Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 263: Investigate thoroughly

Muria stood gloomy in the Temple of Dawn, watching the archbishop in red performing the magic to cure Leon. At this time, Leon was naked with his upper body, and his entire right hand and right half of his chest were dark. From time to time, some runes with a gruesome smell emerged.

The source of all this was a small wound on his shoulder. The wound is very shallow, just scratching a little bit of skin. It can be healed in a few days on ordinary people. But it almost cost Leon's life.

"How's it going?" Muria asked calmly. He underestimated some people's fears of the demon knight, and even Leon himself did not expect his identity to attract more envy.

After exposing his features, Leon was immediately spotted. After Muria let him go for the first time and the second time, Leon only wanted to enter the Kingdom of Bavaria, so those people couldn't find it. To opportunity.

After Muria let go of Leon for the third time, because he abandoned the use of magic war horses to escape, Leon went around the city, but those people seized the opportunity. Neither Muria nor Leon expected that some people were so jealous of the Demon Knight.

After revealing her identity, Leon was encountered by three gold-level shadow assassins in a joint assassination in less than ten minutes to the time of travel alone. Because he is facing humans, he cannot use the hunting armor to confront the enemy.

However, Leon also experienced many battles with his father Herman. The battle intuition and the perceptiveness to danger were very keen, and the Shadow Assassin attacked him.

However, in the course of the struggle, the shadow assassin accidentally held a dagger with a poisonous and vicious curse in his hand and scratched a shallow wound on his shoulder.

In response to the gold-level curse and the rapid spread of toxins, Leon directly struck, but fortunately, Muria, who left a mark on him, quickly felt his danger. Immediately positioned him, rescued Leon with anger, and by the way killed all three Shadow Assassins.

"He has suppressed the poison and the curse on him," replied the Cardinal who was treating Leon. "Just take a moment to study it, and his curse can be lifted."

"That means he's not in danger now." Muria nodded. "Since that's the case, it's time to investigate other things. Who sent these assassins?"

"This matter must be pursued." Another archbishop also flushed and said angrily. After learning that the hunting knight was attacked, a red cardinal came to every major **** church in the temple area.

"The three Shadow Assassins I gave you, how are you interrogating?" Muria's dazzling gold pupil was burning. He was really angry. His father paid most of his life's savings and entrusted him to shelter him. It turned out that the accident happened within a day. This is just a slap on his face, how can he not be angry.

"They don't want to say anything." A red archbishop from the morning dawn church said shamefully.

"Interrogating these assassins is the key, but to follow up outside, you must find out who is not good at the Demon Knight and give them the sanctions they deserve."

"I can't wait any longer!" Muria looked to the Archbishop of the Dawn of the Dawn, "After half an hour, if you can't ask anything more, let me do it."

To be honest, because I was concerned about Leon's safety at first, after arriving in the temple area, I threw three Shadow Assassins to these archbishops for interrogation. I didn't expect them to be so unusable. So far, I haven't asked anything.

But think about it, how harsh can these good faith believers in orderly good camps use to torture their captives. Furthermore, in this world, because of the existence of oracles, many people are not afraid of death at all. To some devout believers, death is equal to eternal life.

"What do you want?" Asked a Cardinal Archbishop of the Justice Church, and now anyone could see that Muria was furious. Of course, they understood Muria's mood.

"I'm going to interrogate them using some unconventional means that you don't like." Muria smiled, but he didn't forget that he had conquered a deep prisoner.

"We don't like it?" Several archbishops looked at each other, all old men who had lived for hundreds of years. Seeing Muria's confident expression, he quickly guessed something.

What makes them dislike, except the chaotic camp is the evil camp, plus it is good at torture. Several cardinals basically guessed what Muria said was unconventional.

"Yes, if we can't interrogate it, you will take over it." It is an old guy who sees and does not say, naturally understands appropriate concessions and compromises. Golden dragons are basically mage dragons, while powerful mages basically have some alien slaves.

Of course, the most important thing is that Muria's behavior of opening the way for the paladins at the gate of the fortress in recent days, plus his race, convinced them of Muria's camp.

"Um." After receiving the exact answer, Muria's eyes looked at the Golden Dragon Royal who was always with him. "Sister Cassanna, could you please summon my five-color dragons?"

Because at first Kaslana only intended to take Muria to come and take a look, so the five-colored dragons that Muria subscribed to were left in Kasanna's mage tower.


"Five-colored dragons?" Several archbishops looked at each other, and at this time, they realized that Muria, a golden dragon that seemed to be much kinder than his kin, seemed very difficult.

... in a closed room,

"How did those guys torture?" Muria looked at the three shapely assassins in front of them ~ www.readwn.com ~ shadow assassins wearing tight-fitting leather armor.

The three assassins caught by him not only were unharmed, rosy, and full of vitality, but also all the injuries he had caused when he shot them down were cured.

He really didn't know how to evaluate this group of good-god believers. This kindness was too much. Even if one of the female assassins had a slender figure, she didn't need to!

"Give you one last chance, tell me, who directed you to assassinate the Demon Knight?"

No one answered, and even the female assassin looked at Muria with a provocative look.

"Well, I didn't expect you to say it yourself!" Muria shook her head, and a smile of malice appeared on her face, "I hope you won't ask for mercy."

"Come here, Miles." Muria felt a powerful presence of evil through the connection between the contracts, and then he ordered him with the same high posture, "I need your service!"

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