Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 268: Kill

"Is this the territory of the Achilles family?" Muria, walking on the red dragon, surrounded by fifteen green dragons, looked down at the city below. "It's not bad."

The people of this world have existed for more than 100,000 years. For so many long years, because of the existence of extraordinary power and gods, this world has taken a different path from the earth and developed a completely different civilization. tree.

Many civilizations in this world are not backward, and even the technology mastered by many races can explode the most advanced technology on the planet. Not to mention the other, let's talk about the technology developed by the Elasian people.

Among the ten most powerful empires of the human race, each has mastered the transplanar colony technology, which can create a magical warship for space shuttle ... Of course, this is the technology mastered by the top forces of the human race, except for the top ten The Empire, the rest of the human kingdom and the Principality do not have such high-end technology.

The gap between people can sometimes be so large that third parties wonder if they are the same species. And the gap between nations is bigger than the gap between people, and it is so incredible.

The most advanced empire of the Eracian people has the technology equivalent to the interstellar civilization in the previous earth that only existed in science fiction movies. And some human duchy are still in the feudal era similar to the earth in the Middle Ages. The gap between civilizations is greater than the distance between heaven and the abyss.

Of course, Muria's Aub Kingdom is not yet behind, but it hasn't advanced yet, and its system is still similar to the monarchy and the divisional system.

However, this country has mastered the space technology capable of transmitting troops on a large scale, and has also established a nationwide transport array system. Alas, these are all standard for the human kingdom.

Although the system is backward, in general, the nobles who have received formal education in the kingdom have no good eyesight and longer-term insights than the ignorant and short-sighted people of the Middle Ages.

Therefore, as long as the nobles with normal IQs, they will hardly treat their subordinates as mechanical, squashing crazy, or setting up taxes that make them unable to live. Of course, few aristocrats will regard their own leaders as similar.

According to the coordinate position given by the general, Muria's first city across the space was quite dynamic, not as lifeless as Muria's guess.

"Ang!" As soon as the advent of the Red Dragon Otrine shouted from the sky, the violent Longwei spread, causing the vibrant city below to panic instantly, and the humans living inside began to drag their families to escape. .

Red Dragon! Although they are basically ordinary humans who have never seen a dragon in their lives, the moment they appeared in the outlet, they knew what this creature was.

Too familiar. Every human being has grown up, I don't know how many stories and legends about the Red Dragon have been heard. Of course, they basically appear as villains of the villain.

Under the eyes and ears, these ordinary humans have formed a basic impression of the red dragon, and the appearance of the red dragon will certainly bring destruction and death. So seeing the red dragon, escape is the only response these humans can make.

The unscrupulous Long Wei and the roar of the dragon that rang through the city instantly shocked the ruler of the city. In the castle in the center of the city, five streamers flew out and landed not far from the dragons circling the sky.

Shows a mage and four armored warriors. Staring at the sixteen five-colored dragons in the sky with a dreadful look, they looked at each other and dared not to move forward.

Because the five-colored dragons have no intention of attacking for the time being, they have the courage to negotiate, but this group of giants at the top of the food chain are putting too much pressure on them. Under close contact, their little courage disappeared instantly.

"Oh! You don't even have the courage to approach me. What are you doing out there?" Muria sneered and looked at the five humans shrinking, with no concealment or arrogance on his face.

"Sir, may I ask you?" He heard Muria's sudden voice, a gold-level fighter bravely born and asked.

"I am the protector of Leon, Lemur, Muria!" The young boy with black hair and golden eyes stood on the top of the red dragon, indifferent.

Demon Knight! ? The five strong men of the Achilles family were stiffened, and they immediately understood what the young man who came to control the dragon was—a golden dragon.

"Deliver those of your Achill family who ordered the assassination of the Demon Knight."

"My lord, the rebellion who ordered the assassination of the hunting demon knight has been executed by us, and the first level has sent it to you." The only mage answered with a stern expression.

"Oh, you mean, it was his decision to assassinate the Demon Knight, and it had nothing to do with your Achill family?"


"This assassination order, did you originally participate in the discussion?"

"Sir, I just said it was a rebellious personal decision, of course it has nothing to do with me."

"Boom!" As soon as the voice fell, a fiery column of light shot out of Muria, and the rapidly enlarged pillar of Yan instantly shrouded the mage's figure. When the pillar of smoke disappeared, there were only some black ash and some metal fragments The crumbs fell.

"Stupid man, I really don't know who gave you the courage to lie in front of a golden dragon." Muria fainted when she saw the other four gold-struck fighters who were terrified.

Jinlong has dozens of spell-like abilities that can be mastered as he grows older, of which detection of lies is one of them. No human can lie in front of Jinlong.

"The four of you are also involved in this?"

The four soldiers were silent, and two of them even had a flight escape.

"No answer? It seems that they all participated in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Muria waved backwards for a moment, when the four gold-level green dragons followed his gestures to the four pillars of the Achill family.

Without any surprise, the four gold-level humans faced the slamming of four green dragons of the same level, and there was no second result except death.

"Go, go to the next place." Looking down at the city that became more turbulent because he saw his lord killed, Muria released a large-scale group of human fixation and let the green dragons open. Portal to the next targeted noble territory.


"It's just dying and struggling!" Muria looked indifferent looking at the castle destroyed by the red dragon outlets below into a ruin.

This is a noble who wants to temporarily defend his attack with the help of the defensive circle in the castle, and then obtain support through the teleportation circle in the castle.

However, Muria directly teamed up with Fiona to ban the castle space, and then let the red dragon take the rest of the green dragon and demolish the castle directly. As for the humans inside, except for the innocent slaves and servants, as well as underage children, all the people in this family were slaughtered.

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