Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 295: The end

Chapter 295 of the Titan and the King of Dragons volume ends. Seeing that Muria seems to draw it into two tail blows, pale blood swallows the tail, and nine tails spread over the small bone plate to face Mu Rhea's tail.

The collision of one tail with nine tails was no surprise. Muria was wrapped in a layer of legendary armoured tails and smashed the pale-blooded nine tails.

When Muria forged the armor, even her wings were taken care of, how could she miss her tail.

传奇 Legendary metal, as a metal that even the gods need, naturally possesses some incredible properties. It is not at all comparable to the bone-plate armor of Nine-tailed Evil Dragon, which can be harder than steel. The two are not comparable at all.

Pale **** bitter after ignoring how many battles, I have never encountered an enemy who can instantly cut off its nine tails. So even a demon dragon who has lost his mind lost a moment when he realized that he had lost nine tails.

This time, Muria seized the opportunity to directly deceive him, using his melee combat ability honed with his fellow races to kill the tailless evil dragon blood.

This cannot be called a fight at all, and the fighting powers of the two sides are not equal at all. This is a unilateral killing. After all, in addition to the realm, bloodline, equipment, control of strength, combat experience, and other factors affecting combat power, Muria all overwhelmed the pale blood with a crushing attitude.

"Oh!" The scorching black and red blood spewed out and fell to the ground, instantly turning the green grass below into scorched soil, just like pouring strong acid. Muria hardened one of the forelimbs of this evil dragon Torn off from its body, cruel.

Muria ’s time with Pale Blood Eater is very short. In just a few rounds, this evil dragon who did not know how many kills was ripped off by Muria ’s remaining three dragon claws and turned into a dragon stick. Thrown to the ground by Muria.

"How many lives did you kill to reach the point where you are now? Yunyu." Muria stomped her foot on the head of the evil dragon who had lost her four claws, but still wanted to probe him.

No wonder Muria asks this question, because behind this evil dragon, the forty souls now become looming, look closely, and there are the skull faces of all kinds of beings, which are caused by countless tragic deaths. The vision formed by the resentment of human beings, the human face, is only part of it.

But the pale **** bite that has not been removed from madness will obviously not answer Muria's question, it has lost its mind. But with the continuous flow of blood on his body and the suppression of Muria, its violent state is being lifted.

There was a trace of clarity in the pale **** eyes, but after he found his state, he did not hesitate, and the transparent flame ignited from him instantly, covering its remains.

Suddenly, Muria retreated before this weird flame ignited, because he felt a slight threat, and he would never feel good when he touched the flame directly.

Demon talent, burning soul!

"What secret trick is used to desperately!" For such a change, Muria is not surprised, after all, pale blood has been used before, the Church of Dawn has already told him the relevant information.

"Take the soul as the fuel to enhance your own strength." Muria watched the pale **** wounds wriggling with indifferent eyes, musculoskeletal and other body tissues grew rapidly, and the injuries were restored quickly with the naked eye. It's really hopeless. "

Because of this **** ability of this xenosaurus, it is not its own soul that burns, but the soul of the ordinary creature that was killed and ingested by it.

Muria is full of murderous spirit, which is condensed in the abyss training ground. He stared at the pale bloodthirsty that had restored his consciousness, and restored his corpse by burning his soul.

异 The tail, limbs, and even the horn of a side that was broken by Muria were re-growing at an alarming rate, and the breath was rising.

"Kill so many souls, do you not have a trace of pity and guilt? Yun Yu." Muria stared indifferently at the evil dragon whose limbs had begun to take shape and Jiuwei re-emerged.

"No one has called me Yun Yu for a long time, and now they all call me the interesting title of pale **** bite." After hearing Muria's words, the mouth of the nine-tailed evil dragon ripped, revealing a hint of irony: " As for sympathy and compassion, this kind of emotion is not what a weak person like me should have. This is a luxury you can only possess. "

Although the control of the body has just been lost in the fighting just now, the evil dragon remembers it clearly, the kind of combat power that makes it almost crushed. Therefore, after regaining control of the body, it used the life-saving bloodline ability at the bottom of the pressure box for the first time.

"The weak?" Muria made his face even more indifferent. "So, in order to pursue strength, do you think it is right to kill yourself?"

"Weak meat and strong food." The fully-recovered nine-tailed dragon moved his claws and tail ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't kill, I can't live at all now, I can only survive if I want to live. "

"This is not an excuse for you to slaughter the city." Muria clenched his fists. "If you want to kill the soul and grow your strength, you can find those evil races and the robber bandits, this world, Many are **** creatures. "

"But," when he heard Muria's words, the nine-tailed evil dragon grinned, "It's the best for ordinary humans to kill. The ones you said are too troublesome. If you do as you say, you don't know what to do. How long will it take for me to be where I am now. "

"Slaughtering human beings, the fastest growing strength is, but it also shortens your survival time." Upon hearing the answer from the evil dragon in front of him, Muria was dead and completely firmed the idea of ​​killing the pale blood.

"Boom!" Muria stepped on the ground. The towering body broke through the sound barrier at the moment of starting, and a large amount of white mist rose up in the friction between Muria's body and the air.

No mercy. Behind Muria, twenty-four bright golden soul rings were blessed on his fist. "Boom!" A loud explosion sounded, and Muria punched the head of Allosaurus with a punch.

Boom! boom! Boom ... After a punch punched the bones and flew across the sky, Muria did not stop attacking, the blessing of the wind spirit, one punch after another, and the speed of the punch was so pale that it could not hide ...

"Papa!" Lost his head, and the red dragon projected from the bone plate armor, shook it twice and softened to the ground.

异 This alien dragon did not expect to die. It used the ability to press the bottom of the tank to restore itself to a state of 100% blood. After greatly improving its strength, it was struck to death without the slightest effort.

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