Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 288: nest

"When Pale Blood Eater had just advanced to the soul, he dared to attack some small cities as well as large villages and towns. After that battle, Pale Blood Eater not only advanced, but also became more cruel and tyrannical. Slaughter humans, devour souls and increase strength quickly. "

"Oh?" Muria touched her chin thoughtfully, and became even more brutal after swallowing the flesh of the Red Dragon, which was very interesting.

"That xenosaurid dragon not only acquired the abyss, but also the blood of the red dragon." Muria walked to the three alienated dragons in front of them, and they also exuded a scent of sulfur. Before Mu Rhea thought it was the cause of the blood of the demon, and now it seems more than that.

"We can't confirm this yet." Archbishop Sukarda's face was a little awkward, and the pale **** blood changed so quickly that their intelligence could not keep up.

废物 "Waste!" Red Dragon Outlet stared at the flesh-toothed Dragon under his feet and yelled. This made the sacrifice faces behind Sukada a bit ugly, and the fools could see that the waste of the red dragon was scolding them.

"Lord Jinlong, the pale blood is mainly too cruel. After it has swallowed the flesh of the red dragon, all humans who have seen it except its family members will be killed by it."

"Well, tell me the location of its lair, the rest, you don't need to worry about it." Muria waved his hand, now he just wants to solve this alien tooth dragon as soon as possible, and then go to find the exiled to this Continental colored dragon.

"Okay! Lord Jinlong, you need to be more careful." Seeing Muria repeatedly insisting, Archbishop Red gave up the persuasion and told Muria the location of this alien tooth dragon.

"Outlets, follow me." Muria's eyes looked at the green dragon that had turned back into a lady with blue hair, "Fiona, you stay here with these green dragons, and I will solve them Before you drop that alien fang, you protect the city. "

After the three tooth dragons were caught alive, the monster tide of the siege stopped siege, some ran directly, while others smashed to the ground in a respectful posture, because the five-colored dragon was the follower of these monsters.

Although the crisis was lifted, the city's defense system was basically scrapped. When a similar alien dragon came to attack, the city became cold.

"His Royal Highness, how to deal with these three inferiors?" When Muria told her to stay behind, Fiona did not show any dissatisfaction on her face, although she was unwilling.

既然 "Since you have contaminated the abyss, you will kill them all," Muria replied indifferently.

Uh ...

"His Royal Highness, solve a heterogeneous dragon, why do you do it yourself?" In the sky, the red dragon carrying Muria uttered a voice, asking a little puzzled.

"This alien dragon is a bit special. Do you think your dragon can absolutely defeat it?" Muria asked back.

"You can send me with Fiona."

不用 "No, this alien dragon is very interesting. I happen to have itchy hands again." Muria said lightly.

"Oh!" The red dragon stopped speaking, waving its wings, sweeping the atmosphere, leaving a long pale red trail in the sky ...

"This alien dragon tastes good!" When Muria rode the red dragon to the place given by Archbishop Sukada and saw the castle towering on the top of the mountain, she smiled and praised it.

Muriya originally thought that this hybrid of red dragon blood and abyss blood, likes to kill the city of the heterogeneous dragon, its nest will be built with white bones, decorated with blood, but what he saw in front of him was much better than he expected.

不是 If it wasn't for seeing the alienated dragons circling the castle, or the evil races such as ogres and lizardmen in the mountains where the castle is located, Muria wouldn't be sure that this was the pale **** lair.

"Roar ..." The roaring roar came, and when seeing the nearly 100-meter-long outlets approaching, the alienated dragons hovering above the castle not only did not have the slightest fear, but also roared and shouted at Otter Rice welcomed.

Although none of them have done so well in outlets, they are so long, so they don't advise outlets at all. Moreover, not only those alienated dragons over the castle rushed to Muria's side. In the castle, one dragon after another drilled out, and then spread the wings of alienation and rushed towards Muria.

"Well, yes, this heterotooth dragon has a large number of similar species." Looking at the rushing dragons, Muria's face was not panic-stricken.

"These cheap bastards!" When seeing the dragons that rushed at it, the Red Dragon Outlet was not so calm, his mouth opened slightly, and the fiery dragon inflammation surged in it.

As an arrogant red dragon, he can surrender to Murray who knows how much higher than him, but cannot tolerate the offense of these lower Yalongs, which is an insult to him.

低 Bloodline life ~ www.readwn.com ~ When the noble bloodline existence comes, it should be greeted with the humblest attitude.

"Outlet, that alien dragon is not in his lair." Muria stomped between the two horns of the red dragon, "So, go and clean up the monsters below, these alienations Tooth dragon, I'll come. "

"My Highness Muria, I can solve these dragons."

"I know. But you solve it, what do I do? Clean up the garbage below?"

"You can stand on top of me and watch the show." Red Dragon murmured silently, but still didn't say this sentence, he could feel that Muria's increasingly fierce fighting and killing intention.

"Let's go down!" Muria glared on one foot, and the whole person slanted at the squashing dragons like a cannonball. The red dragon, which has endured the power of Muria's human form, smashed the huge dragon body towards the roaring monsters below.

When seeing the monster group led by several double-headed ogres, Otley was extremely depressed and suffocated, and opened his mouth. The blazing white dragons burst out and fell among the monster group. ...

Flying above the sky, into the alienated dragon group, Muria put out a five-finger slender palm and pressed it under the head armor of a gold-level dragon, and closed it with a touch.

And just for this momentary contact, the skeletal face armor of the alienated Tooth Dragon's head spread countless cracks. Then, it was full of sharp horns and spiny heads, and it burst like a blood-colored firework blooming in the air. , With a strange beauty.

The headless dragon corpse that lost its head fell to the ground, it was like a signal, a beginning. The bodies of alienated dragons are falling one after another ... Muria is slaughtering these alienated dragons at an amazing speed.

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