Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 274: Start and end

Chapter 274 of the Titan and the King of Dragons volume begins and ends with a distance of less than one thousand meters from the Patrick Fortress. That one stretches infinitely in sight, and the earth-bound fog wall begins to fade rapidly. These fogs Dissipating.

In the mist, those undead walking on the ground disorderly, the wandering ghosts were wrapped in the mist, and quickly retreated toward the depths of the undead's mist.

"This is it?" Muria looked at the mist of the undead that receded like a tide, and reacted slightly.

The Necrotic Council is ready to leave, and their task of collecting cannon fodder is complete!

Seeing such a scene, the general immediately responded. He couldn't think of Muria asking about the nobles. He rose to the sky and stood in front of the fortress walls. The majestic voice spread through the fortified shock and spread throughout the fortress. :

"The entire army is assembled and ready to attack!"

Wu Hongliang's voice made everyone in this fortress city hear. Subsequently, the city boiled like boiling water in the same pot. Those profit-seeking adventurers came to the streets and began to rush towards the gate of the city. Came here.

"It's over!" Muria watched the mist of necrotic spirits dissipating quickly, with a faint expression on her face, "Sister Cassanna, let's go!"


Uh ...

The death of the Grim Reaper Council meant that Ionian adventurers and the surrounding countries of the Kingdom of Bavaria meant the start of a feast of feasts, but neither Muria nor Cassanna was interested in participating.

The most valuable treasures of the Bavarian Kingdom have already been scavenged and scavenged by the liches. They are not stupid, and don't put treasures. Of course, those things that the Lich despise are enough for 90% of adventurers to fight for their lives.

For the surrounding countries, of course, the most valuable thing is of course not a treasure or something, but the vacant tract of land without owners and the cities that are empty.

No need to reopen the wasteland, just send someone to live directly. Of course, the premise is that you must seize it. After all, there is more than one Aub Kingdom bordering the Kingdom of Bavaria.

It is foreseeable that on the land of the former Kingdom of Bavaria, there will be a large-scale war between human nations, and **** conflicts full of factors such as death, killing, conspiracy, and betrayal will be staged here in turn.

However, these have nothing to do with Muria. He has recovered from the injury, and the leap hunter Leon and 16 five-colored dragons followed the Golden Dragon Royal sister back to Bologna. It has become his place in Ionia.

Although he can run directly to any of their temples in his favor at the Ionian Church of God at this time, he can live comfortably with his big sister in the same temple. Muria wasn't feeling at all so beautiful and gentle as her big sister.

If there is no response, Muria is too sorry for the dragon blood in his body.

"His Highness Muria, the Church of the Dawn has given you the reward."

He entered the castle of Jinlong Royal Sister just now, and he learned the news. This was what Tallinn of Cassanna's mage tower told him, and it was a presence similar to Casio.

"What is it?"

"A crystal of ten thousand squares of fire element." In the central master mage tower, Caslana said that the Q version of the three-headed tower was similarly expressionless, with a serious tone and the immature appearance of the blonde girl. Form a strong contrast Moe.

"It's okay! More than expected." Muria nodded calmly, no response to the reward.

However, compared with Muria Danding, who had seen the world, the young Leon, who had a cruel expression behind him, was stunned by the number. This amount was really shocked to him.

However, this is normal, and ordinary gold dragons will be shocked when they hear this amount. Moreover, it is such a human teenager, although there are not many young people like him among human beings.

"Do you feel a lot?" Muria tilted her head slightly, looking at the young hunter.

This boy, because of his identity, has experienced a lot of battles, but it is estimated that his vision is not so high, after Muria took him into Casanna's castle.

Although he worked hard to hold his face to prevent himself from being shocked, when he saw something new, the curiosity and surprise that he showed revealed it.

现在 Now, after learning about Muria's shooting cost, his expressionless complexion can no longer be stretched, and he looks extremely shocked.

"Hey, here you are." Muria took the space ring filled with 10,000 square fire element crystals from the three-headed talin and threw it directly into the hand of the young Leon.

"Give me?" The young Leon caught the space ring and looked at Muria with some helplessness. This is just like the boy in Muria's previous life who suddenly received a 100 million deposit. He can not be surprised to be crazy, which has shown that his concentration is very good.

"Your vindictiveness is also a fire attribute, these crystals should be able to speed up your spiritual practice." Muria glanced at the shocked teenager ~ www.readwn.com ~ you are too weak now. "

"..." Hearing Muria's evaluation without any emotion, the red-haired boy squeezed his space ring and clenched his fists.

Alas, Muria nodded secretly when he saw that the boy was simply a few words from him. Muria nodded secretly. It was indeed a young and vigorous boy with a strong spirit. Of course, there may be reasons why he just lost his father.

"Your Highness Muria, you still have a ransom to collect."

Just when Muria wanted to continue stimulating the boy, the three-headed Taling spoke again.

"Ransom?" Muria moved a little, looking at the Golden Dragon Sister who looked at him with a slight smile, "Is that the group of green dragons?"

"After you leave with your master, the master's grandfather, Lord Alves, has communicated with Emerald's mother, Ysera, to obtain a generous ransom for you."

"Sure enough." Muria looked at Sister Jinlong Yu, "Sister Caslana, where is your grandfather now? I want to thank you."

"Thank you for your personal thanks. Who knows that this hometown has gone there now, and this is a good thing that has been said for a long time, and it's just done with you now."

"Let's do it, but please pass on my thanks to His Excellency Alves."

Hmm ... almost all things came to an end, the only thing left was the news of the six dragons. But Muria wasn't in a hurry, he was just waiting for news.

Because, in addition to those metal dragons helping Muria to find those five-colored dragons, the Church of the Good God is also helping Muria to find. There are churches throughout the Ionian continent who help, and believe that it won't be long before there will be results.

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