Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 281: respectively

Titan's exclusive weapons all have almost unlimited growth. Their power is not set at the moment of casting, but can be enhanced as the master's power increases.

Not only that, Titan's exclusive weapons can also enhance their attributes and gain some special abilities by devouring other weapons, legendary metals, or special treasures.

However, the moment Titan's exclusive weapons were cast and formed, they were legendary weapons, ordinary weapons, treasures, and metals. For them, they were broken copper and iron, and had no value at all.

But it is clear that this sceptre is obviously a scepter given by the Platinum Dragon God that does not belong to the scope of broken copper and iron. Just being able to release the power of God can explain the problem.

Although the function of Dragon's Royal Order is very chicken ribs, it is indeed a very precious treasure, but because it has no direct attack ability, it can only be classified as a different treasure.

Muria's face looked a little tangled as she looked at the end of the staff that was constantly swallowing another staff.

This feature of Dragon's Royal Order can communicate with Gulong and ask for help. Although he doesn't want to admit it, he really needs it at this stage. In critical times, maybe he can save his life.

However, on the other hand, his exclusive weapon saw the dragon's imperial order and wanted to devour it and enhance his power. Under normal circumstances, Muria should not be blocked, but he needs the help function of the imperial order of the dragon.

However, the terminal staff devours the dragon's imperative, and has a high probability of inheriting all its functions and attributes. This made him a little tangled.

It ’s not 100%, but there is a certain probability that you still fail. If the end staff does not get this function, it is really a bit of a loss ... After tangling for a while, Muria releases her hand and slowly back On, he chose to let the Staff of the End continue to devour.

After half a ring, a chain of gods composed of ancient gods spread out from the end of the staff, and reintegrated into the staff of the end. White golden dragon shadow appeared on the staff.

"Dangyu!" On the other side, a long strip of scrap iron with about two meters of potholes falling on the other side fell to the ground and made a crisp sound. This is the imperial order of the dragon swallowed up by the end staff. It has become waste copper and iron, and the sculpture of the platinum dragon on its rod has disappeared.

"Uh!" As soon as Muria grasped the terminal staff that fell into his hands, just when she wanted to see how many functions it inherited from the Dragon Order, Muria felt her body sinking, a familiar power. The pressure fell on him.

Divine power is exactly the same as the divine power revealed in the Dragon Order, but it is even heavier.

At this time, Muria reacted. This was a reward given by the Dragon God. This scepter was most likely made by His Majesty Bahamut.

And just after getting it, he let his own weapon destroy it and devour it, which can be said to be quite excessive. Then, of course, Muria succeeded in attracting the attention of the dragon ancestor god.

"Your Majesty!" Feeling the sudden and mighty power, Golden Dragon Lady Atris bowed, even the three-headed Taling, with a very respectful attitude, and Troy beside Muria bent on all fours and lay on the ground. .

"Your Majesty Bahamut!" Feeling this heavy, but not letting the dragon feel depressed, Muria's body also responded, a majestic figure with wings on his back appeared behind him.

Muria now has an impulse to dispel the transformation spell and restore the true body, but he resists it, because this divine power only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

The Platinum Dragon God was indeed attracted to him, but it seemed that he just glanced away and looked away without paying too much attention to him.

Facts have shown that Muria thinks too much. Even a special existence like him, even the Platinum Dragon God, cannot look away and look away. The blood of the golden dragon on his body can conceal Caslana, making her mistakenly believe that Muria is a dragon, but she cannot hide a dragon god.

"The descendants of Timothy are actually the sons of Titans and Dragons. Life is really strange." A slight voice sounded in Muria's ears, with the vicissitudes and dominance of the endless years. The majesty of countless dragons.

"For the first time in endless years, I have seen the birth of a little guy like you who has the blood of the Titan and the Dragon King." The Platinum Dragon God praised.

Muria showed an embarrassing smile and bowed slightly. He didn't know how to salute in that direction. The platinum dragon **** just came to a consciousness to communicate with him.

"Little guy, don't disappoint your bloodline, and look forward to the moment when you go side by side with me thousands of years later." There is no mention of Muria's destruction of the dragon's decree, and only a blessing, Platinum Dragon God Consciousness left.

After allowing Muria to bow slightly for a while, it was determined that the dragon **** had indeed left before standing up. After all, this ancestor of all metal dragons needs to maintain sufficient respect in every way.

"Well, Muria, you can really cause trouble! Even the platinum dragon god's eyes have been attracted." Troy stood up and said teasingly as Muria stood up.

"Stay there!" Muria snorted. Although the Platinum Dragon God was a kind and kind dragon god, Muria didn't want to attract his attention, at least not at this stage.

The strength of the Platinum Dragon God is directly proportional to the years of his existence ~ www.readwn.com ~ For this level of existence, Muria does not want to contact too much now, and the gap between strength and seniority is too large, which makes him very restrained.

"Except for Divine Power, my staff seems to have the full power of the Dragon's Order." When responding to the big cat, Muria seriously felt the condition of the Staff of the End with a pleasant smile on his face.

It doesn't matter what the prestige is. He doesn't rely on this, but it is very important to be able to connect with the function of Gulong.

"Congratulations!" Hearing Muria, Jin Longyu sister Caslana with a very complex face smiled reluctantly. She just didn't hear a word of Murray to Muria, but she saw Murray. The frontal hexagon that emerged from behind Asia bears the mighty shore figure of the dragon wing.

...... After more than ten days, when the scales and skins of the six rebellious dragons hung on the six mage towers all grew out, they drew the bronze from the exclaimed residents of Bologna. Pillar, flying into the castle.

"It's time to separate, thank you for your help and care these days, Sister Cassanna, I will always remember it in my heart!" So, Muria took a full 34 dragons to Casslan Na said goodbye, "You can call me at any time if you need it."

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