Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1284: Hit her a few swords

How much does it take to build a world? This is something that only the master of the world knows, and it is the kind of master who has controlled the world for hundreds of thousands of years.

But one thing is clear. Even the weakest world, the rule of construction exceeds five digits. This is an extremely scary quantity. It is the power of the world to achieve the immortality of the gods. Quantity.

But this is what every epic who wants to be promoted to the second level must face. As the name suggests, every epic must perfect the half-plane that he controls to the level of the world, so as to be promoted to the first level. Second Realm.

This process, no matter which epic, can not be completed independently, you must constantly enlighten and witness the operation of the laws of one or more worlds, and then build your own world's law order.

This process is called quasi-boundary, and it is also an extremely long process. Because the epic must be in control, at least it is necessary to learn these rules that can build the world. This is an inevitable process. Even if it is speculative in the process, it must eventually go through this path honestly.

The pseudo-realm is the most special realm of epic realm. Because the upper and lower limits of this realm can draw a terrible gap.

After all, although the big world and the small world are both worlds, they cannot be compared at all. They are not worlds at the same level at all. They cannot be compared at all.

If there is an epic trying to create a big world and persevering, then his combat power will reach an extremely exaggerated level, even if he encounters the existence of the eternal realm, there is no need to bow his head.

However, such heterogeneity only exists in theory, because it is smarter to continue to promote after creating a sufficiently prosperous and vast world.

The matter of expanding the world scale can be continued after being promoted to a higher level, and will not be interrupted after being promoted. Therefore, staying at the quasi-boundary level, you can meet the epic of eternity without bowing your head. It will always exist only in imagination.

However, due to the peculiar nature of the pseudo-world, among the same level, there may be monster epics that can fight one hundred. Although such monsters exist, they generally exist in legends that have no trace.

After all, at the epic level, who is worse than anyone, most of the gap between epics is just a matter of accumulation. At the same level, there is no force to fight back, such a situation is basically impossible.


"It's still a master with a lot of background, not bad!"

Seeing the projection of the world behind Muria, Empress Cantis, who is directing the Worm Nest to slay Muria Zerg Regiment, has a bright eye, because it means that when she kills Muria, there will be greater gains This kind of receipt is enough to make up for her loss.

So she moved, and her move immediately attracted the attention of a mother. The graceful Golden Dragon King shook off all Zerg and flew to the Zerg Queen.

Just now how embarrassed her son was when facing the Zerg empress, she could see clearly that she knew her son was not the empress' opponent, and of course, she was not.

However, she did not want to fight the empress, but she procrastinated as much as possible until Titan came, and everything was over.

"I can't help it." Seeing the Dragon Lady flying towards herself, the Zerg Queen Candice smiled a little disapprovingly, but although she was smiling, her eyes were dignified.

"A similar breath!"

She can detect that the atmosphere of the three masters in the field is similar, which means that the three have very similar blood relations. The meaning of these representatives is very thoughtful and terrifying.

However, the Zerg Queen Candice didn't care. She hesitated for a moment, and then she was determined to kill all three masters here. Her background is not bad, she does n’t counsel, and all the consequences naturally have a stronger ancestor. She bears.

"Well, little Muria, I've cut the meat this time, and you have to compensate me later!"

In the dark void, the Dragon King swept across the terrible tide of boundless insects, looking at the Zerg Queen marching in the dark, even though her figure seemed extremely small compared to that huge Zerg planet, but in Among her senses, the position between the two is completely reversed.

"How do you want to stop me?"

Candice looked at the Dragon King in front of her, and among the three masters present, she was the weakest. Of course, her intentions can be seen, and if she wants to block her existence at this level, then the master must come up with the details collected on weekdays.

"You take your time now, and you will look good in a moment." Jin Longniang hummed twice, she knew that her strength was relatively shallow in the epic group, but she also had some accumulation.


The void around Jinlong Niang was cracked, and yet the sacred light bloomed in this crack, and then, in the boundless divine light, a deity with unclear face appeared.

Divine power spread in the void. The weak Zerg around Jinlongniang could not help but retreat. This is the instinct of the weak creatures. Soon, the instructions engraved in their bloodstream made them unable to control their bodies and rushed up. Then, under the gaze of the Zerg Queen, the bodies of these lower Zerg were abraded by inch by inch in the blooming **** light.


Seeing the details revealed by Jinlong Niang, Candice's face was covered with a mask and half of her face was shocked, but it soon resumed as usual. It was a very rare thing for the oracle to show power in the void, but If there is an epic behind it, it's nothing.

"What's the use of such a weak god?"

"Why is it useless?"

Jinlongniu hummed and controlled the burning of the body of the deity she completely controlled. The pure white flame composed of the beliefs of sentient beings burned on his body, and the sound of pious sacrifices echoed in the void, adding three more Divine colors.

"That's it?" The Zerg Empress Candice saw the **** that had completely burned herself, and the breath was more and more dangerous, and tilted her head. "Then you will be disappointed."

Jin Longniang didn't reply, but endured heartache, gritted her teeth, and turned the completely burning **** body into a one-time attack, so the vast light of God penetrated the void and hit the Zerg Queen.

Faced with an attack that the gods burned themselves and let the void tremble, the Zerg Queen did not dodge, because there was no need to evade, this attack had completely locked her when it was first revealed.


The sacred light drowned the Zerg Queen ’s not-so-high **** body, completely engulfed her body, and continued to spread outward with her body as the core, so that the Zerg who consciously arched around the Queen was burned fiercely. Injury, screaming.

And when everything began to return to peace and the vastness of the god's light began to dissipate, a slender figure appeared in the sight of Madam Jinlong Niang.

Although Shenguang has not completely calmed down, Jin Longniang can clearly sense that the breath of this existence has not fallen, and it can even be said that it has not been affected.

"I encountered a stubble, and it was okay to be blasted by the gods."

Seeing that she took out her old man, Jin Longniang couldn't help but pull the corners of her mouth. The movements in her hands were faster. She had to fulfill her duties as a mother.

"I thought you would let this **** entangle me. I didn't expect you to be so willing to let him explode. If I read correctly, it was the deity of the **** who just blew himself."

The slender straight thigh wrapped by the black and gold worm armor stepped out one step, and the gradually dissipating divine light was completely worn away under this foot. The powerful queen looked at Jin Longniang, with curiosity in her eyes,

"The Seal Array? It's still my seal, but what can you do?"

"a lot of."

Jinlongniang sighed with dissatisfaction, then extended her paw and patted her. The endless golden light pattern spread from her to the Zerg Queen, and in a blink of an eye, a magnificent seal formation was formed. .

"It looks great ~ www.readwn.com ~ but I said, you alone are not enough."

Empress Candice took a step, and the void shook, exhausting the whole life of Jin Longniang, and the exhausted seal array began to tremble.

"Interesting? How long can you trap me?"

The queen continued to take the second step, the third step ... Until the seventeenth step, the seal array collapsed because the seal array was backed by Jinlongniang herself, which was far from enough.


In the moment when the battle was broken, Jinlong Niang was backswept, and the body of her dragon king was damaged instantly, the scales were broken, and the golden dragon blood was splattered.

"That's it!"

The Zerg Queen, who broke the seal, stretched out her hand to Jin Longniang, and the small palm was wirelessly enlarged in the eyes of the Dragon King, until she had covered everything in front of her, just as the Dragon King was about to confess her fate, she drank in the void. Ringing.

"Do not touch her!"

The sharp edge across the dark void cut to Candice, and the empress, who had been advancing from beginning to end, retreated for the first time, then set her sights on the titan wearing a broken war armor with crown-like dragon horns on his forehead. .

"Cut my general again, you are very nice, I am more and more fond of you."

The empress who saw her general who was lying in the void again was not angry, and even had a little surprise.

The stronger Muria is, it means that after she acquires Muria ’s body, the Zerg created based on it will be stronger, and the forces under her control will further expand. After all, those who have epic combat power The Zerg is not something she can make.

"Ready to bear my anger?"

Muria swept over the severely damaged Jinlong Niang, raised the sword in his hand, looked coldly, and murdered Ling Ran. Even if he was not, he would have to beat the Queen's swords.

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