Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 407: Grandeur

"You can reject my call, and I will not force you." Muria's face showed a kind smile. "Join the demon hunting group to fight the demons. This is to defend the kingdom with your life, so you are all willing to participate. Life is yours. "

"Okay, start registering now." Mia next to Muria waved her hand. Twenty housekeepers holding the book and a number of hands holding a photo gem were the housekeeper coming in.

"For those who voluntarily join the demon hunting group, please leave your name and image, you will become the hero of the kingdom, and your name and appearance should be known to everyone in the country."

"I, Leon, volunteered to join the demon hunting group, willing to defend humanity with life, and fight blood to the end with all the demons that disturbed human tranquility." Mia's words had just finished, and the young demon knight stood up first and responded. Muria's call, it is his duty to protect the people.

"Sir Leon, please stand, I will leave you with the clearest impact." As the housekeeper holding the book records Leon's name, the housekeeper holding the video gem is standing directly opposite Leon and holding it in his hand The jewel was facing the heroic red-haired boy.

"Remember it carefully, don't make typos, and the image must be taken clearly." Muria reminded, "Three days later, I want to circulate the list and images of all the geniuses who voluntarily joined the hunting group, spreading across the kingdom, The monument shows the people. I want to let the people of the kingdom know that there is a group of people who choose to protect them regardless of their safety. "

As soon as this word came out, the geniuses who originally planned to join immediately became excited. Whoever didn't like it and who could refuse it, although they showed their faces once in the final, I am afraid there are only the first few. Position will be remembered, and the latter will soon be forgotten by the public.

But this time it was different. Grand Prince Muria engraved the names and images of all the people who joined the demon hunting group on the stone monuments, standing in the middle of major cities. This is not the same. As long as this kind of memorabilia stone is not deliberately damaged, there is no problem for thousands of years.

Compared with these young geniuses who have been passionate about blood, those geniuses who originally planned to protect themselves and refused to summon wanted to scold their mothers. Muria had hit their dead spot with one hand.

They participated in the competition for the sake of fame and fortune. Now that fame and fortune are both harvested, they are planning to go home. If the call for refusal is refused, there will be no merit on the hunting monument.

At that time, a reputation for greed and fear of death will not run away. As for reputation and everything, don't even think about it. It is very likely that it will be cast aside by people.

They are all geniuses who went to Wangdu to participate in the finals. They can respond to the call of the ruling Grand Duke to fight against demons and defend the country. Why did you refuse? What is not greedy for fear of death? coward! coward! Incompetent!

Just think about your rejection of Muria's call. After returning home, after the ruling grand duke announces and publicizes the names and images of the demon hunters to the whole country, how much scorn and controversy will be suffered by those around him. Many people have changed their minds.

"Well, those who want to join the hunting group stay, register their names, leave the image, those who don't want to join can leave now." Muria said blankly.

In the parliament hall, many geniuses looked at each other, and no one moved. Among them, there were many geniuses from aristocratic backgrounds, who secretly hated this operation of Muria.

As aristocrats with a profound family education, they naturally know what it means to fight with demons, and they respect and treat them. Of course, they do n’t want to fight for the people of any country. .

Most of them just want to enjoy the daily hard work of the foolish civilians in their family territories during the peaceful years. By the way, in various competitions, they have gained reputation and returned with a full load, and used this as a capital to join several nobles. Miss.

However, the aristocracy's most important reputation, once it became timid and cowardly, it was confined and closed, and it was never seen in the sky. It could only move in the dark, and was expelled from the nobility by the family. .

Therefore, in order to maintain the reputation of the nobles, all the geniuses born of the nobles did not leave. Regardless of whether they wanted to, these noble-born guys must join the hunting group, which is determined by their identity, and they have no room to resist.

This is a naked conspiracy. Muria says that he can choose freely. But in fact, for the noble genius, there is only one option. Muria has blocked all their back roads and wants to keep his honor. With identity, you can only fight with demons.

For the geniuses of civilian origin, although they have no prominent identity, they are now honored and honored. This is a glory and a burden. If they do n’t want to go back and be cast aside by the neighbours, they also have only one choice. .

Of course, there are always some aliens of nearly 2,000 people. They don't care about fancy things like fame. They are alone and only care about their own interests. They participate in the martial arts competitions mainly for the generous prizes. Not reputation.

But at this moment, Muria spoke again, listing the conditions that these self-centered lone wolves could not refuse.

"Joining the demon hunting group ~ www.readwn.com ~ Becoming a demon hunter and demon fight is the most dangerous occupation. But the most dangerous occupation has the most rewarding returns. Each of you will get a magic guide later. This magic guide does not have any auxiliary capabilities. The only function is to record the number of demons you have killed, and then calculate their strength to convert them into battle points.

And the merit points, just like the points you get after winning the combat contest, can be exchanged for the resources in the demon hunting merit reward list. How many demons you have killed and how much merit you have won, I will redeem you as much resources. No upper limit. "

Muria's face had a smile on her face. "As for the list of rewards for hunting magic, I can tell you now that the breathing methods, meditative thoughts, weapons, armor, and potions are like the ones in the martial arts competition. Reward is even more precious. The two are not at the same level at all. "

"Your Majesty Muria, can ordinary people enter the half-plane asylum places, can they also be exchanged for combat?" At this time, a young man with a Tomahawk raised his hand and asked loudly.

"Of course you can." Muria nodded and smiled. He expressed his appreciation for this kind of filial piety. "Because of the increasing demon attack, I decided to open all the half planes controlled by the royal family and let some people in the kingdom enter. Take refuge. "

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