Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1261: Might of Arms


Faced with Muria's question, he ended up personally, and consciously hummed to the evil **** who lost his face, and did not respond. If it was not for His Majesty's legion, he would not have done such a bargain. thing.

But now is not the time to take care of his face. If he really sits by watching the giant's army swept through his kingdom of God, then he can be ready to enter sleep again.

Therefore, the evil gods who are unwilling to face the darkness of eternity again and do not know when they can wake up again have sent their true bodies, and all the accumulated divine power has poured into the body of the gods.

Then, under the gaze of Muria with the angered flaming gold pupil, a giant without a face appeared, his body was haunted by pale divine power, and the realm of divine level of fear also appeared along with it, blessing in the kingdom of God It became even more scary.

However, under the protection of Muria's power, his army was not affected in the slightest, and neither physical nor mental state was disturbed by the field of fear.

However, at this time in the kingdom of God, the monsters that were constantly summoned by the evil gods were directly blessed by the power of the field of fear, and directly gained a number of abilities, not to mention, but also stronger power, but these are only temporary Yes, but enough that they barely blocked the offensive of the Giant Legion.

"Finally appeared, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Muria, who was in a bad mood because of her giant legion's huge war damage, opened her mouth, and the halberd in her hand pointed to this faceless god.

"By manipulating the fear of souls and deities who draw strength from them, will you fight?"

"I won't let you down, heresy!"

The questioned evil **** grunted coldly. A pale boned spear with two sharp ends appeared in the pale palms of some animal claws rather than human hands, and dark power flowed through it.

"Then we will start."

Wanjun Thunder fell from the sky, and as Titan waved his war halberd, he blasted at the evil **** together. For a moment, it seemed that the kingdom of the evil **** was rejecting him.

But in the next instant, Wanjun Thunder annihilated in the air, it seems to be launching the existence of these Thunders, announcing who is the true master of this **** fruit, but with a seemingly slender arm, he raised a special weapon in his hand to block the town's halberd. The evil **** was not happy about it.

Because the appearance of these thunders was not the deliberate intention of the giant opposite him, but that he naturally descended from the sky when he waved his halberd. This shows that his kingdom of God has been eroded to a very serious level by the presence of the opposite.

"Not bad, but not enough."

Just holding the halberd alone, Muria, who was forced to fight by the evil **** with both hands, showed a scornful smile. In terms of pure power, the Titan he possessed really exploded the opposite god.

However, this is not enough. In the battle of epic gods, there is no way to determine victory or defeat. The rule is the key. Who can crush the opponent's body with his own rules and let them fall into sleep forever?

In this regard, Muria is also true. In terms of laws, the gods are basically partial students. The laws that they can master are determined by their priesthood, and they have almost no right to choose.

The epics are basically hexagons, without any shortcomings, so no matter what kind of enemy they fight, there will not be too obvious weaknesses, even if they fall into the downwind, they cannot be defeated quickly.

boom! !! !!

The golden flame appeared at the intersection of the two-handled artifacts, and then exploded. The flame rapidly expanded, forming a golden dazzling fireball, and the bursting flame impact ring spread.

And in the center of the flame, everything was annihilated by the sudden fireball, and even the bone spear in the hand of the **** appeared damaged, with ugly black burn marks.

"The power of the sun!"

The limbs are slender, and the body looks quite thin. The evil **** with a diamond-shaped pit and a grain on his body lifted his weapon and looked away. No emotion was seen on the faceless skull, but he became more careful.

"A whim, imitating the sun exploding, don't care."

Already backing away, Muria, who stretched a distance, stretched out her right hand, and the day-to-day spear that had turned into a golden thunder beam appeared, and then the next time, the day-to-day spear was thrown out.

The spear with the power of the law of must have broken through the body of the evil **** without giving the evil **** a chance to escape, but it seems that because the evil **** saw the characteristics of the daily spear, he was only penetrated by the abdomen. Will affect His battle.


The evil **** who has sent a hard shot is going to use his body to suppress the enemy's weapons. If he can repel the opposite guy, maybe it won't be long before he can harvest a weapon with good attributes.

But what made him feel wrong was that the giant opposite took out another weapon and then chopped it at him ... In the time that Muria didn't know how long it had passed, he had used all his weapons on the evil **** Cool aside, extremely happy physically and mentally.

"Okay, enough fun, it's over."

Muria looked a little embarrassed, and there were many broken shrines on his body, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Asked the true God, whose body had been eroded by the law, and was unable to repair it.

"Don't understand? I'm serious now." Muria looked solemnly.

"You just playing?"

"Otherwise? Thought you old, weak, sick and sick can compete with me? What a joke, you look down on people too much." Muria frowned, saying with extreme dissatisfaction.

"Miscellaneous account." The divine spirit was angry, the divine power boiled, and the earth shook the sky to completely darken. He cannot bear this shame.

"I'm optimistic. I have a move called the Power of the Army. For the first time, I don't know how powerful it is. You can support as many moves as possible. I can adjust this."

Around Muria, the strength of the heads and souls of the relatives above the soul level, there are bright stars shining, the next moment, these rays left a bright star mark in the air, all gathered in Mu Rhea.


"Your Majesty, has this evil **** fallen?"

Among the kingdoms of the corpse, the ancient red dragon Renata flew to Muria, looked up at the towering Titan in front of her, and asked respectfully.

"It can only be said that He has temporarily lost his ability to move, but it is difficult for God to fall completely." Hearing the question of this little mother dragon, Muria responded slightly mildly ~ www.readwn.com ~ In theory, After the successful seal of God, the seal of the true name of the deity is engraved in the origin of the world. Even if the kingdom of God is broken, the body is destroyed, the church is destroyed, but as long as there is a **** name and believers exist, then the **** has The opportunity to resurrect the return at any time.

Of course, the probability of this resurrection of the fallen **** due to external forces can be said to be very low, but this possibility may always exist. I want to crush the coffin of the **** to completely eliminate his hope of resurrection and not expose him. The opportunity that arises from the coffin can be said to be difficult.

The first is the most straightforward point. It directly destroys the world where the gods are sealed. The place where the true spirit is entrusted is destroyed. Then the gods will never be resurrected. But even the medium-sized world is destroyed. possible.

The second thing is that the gods themselves die, provoke the will of the world, and then directly wipe out all the marks related to it by the world. For example, the unknown **** of Erassia who beheaded and killed a Emperor Turtle, but there are too few such idiots.

Of course, there is another most effective method. After the deities fall, his priesthood will be vacated. As long as there is a priest in charge to control the god, then the probability of the resurrection of the fallen **** is almost close. At zero. Even if you are lucky, the resurrection is just a weak chicken **** without real power.

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