Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 261: Dad, save me!

The golden array in bloom appeared on the head of the red-haired young boy Leon, and a stream of light flew out of the legal array and fell on the young boy, turning into gorgeous armor parts.

Suddenly, the red-haired boy put on a pair of golden armor that covered himself tightly, and the sword in his hand was also under the golden mang, turning it into a thick and broad knight sword with an inscription on it Dense mystic runes.

Not only that, the seemingly ordinary wildebeest under his seat also made a roaring dragon-like roar, which changed its appearance. The sharp and slender metal blade extended from the horse's forehead and every part that can be hit. Out.

The original scales, which are the same as ordinary wildebeests, quickly thickened, merged, and turned into plate armors, shining with metallic luster.

"Knight of demon hunting!" Seeing the teenager wearing a uniform and turning into a golden knight in a blink of an eye, many paladins exclaimed.

Although the inheritance of the demon knight is almost cut off in this era, these knights who once guarded the human race have almost disappeared, but they fought in the dark era and led the rise of the human race in the demon era. Various versions are circulating in every country, every city, and every village.

Almost every human teenager has heard the legend of the demon knight when he was a kid. After seeing the real demon knight, he can basically recognize it according to those legends.

Because some characteristics of the hunting knight are difficult to imitate, such as the unique armor-piercing method, and the legendary hunting horse that can enter every area.

"You are the golden hunter!" Muria squinted and watched Leon put on the hunter armor, and immediately turned to look at the middle-aged uncle who was embarrassingly scratching his head. "So, you are the silver hunter It's up! "

Although it was a question, Muria was affirmative. If you want to find humans similar to these paladins who are willing to enter the Bavarian kingdom to save people, those hunting knights who once defended humans with their lives are definitely the best choice.

Think of the two demon knights in Variant, and look at the father and son appearing here, Muria is still not sure of the identity of the hooligan uncle, that is the lack of a string in his brain.

"It was pitted by the boy Leon, but how could he meet this little monster here!" The rogue uncle muttered. For Muria, he also has fresh memories.

In the form of a human form, most of which could not be exerted, he chopped him ten times with a tomahawk, and he couldn't even find a chance to fight back.

So after the ten meetings that were agreed, he fled directly and did not have any interest in continuing to fight with this monster. Human forms can suppress him. If he recovered his true body, he would not be pressed to the ground.

The most important thing is that his double knives were actually cut out by Muria with ten rice-grain gaps. You must know that his hunting armor has been passed down for more than 100,000 years, especially in the hunting era. Part of the human race.

Its hardness is definitely not worse than the artifacts used by the gods, and even many artifacts are not comparable to the hunting armor. But it was this level of weapon that was cut out during the collision with the tomahawk in Muria's hand. It was unbelievable that he was shocked at the time, but fortunately, these gaps have healed autonomously.

"Meet for the third time, introduce yourself, the scumbag Herman Louis." The middle-aged hooligan uncle who understands that he can no longer escape, with a hint of helplessness, reports his name, indirectly acknowledging his identity as a demon knight.

"This is my son, Leon Louise, as you see, also a demon knight." Herman pointed at the young man who had put on his armor.

"Meet the Knight of the Demon Slayer!" A paladin looked solemnly, stroking his chest with one hand, saluting respectfully to the father and son. This is the etiquette that the demon knight deserves in the human race.

With the first samurai saluting, the rest of the samurai also responded, saluting both father and son.

"No need." Suddenly, three hundred divine samurai were saluting themselves. Herman waved his hands quickly, his face revealing a sense of restraint. Since becoming a demon knight, he has encountered so many people for the first time. He salutes.

The era of hunting monsters is over. Although the hunting monster knights still survive, they dare not show up boldly. When they kill and kill human monsters, they all put on armor and hide their true colors.

The limitation of hunting the armor is too fatal for the knights. Although the knights who are passed down are still performing their duties, they are no longer willing to believe in their own clan.

This time, Herman showed up with his son without any cover, but he was ready to die ...

"I actually saw two slayer knights, and this life is worth it!" When the Herman acknowledged his identity, a paladin could not help but sigh.

"Not only see it, but we will have the opportunity to walk with them and fight together!"

...... The saintly warriors talked, but a dozen of them slowly changed their positions while speaking, and surrounded the father and son in a calm manner.

"Now we can enter the Kingdom of Bavaria!" Leon asked with some flutter in his heart when he saw the voice of the samurai, because the cover of the beast-shaped metal helmet gave his voice a trace of metal vibrato.

"..." A paladin glanced back at his companions behind him. After seeing a few nods at him, he turned his head and looked at the golden knight Leon.

"Her Leon, could you please stay?"

"I stay? What about my dad?"

"If possible, we would like to ask Lord Hermann to lead us into the Kingdom of Bavaria ~ www.readwn.com ~ In other words, you do not want me to enter?" Leon took a deep breath and tried to suppress the anger in his heart.

"You are still young, and you should not enter this Jedi. After your strength increases and you become a stronger hunter, you can shelter more people."

"What if I have to enter?" Leon took the big sword in his hand and stared at the paladin in front of him.

"That would only offend! Let's go together!"

With an order, more than ten burly paladins leaped from the horn at once and flew towards Leon from different angles.

"Don't try to stop me!" Leon just wanted to slap a paladin against him with his knight sword, and his slayer's armor disappeared instantly.

But he was not reconciled, and his red spirit broke out, but was instantly suppressed by the paladins, and Leon was immediately dragged down by a dozen paladins and strong men from the magic guide.

"Daddy, save me!"

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