Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 279: Order of the Dragon

"His Royal Highness Muria!" Just when Muria and Troy had just arrived at Kasrina's castle, the voice of Taling, the three-headed body of Jinlong Royal Sister, passed into his ear, and then she was small and exquisite with Kas Lanna appeared in front of Muria with a somewhat similar figure.

"Is there anything wrong?" Muria looked at Taling.

"The rewards awarded by the Platinum Dragon God and His Majesty the Three Dragon Kings have been distributed, and the rewards belonging to you have been sent to us."

"Oh." Muria nodded in nature, and he had no interest in the so-called reward.

"Reward of the Dragon God and Dragon King!" Following Muria to Bologna, the big cat with a reduced size was a look of wonder, what the Dragon King represents, of course it is clear, "How did you get it, and, Why are you not interested? "

Looking at Muria's face, the big cats are a bit strange. The existence of that level, the hairs are thicker than them, and the scales are bigger than their true bodies.

"It is estimated that it is some elemental crystals or the like." Muria said with amusement, "Even if it is not the elemental crystals, it is estimated that it is some debris that is not available to His Majesty."

"Those things your Majesty doesn't despise are also rare treasures for you." The three-headed Taling said very seriously.

"Oh!" Muria smiled, unconcerned.

而且 "And, Your Highness Muria, the reward you receive is not an elemental crystal, it is a treasure that is very useful to you at this stage," said the three-headed towering spirit.

"What treasure?" Before Muria asked, Troy asked for him, looking more anxious than Muria.

"The Order of the Dragon!" With the answer from the three-headed towering spirit, a handle of about three meters, a gold pattern on white, and a scepter full of majestic dragon sculptures appeared at the top. The coercion spread from Muria's room. Instantly shrouded Caslana's castle, leaving the maids and servants and some dragons in the castle to lie on the ground.

"This is an epic breath." The moment the scepter appeared, the big cat couldn't help taking a few steps back, staring at the scepter in shock, or more precisely, staring at the scepter, the one that was lifelike White gold dragon sculpture.

"This is a mighty power, not an epic breath." Silently, Golden Dragon Queen Sister Cassanna appeared. Hearing Troy's words, couldn't help but explain.

"Shenwei? No wonder it feels a little different." Seeing the sudden appearance of the long-legged lady with long blond hair vocalizing to correct its mistake, Troy licked the beard licking the corner of his mouth.

As an alien beast who grew up in the Titans, he was lucky to have seen the epic Titan when he was very young. As for the gods! It is impossible to see gods in that area.

"Where is the dragon on the scepter?" Muria stared at the majestic platinum dragon of the scepter. This divine power escaped from it, and it was the core of the scepter.

The appearance of this dragon is not the same as any kind of metal dragon in hereditary memory. Naturally, Muria had speculation, "Your Majesty the Platinum Dragon God Bahamut?"

"Yes!" Cassanna nodded, but she frowned slightly when she heard Muria's words. "Brother Muria, try not to call the real name of the deity in the future, this will easily cause them. Attention. "

"Is there anything wrong with calling His Majesty's name? I don't have any disrespect for him." Muria didn't care. Calling the name of the deity directly is nothing to him. His grandfather and grandfather all exist at that level. What does he counsel?

"It's always bad to call the real name of the deity. Her Majesty the Platinum Dragon will certainly not care, but if it is some other deities, accidentally shouting their names and attracting their attention will be very troublesome. . "

"Well, I'll pay attention next time." Muria saw Caslana's serious face, and had to compromise, nodded earnestly, and made a guarantee. Normal intelligent creatures, even dragons, maintain a basic respect for the gods, unlike him.

"What's the use of this scepter?" Muria reached out and held the three-meter-long scepter, asking with some curiosity, this coercion gave him a strong expectation, with a treasure of divine power, How bad can it be?

"According to the introduction, the holder of this scepter can order all creatures with metal dragon blood within its telepathic range."

"Can only order creatures with the blood of the Dragon race, can't order the real dragon?" Listening to the introduction of the three-headed towering spirit, the towering spirit of Murcia was still a bit quick.

"No." Ta Ling shook his head. The order, which sounds good, is just another kind of slavery. How could the platinum dragon **** give treasures that could enslave his descendants.

"That's too bad, too." Muria could not help but let go of his lips. Even without the Dragon's Order, he could, by his own identity, gently order those creatures with the blood of the metal dragon family.

Even if he is determined, he can resist his blood pressure ~ www.readwn.com ~ He can also use physical means to let those creatures that do not obey his order be honest and obedient.

In summary, this scepter is a chicken rib treasure that can continuously release its might. Because of the might of God, if his strength or blood rank is not high enough, he is not even qualified to pick up this scepter.

"Are there any other effects?" Troy asked, and even it felt that this thing was really good, these dragon kings and dragon gods were too shabby.

"Yes. Those with this scepter can feel the existence of the surrounding metal dragons."

"How big is the sensing range?" Muria heard this function, and her eyes suddenly turned on, which was very interesting.

"Determine this range according to the strength of the metal dragon. The stronger the metal dragon is, the greater the distance you can sense it."

Muriya nodded, he understood how this induction function works. The strength of this scepter's sensing function depends on the strength of the sensed dragon.

For example, a juvenile golden dragon and an ancient golden dragon can be sensed by a staff member at a distance of ten kilometers, but when the distance is increased to a thousand kilometers, the staff can not sense the juvenile golden dragon, but there are still Feel the existence of the ancient golden dragon.

"Moreover, holding this dragon's imperial hand, you can contact every dragon you feel." The three-headed Taling looked at Muria with a serious face and listed a very inappropriate Example: "If Your Highness Muria is chased down by a legend, you can hold this scepter, sense the nearest ancient dragon to communicate with you, send out a message for help, and get rescue in time."

"This function is what you said, very useful to me." Muria heard this hypothesis, looking at the three-headed towering spirit with a black line on his face.

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