Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1263: Come and help me

"This is over?" The dragon man wearing red-red heavy armor saw the fortress smashed by insects, and the humanoid features covered with fine scales were a bit stiff, because the form of such a war had already exceeded its cognition.

what is this? I do n’t know fatigue, I ’m not afraid, I always move forward, I only know killing. This is the characteristic of the offensive side, but after having enough power and an endless amount, what else can they not attack in this world?

"No, it's not over yet!"

Even after seeing such a shocking war, the Dragon King still showed a calm and calm attitude, and his attitude re-settled the dragon people who were somewhat flustered by the endless wave of insects.

"Take a closer look, this is the enemy we are about to face."

Among the lights and shadows, the fortress had already broken through, killing all the insects living in the fortress, and proceeded to hunt down the army that escaped from the fortress.

But all of a sudden, the wave of insects almost covering all the ground on the earth suddenly stopped, and it seemed that at the same time, someone had been ordered to exist.

These worms then showed a dreadful coordinated organization and discipline, as well as the cold blood that made all intelligent creatures feel dreadful.

From the high perspective of light and shadow, we can see that in the fortress occupied by the insects, there are several extremely special insects. After they appear, they slowly creep and deform, and their bottoms penetrate deeply. Underground, while the dew on the ground, has changed into an extremely weird building.

Then, with these buildings as the center, a layer of moist fungus blankets that looked very disgusting began to grow rapidly. Then, these spider-like bugs dragged all the corpses in the fortress into the fungus blankets around the special buildings just formed .

Not long after, all the corpses were on these bacterial blankets, and they slowly began to ablate or be eaten. Then, those strange buildings began to shiver, and then new insects emerged from the flesh and blood cavity of the buildings.

"what is this?"

Even the cold-blooded dragon man, after seeing a fortress city belonging to human beings in a very short time, became a strange city full of all kinds of strange flesh-and-blood buildings, could not remain calm.

It is not because humans are sympathetic to them, but because of the power shown by these bugs. The efficiency of these bugs is too high, which is simply abnormal.

"See clearly? Your enemies, not only have a high degree of discipline and obedience, but they do not have any fear.

And the most terrifying thing is that they never have to worry about battle damage. The corpses and trees of any living things can be digested, dissolved and absorbed by them, and then create new fighting insects. "

Timothy was amazed. He was astonished at the race that seemed to have been born for war, and was equally interested.

Because from the action of those bugs, it is clear that they do not have independent self-awareness, or even no wisdom at all, only instincts for killing.

And this undoubtedly represents this special race, and also has a higher level of controller, they are hidden behind these bugs and control the boundless insect tide to plunder everything.

And as an epic, he has the power to crush the entire ethnic group, which also means that he has the opportunity to dominate this ethnic group and to control the people behind it.

"If this thing can be received, I won't have to worry about the affairs of the dependents in the future." Timothy thought silently, and then grew more and more happy.

Although this worm wave looks very scary to ordinary creatures, but for his existence, it is simply funny. Just relying on the strength of his reincarnation body, it is enough to crush this group.


"Your Majesty, haven't you just confirmed that the evil **** has fallen? Why should you search again?"

The red dragon Allston, who was dead-faced and followed Muria's side, followed Muria's land and asked curiously.

"That was for him, to make him mistakenly think that I had relaxed my vigilance." Muria said softly, already long enough to control his emotions, how could there be such a low-end that despise the enemy because of arrogance. operating.

"The **** has not fallen yet? You have shattered his kingdom. Even if he has not fallen, there should be no way to harm you in a short time, right?"

Auston was a little surprised, the kingdom of God is gone, this deity can still live?

"The probability has fallen." Muria glanced at the red dragon. "But he has been resurrected once. Who stipulates that he cannot resurrect it a second time?"

Moreover, the priesthood under his control has a great probability that it is related to fear, and the gods who rely on the negative emotions of souls to gain strength. How difficult is this type of god? Think about it with your mind.

The realms of this great world have begun to communicate with each other. For this deity, this is an unprecedented opportunity, and he can also use it to quickly transform. "

"So, what shall we do?" Auston asked aggressively, and now he realized the seriousness of the matter, as well as how stubborn existence God is.

"Find his coffin and crucify him."

"Where can I find this?" Auston felt a little bit painful, which was beyond his cognitive field, no believers, no church, and the kingdom of God was destroyed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Where to find the coffin .

"Well, who knows, just follow it. If you can't find it, let's go to the next realm and see if the **** there meets my requirements." Muria said indifferently.

"Eh!" After hearing such casual words, Auston was stunned for a while, but immediately he was shocked by a sudden legend.


The ancient dragon in scale armor looked at the slowly appearing dragon-shaped ghost image in front of him, it was not any kind of dragon in his cognition, but at the moment of appearance, he knew that the opponent was definitely a dragon.

"Ah, Muria, I actually contacted you, and it looks like you came in."

Breaking through many space obstacles The Dragon King consciousness who appeared in this realm looked at the young man with dark hair and golden eyes, and was not surprised. After his grandson heard the news, it was a strange thing not to come in.

"Grandfather?" Muria raised her eyebrows. Although she didn't know the dragon in front of her, Muria had already seen the essence.

"Well, it's me, stop talking nonsense, come and help me!"

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