Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 270: pit

"The strong man sent by the kingdom is now under the leadership of Broderick. Now most of the nobles you want to hunt down have probably gone there, so you can go directly to Broderick. .

If you encounter the legend to stop it, you will report your mother's name, and in the name of Lord Atris, that legend will never dare to treat you. "During the communication, Cassanna's voice echoed in his ear, causing Muria to meditate.

"Legend, I can't do it now, what's my mother's name?" Muria stood at the wall, touching her chin. "Well, that's fine, it's just a little shameless."


"Target, Broderick, this is the last place to go." Muria said to Fiona on the side. "Unsurprisingly, all my remaining targets are gathered there. Here Once, it may be a bit troublesome, and the Aub Kingdom may well have sent the legend there. "

"Legend of mankind?" Fiona, who was locating spatial coordinates based on the map of Aub Kingdom obtained from the church in her hand, heard Muria's words, and a look of disdain appeared on her face.

"You don't need to show that expression. Anyway, it's also a legend. The minimum respect is still required." Muria glanced at the hot blue-haired lady.

"Except for some of the legends of mankind, most of them are simply discrediting the words legend." Fiona said with a disdainful tone.

"No matter how bad, it's not easy to hit you." Hearing Fiona's words, the outlet-like man smiled grinningly.

"Scarlet Wings, I heard something about you. I remember that you once invaded the capital of a Principality, and heard that it eventually angered the legend of that country and was chased for a long time."

"Fart, I was ..."

"How long have you been hunted down by the human legend? How did you finally get rid of the human legend?" Fiona asked curiously.

"What's your matter!" The red-haired brawny man was full of anger, and the red hair of his hair turned into a flame directly. He had a time of painstaking care.

"Don't gossiping, let me tell you about Brodrick, the family of Dark Blood.

They are the strongest family in the assassination mission. According to information, there are five soul-levels in their family, and they are among the strongest families in the Aub Kingdom. "

"What kind of dark bloodline has this human family inherited? What grade is it?" Fiona asked curiously.

Dark creatures refer to those who are cruel and tyrannical for the pleasure of killing. The range is wide. Dark races are those races that regard humans as food. Well, these are defined from a human standpoint.

The red dragon-like creature that destroys cities is, according to human standards, a powerful dark creature.

"A snake-like creature, the four souls of the Broderick family, the dark blood in their bodies have been awakened. Their strength is far above the ordinary human soul." Muria's face was a little serious, "Coupled with the nobles who have gathered there, and the human legend that may exist, it is a bit troublesome."

"As long as your Highness is willing to take your shot, those human beings have more souls and no special bloodlines."

"I'm talking about that legend is a bit troublesome, although he can't take me, but if he insists on stopping me, I can't do anything to those nobles."

"His Royal Highness, let's go and see? Anyway, as long as we want to leave, that human legend can't stop us."


After confirming the coordinates, the space door that can easily pass by the 100-meter dragon was opened. Through the vast space door, Muria saw the sight of Broderick territory on the other side.

A magnificent castle relative to the size of humans stands in the center of a bustling city, and its walls are studded with colorful flags.

This is a sign of identity, like aristocratic badges. Because Muria can basically confirm one thing through them, all the nobles he wants to find are here.

Above the castle, eight soul-level humans hang in the air, with a number of soul-spirit rings looming behind them, shaking the surrounding atmosphere. Four soul-level heads above them, and four different sizes The black snake shadows form a snake formation.

Behind them, there were still more than twenty gold-class humans, which was all the power these nobles could gather.

Originally, with their many years of networking, they could call for more support to resist Muria's anger. But now, it is not needed anymore, because the figure surrounded by eight soul-levels, the legendary strongman sent by the Aub royal family to support.

"It's really a legend!" Muria sighed helplessly when she saw the figure in the center by eight magnificent soul-level human arch guards. Although it had been prepared for a long time, before the results were revealed, there was always a hint of luck.

"His!" Muria looked at the legend and sighed, while the nobles looked at Muria's lineup and got air-conditioned.

Although Muria is now a teenager, no one dares to belittle him. According to the information, at the Patrick Fortress, the Golden Dragon sent off the Paladins, and every time he hit the same attack as a magic cannon. With each hit, tens of thousands of low-level undead died.

Behind him, the red dragon with a length of 100 meters looks like a green dragon with the same momentum, and there are 14 other green dragons. Although the number is far less than that of the human side, It is completely crushed.

Seeing Muria's lineup, the patriarchs of the Broderick family are regretful. It had long been known that assassination of the demon knight would provoke such a powerful golden dragon ~ www.readwn.com ~ he would not agree with anything.

"Golden Dragon, you ..." When Muria appeared, the legendary man surrounded by many powerful human beings stood up and just uttered three words, and a anger appeared in his face.

Because the moment Muria saw the legend, the shocking axe contained in his body appeared in his hand, the thunderous thunder and flame broke out, and then surged into the shocking axe.

Subsequently, Muria held the axe with both hands and slashed towards the group of people. At the moment he waved the axe, a majestic phantom of the shore flashed behind him.

The red dragon outlet and the green dragon Fiona closest to Muria were instantly lifted up by some small dragon scales. They were surprised by the breath emanating from Muria at this moment.

However, the twelve-year-old teenager held a double-edged tomahawk larger than others in both hands. Without saying a word, there was no meaning of communication at all, and a golden axe was cut towards the group of humans.

"Hmm!" Seeing Muria's behavior, the human legend grunted coldly: "Jinlong, don't you think I dare to touch you?"

During the talk, the human legendary detective grabbed the half-moon axe that had already flown in front of him, but his palm just touched the axe, his face suddenly changed, his body flickered, and in front of the group of nobles Disappeared.

And those nobles who did not take any precautions because of his existence were suddenly miserable ...

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