Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1280: Wild output

What did you do to my daughter? "

The Zerg Queen's Dream Palace angrily asked Muria that her daughter's change was too unusual. As a mother, she knew everything about her daughter. Under normal circumstances, her daughter would never change into such a posture, so The source of all problems must be these void dominations, and they are distorting the character of their daughters.

"Don't ask me this, I don't know."

Muria responded with a smile, and then slashed the fighting Zerg who rushed to himself into two. The powerful evil spirit instantly wiped out the Zerg's strong vitality without the support of vitality. This head was specially made for Muria. The fighting Zerg suddenly lost their ability to heal and turned into a corpse.

"By the way, are you delaying time?" Muria asked curiously. "Are your reinforcements coming up? How long? How much? How strong?"

After hearing Muria's inquiry, the Zerg Queen did not squeak at all to respond. Instead, she created a defensive fighting Zerg. Who will answer this kind of question? When is she a fool? This is her lifeline.

"It doesn't matter if you don't answer, you pray that your reinforcements will arrive before I tear up your worm nest. Otherwise, you can see more of what your daughter is doing, or you may have the opportunity to learn from her."

Muria doesn't care if the Zerg Queen will have reinforcements. Not to mention that there are two Dragon Kings behind him to help him out, the Ten Lords have not yet shot. With this old ancestor, what is he afraid of, not to mention his side, far more than one Shiyu master.


"Well, Her Majesty, haven't your reinforcements arrived yet? If you don't, you will end up like your daughter. Although it may take a lot of effort to make you as good as your daughter, , But you know, time is the most important thing for us. "

Freehanded and ridiculous, with this voice, along with this sound, a razor swell that swelled to 10,000 meters in the void and chopped down on the Zerg planet, and then, the extremely nutritious insect liquid was in the void Gushing, then a piece of biological tissue comparable to a small piece of land fell off the planet.

That huge piece of meat that was cut off from the Zerg planet. It's not uncommon around, it can be called a lot, and at the cost of this, the Zerg planet is chopped into an irregular ellipse full of potholes.

Muria can feel the clearer breath of the Zerg Queen, but even if he was cut to such an extent, the Queen did not mean to come out of the nest.

"You've been fighting with me for so long, don't you plan to come out and meet me? Don't you think this is a very rude behavior?" Muria waved his knife to the Zerg planet and took the initiative. Communicate with the Zerg Queen.

However, the Zerg Queen did not care about Muria at all, she controlled her worm nest, mobilized all available resources, and created various fighting Zerg, hardly attacking Muria's family members.

It is a pity that she does not have the epic battle force Zerg to contain Muria, so no matter how hard she tries, she cannot keep her own stalemate. In the face of epic power, all the strategies and calculations are just a joke.

In the face of the increasingly silent Zerg Queen, Muria didn't care, and continued to talk and tease her while chopping her worm nest with a nine-armed weapon.

An epic that was beaten but not beaten is hard to find. It makes sense that, similar to an epic like the Zerg Queen, who is not good at fighting, it may only be their race to find the void.

Alas, of course, it can't be concluded too early. Maybe only the Zerg empress and his daughter are fighting the five dregs. Other Zerg empresses can fight especially.

Defining a group just by looking at one or two beings is undoubtedly a very narrow stupid approach.

It is impossible to have two identical leaves on the same tree, and naturally there will not be exactly the same creatures in a group, and there must be differences between individuals, and this is the basis for the prosperity of all things.

Therefore, the behavior of individual creatures in a group is used to define the entire group. Such people are either stupid or bad, or both.

"The main combat power is completely dependent on the epic of foreign objects. To be honest, after traveling through the void, I would never have thought of such a presence. This time, I really have great insight."

Ten thousand miles away from the epic battlefield, because in a classical garden incompatible with the surrounding environment, two dragon kings transformed into human form are sitting in the gazebo, drinking tea poured by a juvenile Zerg empress, while admiring the battle , Seems extremely comfortable and calm.

"It's really amazing, but I don't know if this Zerg Queen is so wasteful, or the whole ethnic group." Jin Longniang smiled, she was in a very good mood now, because she used this to tame the stubborn little Queen who had previously refused to yield .

"It should be impossible for the entire ethnic group. In this case, the empress itself becomes the biggest weakness. Only to this extent, it is impossible for them to develop."

Timothy groaned for a moment and shook his head. He did not believe that there would be a group with such obvious shortcomings. In this case, this group was killed before it developed. How could it multiply to this day, what do you think the void is?

Here, even the legend is only barely qualified to live in it. If you are unlucky, you will encounter the void **** who destroyed the world, plundered all things, and encountered a weak existence. These monsters will not be polite to you.

"That is to say we are encountering a puppet, well, it makes sense."

"My mother is not weak." After hearing the comments of the two masters on her mother, the little queen murmured in a whispered voice, but she said these words in a battle in which the victory in the distant void was obvious. It seemed unconvincing and even ridiculous.

"Oh," Timothy smiled. It was also a good thing that someone touted his opponent who was defeated, so that he could look better. By the same token, depreciating your opponent is also demeaning.

"Any big guy is here."

Observing the battlefield, and from time to time teasing her new little maid, Jin Longniu suddenly raised her eyebrows, her playful and irreverent expressions all converged and became a little serious, and this change, the little queen looking aside The heart beats, and his face can't help showing the color of Greek wings.



The crisp metal vibrato emitted by the powerful weapon when it cut to a hard object sounded in the void. Accompanying this sound, the visible ripples of the sound spread.

However, this spreading ripple did not hurt any creatures, because at this time, they can still stay on the battlefield. None of the weaker generations are visionary guys. They are basically away from the strongest existence on the battlefield. Far away.

At this time, the leader of this war also prevailed. Seeing the palm of his hand holding out his sword from the worm nest, he couldn't help but feel a little dumb,

"Isn't it quite good for you to fight? Why hasn't it been shrunk inside? You have to let me chop your worm's nest before I come out."


The owner of the Worm Nest roared, and the palm of his hand trembled. A majestic force passed along the sword to Muria, pushing his body directly away for a distance.

"This power is not bad!"

Muria, who has experienced the power of the Zerg Queen, smashed her mouth, her eyes began to bloom with golden light, which made him a little interested.

So, while watching Muria's waiting, he saw a bumpy body, a curvy existence emerged from the broken worm nest, her body was filled with strong blood, enough to be promoted at this time. Muria is on a par, her eyes are shining like a bright morning star.

What made Muria's concern even more was that this existing body had a set of black gold armor that perfectly matched her figure. With Muria's eyesight, it can be seen that the armor on the queen is already the same as him ~ www.readwn.com ~ fully integrated into herself, it is a part of the body, not a foreign object.

"Hahaha, you should have come out."

Muria took out the halberd, then rushed to the Empress of the Dream Palace with a big laugh, and then slashed at her head mercilessly, and then unexpectedly, the Empress just raised her arm, relying on strength His physique and her exaggerated defense lifted his slash.

铮 ~

Hum ~


The performance of the Empress of the Dream Palace further stimulated Muria and made him excited. An exclusive weapon appeared around him, and then a faint phantom appeared, which was an avatar that was no different from his own.

At one instant, the Empress of the Dream Palace who came out and fought hard, thought that she was fighting the nine masters at the same time. In fact, it was also good in a sense, because the extreme fighting power of Muria broke out.

As a result, a black-golden shadow fell from the void and smashed onto the broken worm nest, without giving her a chance to respond to the reorganization. Muria, whose avatar was completely collapsed, fell to the Zerg Queen.


It was another roar, and Muria stepped on the Empress of the Dream Palace, and started a melee fight with him. Then, Muria was somewhat surprised to find that the Empress was nothing more than a manifestation. She had no sense of fighting that matched her power. Therefore, under the wild output of Muria, the Empress became more and more embarrassed and completely recruited. Can't stand it.

The embarrassing scene that was hanged in this way did not end until a torn spear appeared.

Muria disappeared to the Empress immediately after the spear suddenly appeared, but this spear was like a bone-bound puppet, and she pursued it very much ...

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