Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1324: Assassination plan and recovery

This is a goddess who wants to kill her father. Well, with filial son, Muria is really speechless. As a father, Muria feels it necessary to ask this **** to kill his father. It ’s too miserable to learn some lessons to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

"You want to kill your father?" Muria tempted.

"Isn't this obvious?" The goddess tilted her head slightly, showing a variety of styles and exuding wireless charm, but even if Muria had the blood of the Dragon King, she was not interested at all.

"Why?" Muria looked solemn.

"what why?"

"Why do you want to kill your father?"

"Reason? Too many. Do you know how I was born?" Asked the goddess, who held the [war] priesthood.

"How do I know this."

"I was born from the heart of my father."

"Huh? This birth is really special!" Muria responded, but he had other thoughts in his heart.

The birth of descendants in the heart is not the ability to believe in God, this is the natural god, or the authority possessed by the original ancient gods. These existences are very similar to the epic souls.

The difference is that the waiting body is born naturally and conceived in the void. And the body of the epic is formed through the practice and hard work of the day after tomorrow.

"Of course, my father is one of the original ancient gods, and I am the second-generation deity he bred. The main reason for my birth was because my father couldn't control his own power at the beginning, and accidentally gave birth to me Now. "

It was a terrifying way of birth. Muria looked down at her heart and thought of it, but he really couldn't imagine how weak the control of his body was, so he could give birth to another creature.

Muria, who already has the same ability as the Lord of the Mountains, has no way to empathize with him. The power he has now is cultivated by himself, not conceived by nature. Such a situation is not his will. It will never happen to him.

"You were born this way. Your father wants to kill you. Let's regain strength!"

"Yes, my father wanted to kill me because my birth distracted his power." Every week, the goddess of perfection who valued the body carelessly said something as if it had nothing to do with him, and his expression was very calm.

"So how did you grow up?" Muria's expression was strange. Because he always covers his face, he does not need to deliberately control his expression.

"Hidden in Tibet, but I still have a person who has nothing to do with me. Only the nominal mother helped me, so I can grow up to where I am now. Although I am still inferior to my father, but He can't hurt me anymore. "


"But I have had enough of this day of passive defense, so I want to kill him, but it is not enough to rely on my own strength."

"So you ask me for help,"


"But why should I help you?"

"Don't you want to get the priesthood [Sun] under my father's control?"

"Your father's priesthood is [Earth], and [Sun] is nothing more than the ultimate power he has in his hands. Just so, do you expect me to help you fight against a powerful deity?"

Muria ruthlessly pointed out the shameless act of this goddess trying to evade the white wolf from her. "And even if your father's master priesthood is [the sun]? Instead of going to war, I can fall. Why did I take this risk to help you? "

"You say that, can I understand that, as long as I can pay the price that can make you heart, you are willing to help me kill him?"

"What can you give me?" Muria said unquestionably, so long as the goddess could pay the price for his heart, what would he do? Although nowadays, he is most likely unable to kill the Lord of the Mountains, but there is still a future.

"What do you want? Or, as a reward, how do you feel? As long as you can help me kill that **** old guy, I will be your personal property in the future."

"A goddess who is born the day after tomorrow, where's your self-confidence that you have such a big charm that you can make me hostile to a powerful deity?"

Muria taunts the goddess, who has no value at all, just to change her form of unruly gods in order to gain more faith.

"Oh, can't you be more euphemistic?"

"It is you who are too conscious of your own value."

"So, what about these artifacts?"

After a little thought, the goddess of war who wanted to kill his father God took out more than ten pieces of equipment that mortals could call artifacts and placed them in front of Muria. This was the trophy he had gained in the tens of thousands of years.

"That's it?" Muria looked at the artifact with the rules in front of him and made a scornful voice, and immediately he took all the artifacts that the goddess had taken out of his pocket.

"It's not enough, but it can be used as a deposit. I can barely accept it."


Goddess of War and Victory Ye Lin Jia Luo stiffened in the air, stopped just after saying a word, because it was too late, she took out the intention to let Muria's chosen artifacts be taken away by this guy Already.

"Is there anything wrong?" Muria looked up at the goddess with a stiff face.

"No, no." Although he was very sad, but his goal was reached, the goddess smiled. "You promised to help me?"

"Well, but you must plan and have a good plan. In this situation, even if I do my best to help you, the two of us will not be able to kill your father."

The existence of the title of Lord of the Mountains also owned by the father of this goddess, even if Muria is not specific, but just based on the level of divine power and the clergy under his control, you know how resistant it is Gods.

"This is also a problem. This old guy's offensive ability can only be regarded as ordinary in the powerful divine power, but his defense is in the gods I know. No one can surpass him."

The face of the goddess became gloomy, it seems that it was because of the descendants of the original ancient god. Although he controlled the clergy such as [war] and [hope], these clergy had little influence on her character.

"How strong is it?"

"The old guy has a armor named Wan Zhongshan. I've seen him wearing Wan Zhongshan to fight against another powerful divine power. The strongest divine attack just knocked out some debris and did not hurt him. God body. "

"..." Muria was silent, listening to the goddess quietly. Some wonder if this goddess has a pit in her head, and her powerful divine power can't break her father's defense. She also wants to overcast her father.

"Of course, it is mainly because the **** who was against my father at that time, the priesthood he held was the ocean, and he was born to not deal with my father, and the destructive power was not very good, so this would cause such awkward situations. If it was [Death] [Killing] Such a priesthood would definitely have different effects. "


And just as Muria discussed with the goddess **** his father and then inherit the legacy.

The building has been completed by Muria, and it is ready to be used as a rear boundary. One of the floating cities did not watch the father who brought a goddess back with his sisters. The girl returned immediately. Here, a fragile young girl who was enjoying the scenery was found.

"Don't remember your true identity? Mother."

Gladys looked at the weak temperament girl, her expression filled with helplessness. "No longer can you think of your true identity, my father may have to do something to regret you."

"Gratis, you are here."

Seeing the arrival of a girl with twelve light wings behind her, she was sitting on the edge of a lookout in the floating city, and the girl quietly overlooking the splendid earth below turned her head, exposing a shallow smile, gentle and polite, dignified Elegant temperament arises from it.

Gladys frowned suddenly when she saw such a girl, which was not what she wanted to see.

"Still the same as before?"

Muria's eldest daughter sighed, and in front of her mother's reincarnation, did not hide her disappointment.

"It looks like I am now, and it disappoints you again. But I'm sorry, I really can't remember any memory related to you." The princess from Yuguang civilization showed a slight apology.

"No need to apologize, even if you can't remember anything, you are my mother. How can a mother apologize to her daughter?"

Gladys leaned over her body, calming the slightly anxious mood in her heart.

"What happened?" Between raising her hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ perfectly fit Yuguang civilization's definition of a princess, and her face showed a curious look.

"My father, your partner, doesn't know where to bring back a goddess. After returning, he went directly into a palace, blocking all perception, and I don't know what they are doing now."

It's so ambiguous that it was actually Gratis's intention. She believed her father wouldn't mess around, but she wanted to stimulate her mother and wake her up from her deep sleep.

"Well, what's going on?"

Although there is no memory in her memory with the existence named Muria, at this time Princess Yuguang still felt a sense of anger for no reason, which was from the anger deep in her soul.

"Is such that……"

Grace, who had been here to deliberately become black, was keenly aware of the change, and then she began to narrate the details of the event.

Then, with the eldest daughter of Muria, the elegant temperament of Princess Yuguang gradually dissipated, and in her eyes, a crimson flame ignited ...

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