Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1255: The city shrouded in darkness

"Your Majesty, how can we find this god, can we just wait for it?" Asked Auston extremely reluctantly, and he could feel from Muria's tone that this epic titan resolved this The grasp of the gods in a different world can be regarded as infallible.

In this case, it is also possible to launch him in a similar way. But the only problem is that this evil **** can hide too much. He can't find his deity and the kingdom of God at all.

"I can only wait. In my induction, this realm is full of the power of this god. There is no way to confirm where his kingdom is." Muria looked at everything around him, especially those who were completely An ignorant human who does not know that he has been reduced to an energy donor for God's restoration.

"Only until the power of this God is restored to a certain degree, and when His own body begins to make waves, can we grasp His tail, and then kill Him in his favour."

"Your Majesty, will we waste time in vain, will this **** be persuaded because he is aware of your existence? He hasn't been seen all the time?" Asked Auston with some concern.

In this way, by drawing on negative emotional energy, the **** that can exist can really consume it if he closes the kingdom of the kingdom for tens of thousands of years, but such a time is fundamental to this evil spirit. It's nothing.

"Impossible, rest assured. He should be aware of the existence of both of us, but all he senses is the strength of your repression, and the strength of my reincarnation, until the **** feels that his strength is restored to be able to When they deal with us, they will definitely jump out. "

"Why are you so confirmed?"

"Because I find that the negative emotions he draws are mixed with arrogance and anger. He can now endure because of lack of strength, but wait for him to surpass us with strength, hehe."

"I see, hehe."


"Can the fear that breeds after life is threatened make them understand how serious things are and then make an informed decision?"

When Modo stood on a high tower overlooking the city, the city, including the largest slum, was also brightly lit.

It can be seen that on the walls on each side of each road, a wall lamp emitting soft light is hung every 100 meters. In the sky, a huge oil lamp with a steam airship is constantly cruising.

"Unfortunately, these wise decisions were made too late. If it were earlier, the situation would not be so bad, but now the evil **** pollution has appeared."

An old man in a gray robe holding a dead wood staff in one hand and slowly holding a crystal ball in the other hand appeared slowly. In the crystal ball in his hand, there is a miniature city exactly the same below, and in this miniature city, the unsightly and distorted smudges spreading in a spider web spread slowly and firmly.

"Is there really nothing I can do? Elder!" Moto asked uneasily.

"There is no way. The power of the evil **** is much higher than ours. What we can do is to suppress at most. It is simply a foolish dream to get rid of it unless we have an equivalent existence on our side."

"..." The hunter was silent. In the silence, he opened the metal box that he had always carried with him, and then pulled out a murderer with a strong **** smell.

"Don't be too nervous. Although the pollution has already appeared, the exorcism lamp is still working, maybe it won't be tonight ..."


The old man's words were not finished. An inhuman roar sounded brightly, but there was still darkness in the city. With this roar, the exorcism lamp on a street swayed twice and then went out.

As the flames extinguished, the cold breath appeared, and then this breath began to spread wildly. Wherever it went, the oil lamp with a weak exorcism effect was extinguished in a large area like a domino that was pushed down.

The sudden darkness, and the roar of unknown monsters in the darkness, have already noticed that the city they live in is shivering, and the fear is breeding, and then the monster's roar becomes more dense. Already.

When many residents felt fear and provided strength for a weak existence, a thunderous sound like a clear sky and thunder rang over the city that started to panic, and all the restlessness was suppressed in an instant.

And with a red mountain that illuminated the whole city in an instant, the deafening explosion and the deafening roar followed, and the monster's roar completely ended.

With the re-lighting of exorcism lights, the night that became full of crisis seemed to be calm. However, how could the power of the evil **** stop there? The gods who obtain great power from the negative emotions of the creatures are best at playing with people's hearts.

When the residents of the city thought that the night would pass like this, the exorcism lamp took the street as the unit, and began to extinguish the blockbuster. The thicker, darker fingers disappeared.

As a result, Chimang reappeared, but this time it seemed to bring hope to the city, instead of terminating the monster's roar, instead, more and more monster roars sounded, which is a foretaste of some kind Bad start.

The shimmering red horns became weaker and weaker ~ www.readwn.com ~ The roar of monsters with cheers completely took the upper hand. Then, one after another explosions and roars rang, and residents saw a steam airship with a huge fire oil lamp falling from the sky, causing a larger explosion, but strangely no fire occurred.

It seems that it can bring a bright flame, which is not allowed at all. Once it appears, it is the end to be devoured by darkness.

And after this disturbing explosion lasted for a while, the city was shrouded in darkness again, and the city, which was no longer half bright, fell into a weird silence.

Of course, in this silence, some people can hear something climbing on their roof, and some people feel that something is wandering outside the house, because from time to time, they can hear the harsh sound of scratching the glass.


"We were wrong. We have far underestimated the power of the evil god. Now that it is just the beginning, we have failed. No one can stop the pollution of the evil god. The world will be reduced to a plaything in the palm of the evil god."

"I don't believe that there is no way to check and balance the power of the evil god. If the evil **** is really invincible, why would he fall silent in the past years?"

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