body, Modo, who is incompatible with the surrounding personalities, stood in a shack and looked at Datongpu with hundreds of people sleeping together.

On the roof of this shack, a small palm-sized lamp hangs, blooming very faint, but it is particularly conspicuous in the darkness.

Although this kind of light seems faint, it is extremely precious in this poor and backward slum. At night, the poor people who were illuminated by the weak light were somewhat flattered at first, but they are gradually getting used to it these days.

There are also people who feel uncomfortable sleeping under such light, but anyone who tries to extinguish the flames will be scolded or even beaten by patrol officers stationed in the shanty.

It must be lit in the dark.

The order given by the nobles in the city was therefore known to the poor, but they could not understand the information contained in the execution of such a thorough order.

"How dare you, those guys?"

The precious oil lamp in the eyes of the poor, and even the poor who were grateful to the nobles in the city for this reason, did not know that a hunter who could hunt monsters had angered humans for this.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't know that you are not allowed to wander in the dark area after night?"

The strong Modo had attracted the attention of the patrolmen when he appeared, and when he was about to leave, he immediately scolded him.


The strong man who turned back because of the sound of scolding scared everyone who saw it. Under the dim light, a flame was burning in the man's eyes.

Fortunately for everyone, the man didn't stop there, but disappeared into the darkness.

"He ... what monster is he?"

"He is not a monster, he should be the legendary exorcist hunter, he is protecting us."


"What the **** is going on? Is the temple's supplies so scarce?" Mordor suppressed the anger in his heart and questioned the elder.

"what happened?"

"In my city, hundreds of people share an exorcism lamp. How could this be useful?"

"Is it the poor?" The old voice asked helplessly.

"of course."

"Seeing that the exorcism materials we distributed were also intercepted by the aristocracy in your city, but the situation is good. At least the poor in your city have exorcism lamps."

"Also? Why? The exorcism materials you assigned were intercepted in other cities?"

"Yeah ~ www.readwn.com ~ Some cities can't even do it with hundreds of people sharing an exorcism lamp."

"You transported too few supplies, so they were intercepted?"

"How can it be less? You are not unaware of the manufacturing process of exorcism oil. We can manufacture it in tons or even ship it to those cities. It can guarantee that everyone can use it for seven days.

The same is true of your city. The fuel we sent in the past is calculated based on the daily food consumed in the city. Absolutely enough. If it is allocated, not everyone, basically every family can get an exorcism lamp. "

"What are those aristocratic brains carrying? What use is it to retain the oil? Do you think there is enough oil to prevent the outbreak of evil **** pollution from affecting them?"

Men who dared to fight with demons and rock-solid-minded men were shaking with anger at this time.

"Who knows what's in their heads? We've told them all the pros and cons, but they still do."

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