Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 292: 9 Tail Evil Dragon

Titan form of the dragon!

After knowing the true identity of Pale Blood Eater, Muria decided to use his strongest posture to end his life. Give this fellow the greatest respect.

This is the biggest concession he can make. Muria can't let it go. It kills too much.

If it was in the Ionian subcontinent, it would have been hacked to death. But here is Osloni, the continent where the monsters run rampant, and it can arrogance to this day. But even so, its good days are coming to an end.

"The alienation is really serious." Muria, who was standing in awe, looked at the pale blood and sighed. His body was surrounded by golden flames and thunder, and a hurricane column centered on him was slowly taking shape.

Pale **** bite is a dragon that is nearly 100 meters long. Under the influence of the blood of the demon, the alienation of the body is very serious, and its form is far more cricket than that of the red dragon.

Those bone plate armor and spines on Tuyaosaurus, as well as pale blood guts, are also thicker. Of course, this is not the point. The biggest difference between pale **** bite and other dental dragons is its tail.

Pale Blood Eater has nine forked sickleblade tails, and the biggest difference between him and the Alien Tooth Dragon is that a pair of twisted and twisted dragon horns are growing on his head. It is not so much a dragon horn, in fact it is more like Demon Horn. This form is already eligible to be classified as a dragon.

There are more than thirty alienated dragons guarding this evil-looking dragon. This is the main force of the pale blood bite, through its blood, forcibly catalyze the Ascension of the Dragon Dragon to the soul level.

接到 Before receiving a distress signal from his blood race plaything, Pale Blood Devourer was attacking ten human cities at the same time with his men. Muria's teleportation was one of the less important targets.

He had already broken through all the defenses of a city, and was attacking the last layer of defense in the city—the temple. The pale blood had learned that his old nest had been copied.

The pale **** blood that Xun had stimulated his bloodline instantly angered, without thinking, he summoned all the alienated dragons that were siege, and went back to support his old nest, where it was extraordinary to him.

"End me?" Hearing the words of this being in front of him, the pale **** blood that was already in a state of rage was even more violent, even if Muria was a few laps larger than it, and the air that made it beat in the air The accelerating pressure did not give it a hint of fear.

The blood of the Barlow Demon and the Red Dragon makes it unaware of what it fears. At this time, even if a deity is standing in front of it, if it has the ability to act, it dare to attack.

"This state is really disappointing." Seeing the evil dragon in front of him, Muria's simple face covered with a touch of golden mang flashed a little disappointment.

He doesn't want to fight with a blood dragon that is about to lose his mind. This is very boring. In a violent state, all aspects of the pale **** body's physical quality will indeed be greatly improved, but no matter how it is improved, it cannot be better than him.

After all, it is just the blood of Barlow and the Red Dragon. These two creatures have the highest and most terrifying existence in the eyes of mortals, but in the eyes of Muria, these two creatures ... are used to measure the strength of his parents. The unit.

The bodies of the Barlow flames brought by his father Ansor from the abyss are innumerable, and one of the most impressive things about his mother, Jin Long Niang and Muria, was that he was shortly after being born. Caught the red dragon couple in the crystal castle.

"唰!" "唰!" ... At the same time when Muria was disappointed and sighing, nine sickle-shaped bone blades stabbed at him. This was a pale **** tail, and it attacked first.

"It's too slow!" At the feet of Muria, the Nine Roads were cast like gold, and the ring of souls surrounding the thunderfire appeared silently, and then it became glorious. In a moment, these nine roads became With blue-gold, the soul of the wind blessed him on his towering body.

The body is huge, like a body that is very easy to hit. At the moment when the ring of souls appeared, it showed a kind of sensitivity that made pale blood swallow it. After nine rounds of tail spurs, all of them were almost assured by Muria. Hiding, no one hit him.

"Nice fighting instinct." Muria, who escaped the attack, praised him, then reached out and grabbed a tail that was retracted a little slower. In many miserable eyes, Muria's right arm muscles were high, The power of horror acts on the pale bloodbite.

"Roar!" This alien dragon, who had almost lost his senses, roared angrily, unable to resist Muria's power at all, was stunned by him, and became a special type of meteor hammer and smashed at his own .

One after another, Alien Tooth Dragons were smashed by Muria with pale blood and smashed into the mountains and flat ground next to them. Huge impacts were exerted on the muddy ground beneath them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Boom out After a series of dragon-shaped giant pits, the tops of several mountains were completely destroyed.

But unfortunately, this "Meteor Hammer" that Muria used very well was very decisive. After realizing that she was used as a weapon and could not break free, she cut off the tail that Muria caught, and eight other The dragon's tail stabbed Muria like a storm.

At the same time, it also called on his alien dragons to besiege Muria together. Apparently, after discovering that he was unable to do so against Muria, the alien dragon chose group attacks.


一次 This time, the pale blood-sucked tail stabbed Muria who had put on Shengyao Huangyuan. Because he was too lazy to hide, and for the first time made a dodge move, he felt that he had given the fellow a face.

The sparks like springs are mixed with the broken bone **** splashing, and after a series of endless stab attacks, the pale blood ate some doubts about Dragon Health. Not only did it not hurt Muria, the bone blades on his tails were broken apart.

Gui Ren was attacked by the pale **** bite, and behind Muria, twenty-four rings of souls emerged, slowly rotating, and a bright golden thunder erupted from it, wrapped around Muria's arm.

"Boom!" Wrapped in a golden thunder, Muria blasted out with a punch, the atmosphere roared, making a thunderstorm-like blast, and a golden beam of light blasted against the pale blood, which was Muria's punch.

"Roar!" Nine-tailed evil dragon roared, behind it, forty black and red, slightly ring of mixed souls appeared, cruel, tyrannical, chaos, death, darkness, this is its soul The ring gives Muria the feeling that this is a downright evil dragon.

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