Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1319: Longing for God?

Thousands of kilometers of flame arrows suddenly broke under the sky, exploded into hundreds of thousands of fires, and fell towards the blue ocean below. The kingdom of God, with the ocean as the main body, the temperature rose rapidly at a perceptible speed, and When the fire fell into the ocean, the sea began to boil.

So you can see some creatures similar to seafood, struggling in this sea where the temperature began to rise abnormally, and then steamed alive in extreme despair.

As a result, a strange breath permeated the kingdom of God, allowing Muria, who entered the melee state with Feather Vulcan, to partly pay attention, looking at the ocean below that has become a huge steamer, and seeing the terrible world Scene.

Although it is not clear what the living and steamed seafood is below, some of them can greatly stimulate Muria's appetite ... oh, sympathy.

"What a terrible scene, my tears can't stop flowing from the corner of my mouth!"

Muria sighed, and at the same time easily cut off a bird-shaped god, a wing-shaped, arm-like limb. Then he watched the **** enter into a state of incompetent anger, becoming more and more irritable.

The oracle holding the [Flame] priesthood is a irritable guy, not so unexpected, but irritability is the most useless emotion, especially on some key things, irritability can make things change Worse.

For example, even now, although the mad Feather Vulcan is arrogant and roaring, on the battlefield, his voice is made for a while, but his voice is the roar and screams made by Muria.

"At this level, do you still want to protect your god? You are not qualified!" Muria mocked the birdhead **** according to the plan, further stretching the hatred value.

In this way, when He hacked this head of God, he could take it for granted and not cause excessive attention or vigilance of other gods.

"You guy ... I swear by my real name. Today's hate and shame, I will definitely repay it."

As Muria had predicted, even better scenes than he had originally expected, the testamentary deities vowed on the spot to avenge him.

This not only did not make Muria worry, but made him smile brightly, of course, his face was covered by the light of God, so his well-calculated smile did not let the gods opposite him see.

"Apart from these useless scene words, what are you going to do? You are an incompetent waste, and being a **** with a guy like you is really a shame!"

Muria stepped up, further stimulating the gods who became increasingly manic. But at this time, the power of the incarnation of God who was cut off again and again by Muria was getting weaker, and he could no longer cause any substantial harm to Muria, except to issue a roar that showed that he was now angry.

"Muriya, if you dare to hurt my god, even if I do everything, I will make you pay!"

After the divine power incarnation was smashed by Muria's feather fire **** once again, and then the divine power incarnation burst into hundreds of millions of red streamers, once again covering the entire kingdom of God, forming an unusually beautiful magnificent magnificent The scene, but it is mixed with dangers that are fatal to most lives.

"The Lord God is defeated?"

Seeing that the incarnation of the divine power from the main **** to support himself was blasted by Muria stiffly, the original heart was still very moved, and he was planning to sacrifice himself for the deity of his main **** in the future, and to be a devotional **** of dedication. Come back to me when I am moved.


The rumbling **** who just raised his thoughts of running away has not had time to perform his own action. A halberd haunting the halberds like red blood flowing slowly from the sky descends from the sky, nailing him alive to his own throne. .

"Do not!"

The golden blood gushed from the chest of the bleating God, infiltrating the half-edged blade of the town's halberd, and added another evil spirit to this murderer.

In his own kingdom, the **** nailed to his throne by a sacred soldier twisted his **** body and made meaningless struggles. In addition to causing greater harm to himself, there is no more No effect.

"Did you think about today when devouring my fleet of asylum?"

Muria landed in front of the little **** who was nailed to the throne, and spoke words that were completely process-oriented, and what he got was naturally the god's indignant and humiliating eye response.

As gods, isn't it a matter of course to erase any alien armed forces that might endanger your followers? What did he do wrong? Isn't it just doing what any **** would do? Why did he suffer such doom?

"Well, I understand your mood, but you must pay the price for what you do, and I will borrow your first class today."

Speaking of which, Muria plucked away more than two-thirds of the blood from the body of the deity, making the body of the **** look a bit dry, and slashed his head with a halberd.

And at this instant, all the temples dedicated to the **** of humming shook together, and the idols dedicated to them began to tremble continuously, and the heads and chests of the idols were all cracked.

But that's the end of the change between the temple and the idol. The idol has not collapsed, because the gods it worships have not fallen.

Muria didn't kill the killer, because he was looking for a face to protect his race, and now he has gone too far. If he kills a **** for this reason, it seems that he is very cruel, which is not good. Of course, the most important reason is that this deity's priesthood does not overlap with him.

"Even your hatred against my sheltered race is over, but my hatred against your Lord God has just begun."

Muria used the war halberd to pick up the head of the **** of falsehood, and left the kingdom of God, which has become a large pot of seafood stew, and then prepared to go to the feather fire god.

He is doing this for the sake of fame and building his own god, and if he wants to achieve the first goal, he must choose a guy with sufficient weight to start. The medium-powered feather fire **** is a very good choice for him. .

The false **** is nothing more than a springboard and excuse for achieving a real purpose. It's miserable, but alive, isn't it?

Although the kingdom of God became a Jedi, even himself was nailed to the throne, and his head was humiliated, leaving an unforgettable psychological shadow, but he is still alive. For a little god, this is the biggest Victory.


"It's cruel, you see, he actually cut off the head of the deceitful god. What's the reason?"

"It seems that the **** of fame swallowed up a fleet of his sheltered race!"

"Because this kind of thing was cut off in his kingdom, it was really miserable, sympathize with him."

"Speaking of which, the sun **** seems to be very short. If it can be protected by this existence ~ www.readwn.com ~ it should be a very happy thing, just do not know if he is still not accepting it God. "

One witnessed the whole process of the whole thing, and just happened to be thinking about how to protect himself and find a reliable backing deity, and sent his sincere sigh.

"It makes sense that if this **** is the Lord God, he will indeed be a very good Lord."

"Don't think about it, how could such a powerful existence be taken into God casually? There must be very strict requirements."

"That's true, but how do you know if you can succeed without a try?"

"Okay, you don't have to dream anymore, look, the big **** doesn't seem to plan to go back, he seems to have trouble with Feather Vulcan!"

"What's going on? He's here to find the false god, why is he fighting his main **** again?"

"It may have been fighting for a long time. Maybe they had a fight in the kingdom of the **** of false names. It seems that the sun **** has the upper hand."

"It's overwhelming!"

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