Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1315: Sorry i can't help it

"It's complicated!"

After a careful understanding of the situation in the terrestrial realm, Muria fell into meditation, and the situation in this realm is extremely complicated.

The high probability is because of the advent of a large number of epics, the large world realms that were scattered throughout the void responded to this, and a series of semi-permanent spatial channels appeared in various realms, dispersing the originally scattered realms. All connected, the world began to become a whole.

However, such a great change in the world has naturally caused great confusion, races that are eager to expand, or endangered ethnic groups ... For various reasons, as between the boundaries of different worlds, wars naturally occur. Erupted.

It ’s not that there is no realm to pray for peace to end the dispute, but there are more forces that want to set off war. In this case, no matter how much peace-loving race or existence, if you do n’t want to be destroyed, you can only be forced to take it. Armed to fight.

As a result, the connection between the various realms of the world has caused unprecedented chaos, affecting countless souls, and the terrestrial realm, which is the hometown of Jiuli, has the most connected realms, and is naturally the most chaotic. The place.

When Muria first arrived here, there were only more than one hundred gates of China Unicom's realm, but now the gate of space standing here has more than four digits.

The Yuguang civilization, which had wanted to block the passage of space, has long since died down, because there are too many gods appearing, and they have exceeded the limit that their civilization can bear.

Specifically, now he promised to protect their civilization. What is happening now is not clear to Muria, because the God of Yellow Sand has not paid any attention to it.

His eyes are all on other gods. For the forces without gods, they are naturally out of his sight, and they are too lazy to look at it. After all, the world is like this. It is a lucky thing for the weak to get the attention of the strong. .

In the description of the God of Yellow Sand, today's earth and star realm is the stage where the gods can bloom. If there is no equivalent existence, but you want to bounce here, or if you do n’t spend a day, you will be Shoot off.

Such a situation is unsurprisingly as Muria expected. In the world, the almost unlimited deities do not make any difference from epics, and what level of civilization can exist against them in such an existence? Self-protection is quite laborious.

Not to mention those areas where no **** exists and can only stick to self-protection. In the terrestrial realm, even if it is God, it is necessary to speak carefully, or else it will cause disasters, and accidentally will be killed, there is already a precedent for God to fall.

After such terrible things happened, the weaker deities have all formed alliances in order to protect themselves or seek more benefits.

"So, what about the gods who are in alliance with you?" Muria looked at his newly received **** with strange eyes. "Don't tell me that at the stage when the gods are all aligned with each other, you are still alone."

"This ... naturally." Seeing Muria's weird eyes, the God of Yellow Sand felt a little awkward.

"So, where are these gods?"

"Should still be watching." The God of Huangsha said with a hint of helplessness.

"Don't help you?"

"Sir, the power you show is too scary. In this case, my allies will not risk helping me unless there is sufficient interest."

"Blessings are shared, there are hardships to bear, sorrow." Muria felt that the gods of this world ... are so real. The so-called holding group is only for the purpose of gaining more benefits. If one of the parties incurs disasters, they will fight against themselves.

"Can you still contact them now?" Although Muria was speechless about the divine integrity of the world, but thinking about it, they were only forced to form such a basic useless thing under external pressure. The Interim Alliance, before that, did not know each other before. Naturally, there is no need to work hard for other gods.

"Can it be, Lord God, do you think?"

"I want to form a divine court, so it's not enough just to be your god."

Holy court? Maybe it is another name for the divine system. The **** of Huangsha doesn't care about it. Compared with this special term, he pays more attention to other places. "I am your first god?"

"Any questions?"

"No, no." The **** of Huang Sha shook his head. "I'm just wondering that there is such a powerful existence as you. If you want to be a god, it should be ..."

"It's no surprise that my time for devotion was short."


"Well, what kind of sand **** actually came out, there was no ups and downs in the breath? Does that person who controls the power of the sun speak so well?"

"Maybe this God took all his collection out and dedicated it to that being. It's no surprise."

"Compared to these, what is the level of this existing strength? What are his plans for the future?"

"Well, I'm also curious. Otherwise, you go up to visit that being and ask him what he intends to do, if the purpose does not conflict with us, we can ally with him."

"Oh, let's go, your loss, I'll make up for it with a few others."


"Master Sha, I heard that you collided with an existence that controls the power of the sun? And you retreated, how did you do that?"

"You are so peaceful and self-defeating, so low-key, not provoking any god, but still such a powerful **** hit? You are too unlucky!"

When the God of Huangsha returned to his kingdom, the other two little gods who were in alliance with him sent inquiries to ask. This is not only gossip, satisfying curiosity, but more importantly, learning to face those who are stronger than themselves Too many gods, tips on how to survive.

"This, I don't want to say much." Hearing the compliments and admiration of his allies, there didn't seem to be any strange God of Yellow Sand on his face, and there were 100,000 **** beasts in his heart.

"Oh, understand."

The two incarnations who came to visit each other looked at each other, and then both came to realize their expressions of awakening. They felt a little bit more pity and sympathy for the God of Huangsha in their hearts.

"Master Sha, do you know what level of existence you are facing?"

"... I don't know." The God of Huangsha replied with a hint of depression. Although Fa has now become the adult's god, but what makes him feel helpless is that he doesn't know how powerful the adult is. .

"Did you not see it with your own eyes? Didn't you see the body, shouldn't it? At that time, many gods wanted to spy on the city of the sky, and all of them were repelled. If only the incarnation had such power That's too scary, right? "

"Are you just so curious about me? In this case, I send you a request to visit my palace!"

A golden flame appeared from the God of Yellow Sand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Among the flames, a golden **** bird spread its wings and extended its wings, inviting two gods, and a trace of glow spread.

After the invitation was spoken, the divine bird collapsed on the spot, and the flames spread into the barren kingdom of the God of Yellow Sand.

"Sand Lord, you ..." Somehow, a **** who was invited by a strong presence glared at the God of Yellow Sand.

"Sorry, charm god, I don't want to, but I can't help it!" The God of Huang Sha looked at the female deity with a half-human half-beast form glaring at him with guilt.

"What can't be helped?" There are a pair of spiky demon avatars hidden in the smooth purple hair, and their faces are panic. "You have the will to exist in your body. You don't even tell us?"

"Well, Charm, don't be angry. There is no way for Sha Zhu. With the will to exist, even if he wants to remind us. Don't dare to speak!"

The other half-human half-stag deity looks a little bit more open, but he also has unspeakable panic in his eyes. "Sand Lord, can you tell me, what does the existence invite us to do?"

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