Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 402: Tong1 World

"Unfortunately, this fellow of mine has reached the peak of his life, marrying the empire princess, serving as the chief weapon forge division, and also owning a small plane as his royal title."

Muriya secretly shook her head and sighed. Such an achievement is basically the pinnacle of Ellasia ’s main material world. Except for the gods and achievements of epics, basically there is nothing better than this.

To be honest, just when I heard Gustav introduced by Van Gogh Dragon Pasteur, Muria had a idea to attract the first refiner, but after listening to the refiner's current achievements, this This thought is gone.

This is a good mix of goods, aside from his identity of Titan and Son of the Dragon, he is not as good as this guy, but he has a small plane as a fiefdom, but the whole world is not the same as the one in Muria's hand. The half-plane used for development can be different.

If you compare personal assets, Muria feels that even if she counts Nine Kings and Shengyao Huangyuan, she may not be able to fight him. An imperial chief refiner, where will the refiner resources go? ?

Therefore, to recruit the first refiner, Muria felt that she had no hope, whether it was soft or hard. Compared with the empire with epic position, Muria itself has no advantage. At all.

"By the way, you said that Gustav is making legendary weapons very fast? How fast is it?" Muria asked with some curiosity, because his exclusive weapon casting process was assisted by the Netherforge Hall, So the time consumed is very short.

"Master Gustav's highest record was to cast a legendary sword named 'Indestructible Lake Light' in ten days. Such a short cast time has made a sensation on the main continent.

Unfortunately, at that time, Master Gustav was already engaged to the long princess of the Star Empire. There was no force to dig the corner of the Star Empire, so the number of people who wanted to assassinate Master Gustav was increasing. To this end, the emperor of the Star Empire deliberately equipped his brother-in-law with four legends for personal protection. "

"Well, this treatment." Muria smashed it. If he is a human now, it would be afraid that he has become jealous and envious of this predecessor. One of the ten most honorable emperors of the human race is his. Brother-in-law, and the charming princess as a wife, the pursuit of life is nothing more than that.

But unfortunately, Muria is not a human. He has a transcendent existence with the blood of the Titans and the Dragon King. He is now behind this predecessor only because he is too young. As long as he is given enough time to develop, his achievements exceed this It ’s just a matter of time before the first refiner.

The starting point of the two is different. It is true that Gustav's identity as an aristocrat, and the advantage of living longer, and the outstanding talent of the refiner, through sweat and hard work, achieved such an achievement, it is really amazing,

But he has reached the limit. There is a ceiling for non-combat occupations, and Gustav has arrived in this smallpox, in a embarrassing situation. He had lost his way while reaching the pinnacle of the refiner.

From the standpoint of the ruler of the empire of stars, the strength of the refiner can be used to cast legendary weapons. It does not need too much strength. Too strong to control.

Therefore, Gustav could not achieve epic. Under the control of the empire of stars, it was impossible for him to cultivate a legion that could roam in the void and then save or destroy the world with a small material realm.

As for Feng Shen, don't even think about it. It is too easy to support a human Feng Shen with the human resources owned by the human empire, but the Star Empire does not need a forged god. Can it be controlled? The question says otherwise.

He is mainly a god, an epic level of existence, and the weapons we use are no longer able to be forged with good forging skills, but involve some more essential things

For example, faith, there are sources of power. Without these, only some metal materials can be used to cast weapons that are not available at the epic level. The best weapon that the refiner can cast is the legendary weapon.

So Gustav's achievements stop here. The seemingly beautiful Empire's chief refiner, who knows how sad he is? The four legends who never leave him, their responsibility may be more than just protecting the master of the refiner.

Muria is different. There is no end to his path. There is no existence in the world of Elasia that can stop Muria. When there is a presence that is not conducive to Muria's growth, there will naturally be an elder to wipe out Except everything.

The innate starting point of the two is different, there is no comparability. Furthermore, the Gustav master has now lived for more than 300 years. Muria has lived this age. His strength is definitely better than him, and assets should be able to crush him.

"Well, by the way, why is Gustav not the first refiner of Elasia, not the first refiner of the main continent?" Muria asked with interest, "because he never left the main continent Have you compared it to other refiners in the subcontinent? "

"Yes, His Excellency Gustav not only did not leave the main continent. When he became famous ~ www.readwn.com ~ he did not even have the territory of the Star Empire, his activities were limited to the Star Empire and his The fiefdom, and if he wants to go to himself, he also needs to inform his wife that Her Royal Highness Princess Isabella will go with her. "

所以 "Therefore, it is impossible for us in the Erasian world to have any first refiner, because no ruler will allow his top talents to leave his control."

"Yes, many non-combat professions are hard to beat first because they are too restrictive themselves." Speaking of this, Gu Jinlong Pasteur was smirked because he thought of the conclusion that he felt very ridiculous,

"If there is anyone who can unify the Erasian world and play games like Your Highness, then these non-combat supporting professions can easily compare who is the first in the Erasian world."

"Unifying the Erasian world?" Muria was teased by the assumption of the ancient golden dragon Pasteur, "Since the time of the ancient times, there has never been a unified Erasian world. There was no such time in the ancient times, and even less so now. Maybe. "

"But just a joke, why should His Highness Muria care? The Erasian world is indeed impossible to unite. There was a sage who had this idea, but he made a small statistics of the major forces in the Erasian world and their powerful ones. Quantity, it gives up this impossible dream. "

"Unification can be accomplished only by conquering all gods and epics with force and suppressing all disobedience, but who can have such combat power from ancient times to the present?"

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