Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 399: Have both widows but not both

At the same time, Muria also ordered the five hidden institutions that obeyed the royal family, as well as the hidden organizations formed by various "conscience" evil creatures subscribed by Myers to assist and clean up in secret.

In addition, Muria also opened the kingdom's highest priority information channel, allowing every noble official who found traces of demons and could not resolve it quickly, so that he could immediately send giants through the palace Quick support and suppression with a teleportation array across the country.

In short, Muria can only use all his means to passively deal with these frequent demons, because he cannot find the source of the problem.

Of course, this situation does not only occur in the Rockman Kingdom. Only Muria knows that similar situations have occurred in the Dragon Principality Red Wing Principality and the Dwarven Sherman Principality. Appear.

As for the kingdom of Medis in the dark area, because of the hostile relationship, Muria did not know their situation, but they wanted to come about the same. For no reason, everyone was affected, so the kingdom of the drow elves could be spared. Drow are also hostile to demons.

In order to determine whether the country in this region is unlucky or all the countries in the entire Noah Eurasia egg are unlucky, Muria contacted the rulers of those countries in the central subcontinent and asked them about their situation.

Then Muria was very pleased to confirm the fact that everyone was unlucky. Almost all countries on the Noah ’s Eurasian subcontinent are now suffering from these irregular demons, regardless of time and place.

After finding everyone to be the same, Muria focused her attention on the upcoming martial arts competition. After all, the current Rockman Kingdom's overall combat power is definitely at the top level in the entire Nociah Eur Subcontinent.

Not counting the fourteen legends that the Rockman Kingdom originally possessed, just by Muria's invitation to ten ancient dragons, it would be able to hang down most of the nations on the Noah Eur subcontinent.

Not to mention, lying on the island of clouds suspended next to the king of the city of Scarlet, and entering the dormant state of the wind king eagle, just this town beast, ten ancient dragons may not be able to do it together.

It is conceivable how high the overall combat power of the current Rockman Kingdom is. Muria, who has these combat powers, is naturally fearless. Unless there is an epic intervention, Muria does not think there is anything to do. Hurt yourself now.

If there is an epic shot, Muria will naturally say nothing, and take Princess Lolita Remilia off. If there is hope, Muria will not mind fighting, but there is no hope that Muria will die in vain.

Where there is life, there is hope. Muria has always believed in this.


"Prince Muria, the preliminary round has started."

"Well, all the people who pass the preliminaries are registered on the list. This is the backbone of the country." Muria laughed. The conditions of the preliminaries are very simple. The elimination system will be eliminated after losing a game.

In the preliminary round, 7 out of 8 people were eliminated. More than 10,000 people were selected to participate in the semi-finals in the capital cities of the 48 major provinces. Seven out of eight people were eliminated, and more than a thousand people were selected to participate in the finals of Wangdu Scarlet, and the first day of five age groups was selected.

"By the way, notify those talented players who participated in the preliminary round? Those who are qualified to participate in the finals will broadcast their fight to the whole country through the magic image, so that the people of the country can see their heroic posture."

"All of them have been notified, Archduke Muria. The genius of these geniuses is very high, and almost everyone wants to reach the finals and enter the capital." A middle-aged minister reported to Muria with a smile. Road.

Just by holding this martial arts competition, the Rockman Kingdom has the intelligence information of almost all wild geniuses. Although many of them are false information mixed with water, it is much better than before.

"They are all young people. They are eager for fame and fortune. This is the temptation they can't resist." Muria's face with a confident smile is famous throughout the country for war. Who can resist in a world that advocates military force?

"Prince Muria, if I can be fifty years younger, I will definitely participate in the martial arts convention you host. The reward you give me also has an urge to pretend to be a young man to participate in the competition. "

A minister came out, half complimented and half sincerely said that the reward given by Muria was really too generous, not to mention all kinds of meditations, breathing methods and combat skills that can be used to pass on the family town. Among the potions used for rewards are gems that permanently increase physical strength and prolong life. This is how to keep some powerful people from getting jealous.

But this is the prize that Muria used to reward those geniuses. They didn't dare hand their claws. They could only ask which geniuses got the medicine they had dreamed of, and then found a way to trade them.

There are too many chips in the hands of the aristocratic group, and their wealth is beautiful. There is always a genius who can be young and vigorous these years.

"Haha!" Muria gave a hearty laugh, "Bazelle, you pretend to be a young man to participate, but you will surely be taken out. At that time, the state councilor of the Rockman Kingdom will compete with the young generation of the Kingdom for fame The scandal spread, but let Seoul wait for nothing. "

"Mr. Muria laughed and laughed ~ www.readwn.com ~ was so ridiculed by Muria, the Minister of Senator Bazel laughed a little embarrassedly.

Another honorable aristocrat heard the conversation between Muria and the Minister of the Senate, and stepped forward to advise Muria, "Her Majesty, although there is an age detection matrix, you can hide the secrets and potions of your age, and There are also some strange spells. There are likely to be some shameless seniors in the game. Is it unfair? "

"When signing up, in the preliminary rounds, there may be some older strong players mixed in, but there may be some remaining in the preliminary rounds, but in the preliminary rounds, there will be no such shameless guys." Muria There was a mockery on his face.

"Her Grand Duke, how can you detect this kind of old strong man who hides his age?" An aristocratic relationship asked, and his son-in-law also signed up for the martial arts convention. As a father, he naturally wanted to fight for his son Fair playing environment.

Muria sits on the throne. "I sent five legendary capitals to visit the capital cities of major provinces. They will check the players qualified for the rematch. In this case, I don't believe anyone can confuse them. "

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