Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1303: This master, my heart is so dark!

"Ansall, all right, come back!"

When the broken limbs shining golden light recombined in the sky, and then quickly regenerated, preparing to fight again, a sound sounded in the battlefield, stopping this battle that no longer had any suspense.

"Father!" Ans Orr looked at Archimonde, and in her eyes, there was still a fire of pure warfare.

"Because it's your son, can't you admit defeat?" Akmon asked without any turbulence. He was not surprised that his son had lost to his grandson.

First of all, the age difference between the two is negligible for Epic. In addition, Muria has already embarked on another path. Although this road will definitely overlap with Epic at the end, in the short term, Muria The benefits gained are enough to let him soar in a short time.

"I lost!"

After a moment of silence, Ansold finally put away the spear in his hand, and the thunder in his body gradually disappeared, and his expression did not fall silent because of this defeat, but he was defeated. Special, can not have any impact on his war heart.

"I come!"

Without giving Ainsor much time for emotion, Archimonde stepped up to replace it, and then looked at Muria, who was shaking, and showed no signs of strength loss.

"Seal God, it really is very different from before. This world has given you more than Elacia can give you."

Watching the battle next to him, Archimonde, who had a certain understanding of Muria, who had become a god, felt a little bit, and then, a real axe lingering in his hands appeared in his hands.

When Muria saw her grandfather with an axe in his hand, he immediately pulled the cordon in his heart to the highest level, the power of war, the power of killing, and the power of death ... All powers that can cause special damage to the enemy are blessed by Muria On the weapon.

How the gods fight is naturally clear to Muria, but he is different from the gods. First, he is a **** transformed by epics. Second, he holds the divine power that is different from other gods. This is destined to fight conventional gods. The method is not suitable for him, and he cannot maximize his own ability.

How to find the most suitable battle method? It's very simple. According to Titan's method, in continuous battles, you can continuously search for temptations.


Because of the battle of two great beings, even if both of them have deliberately packed up their own power, the aftermath of the battle still destroys the earth.

The great plains and craters formed earlier by Muria's arrival have long since disappeared, towering odd peaks and towering abyss.

Fortunately, this is the realm plundered by the Zerg Queen Ortiz. Now there are no living creatures that can move, and even the plants have been eaten by the Zerg.

Because of this, Muria let go of some of his hands and feet, and fighting his own grandfather didn't cause a penalty, it just left the world's will to stay on the battlefield.

As for the result of the battle between Muria and his grandfather, Archimonde, they ended in a tie. The reason for the tie was not that the two of them could not separate the victory and defeat, but that the ten masters on the side couldn't stand it. .

In the words of the Lord of the Ten Royals, it is just to let the two of them fight again. This area will be collapsed by them, and it will not end well at that time, so this battle will end with a draw for the sake of security. Neither grandfather nor grandson need to lose face.

When the father-son bureau and the grandchildren bureau were all over, the two dragon kings watching at the side had no intention of intervening at all, so after chatting with Muria for a while, they planned to leave and do their own thing.

After all, Muria is not a baby, and she doesn't need any of them to help take care of it. Moreover, with Muria's current strength, who is helping who is not necessarily.

Muria's divine power level is still in the middle divine power level, and this is naturally because the clergy in his hands are too scattered, and the share is too small.

This is just a small problem. Based on those scattered but highly potential priesthoods, as long as Muria can plunder the theocratic power controlled by several priests and his overlapping deities, it is no problem to break through to become a powerful divine power.

"My people, now that you have chosen your own path, I am here to bless you and go home soon!"

The Ten Lords who also planned to leave looked at Muria and gave his blessing with a smile, and Muria naturally understood the meaning of this blessing. He now wants to go home and only has the way to become the master of the world.

But what surprised Muria was that after the blessing of the Lord of the Ten Royals, he did not leave directly, but sent a pile of white stones full of vitality.

"?" Seeing tens of thousands of stones of pure vitality in front of him, a big question mark popped up in Muria's head. He thinks he knows the character of Titan very well.

For the descendants who have not yet grown up, Titan will use all the resources to train, but when the descendants reach a certain level, they will disconnect all the offerings and let them struggle outside.

So at this time, Muria could not understand the operation of the ten masters, and gave him the benefit of secretly plugging? Take care of the younger generation? Nonsense! Congratulations to God? Nonsense! Muria felt that if he did not become a **** and aimed at capturing the master of the world, I am afraid that the master would start to clean up the scum of his family.

"This is a compliment given to me by a Zerg queen," explained the master of Muria's doubts, and at the end he added, "This is part of it."

"Apocalypse?" Muria's face was even stranger.

"Well, the empress seems to think that we are the epic of this world, and they invaded this world and caused a certain amount of plunder and damage to anger us, so the Zerg empress who negotiated with me gave away A group of supplies compensated them for the damage they caused to the world. "

"Receive compensation on behalf of the world? This is really nothing ... it is indeed the master, and the operation is a show!"

Muria interrupted his slander of the Ten Lords and instead marveled at them. And thinking to herself, Muria also gave an opinion on this matter,

"Ancestral, since this is what the Zerg paid us, then you collect the puppet, what do you do for me?"

"It's not for you, it's for this world. With these spar condensed from the pure essence of life, you can make this realm come back to life." The ten masters explained and let Murray Abel thought more.

"It's not necessary. How could the Zerg surrender these things if it doesn't dominate you?" Muria didn't want to answer. UU reads www.uukanshu.com. Although he knows that if he makes the earth come back to life, he will There are some benefits, but he is still unwilling to suffer from his ancestors.

"Muriya, do you think about how many people we have in this big world, this is a kind of predatory disguise. So, without harming our own interests, we can make some compensation for this big world."

"It's not necessary to give so much!" Muria was still a little unhappy.

"Not much, let me show you the compensation given by the Zerg!" The ten masters smiled and pulled Muria's mental power into the world he controlled, and then Muria's spirit shook slightly.

As a result, the new god, who always turned his elbows and seemed to have a crooked buttock, said that he would put away all the stones of life given by his master.

At this time, he had only two ideas: the Zerg was really rich, and when he provoked him to be capable, he would also rob a wave of Zerg, rob the Zerg, and help his own poverty.

Secondly, Shi Yu is the master of this kind-looking elder, and his heart is really dark. He thought that the ancestor had a kind heart and damaged his own interests to make up for the big world. As a result, compared with the compensation of the Zerg, this stone of life is not even root hair.

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