Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 411: World eating

"Yes, according to the scope of this evil disaster, our world has a big appetite, and I am afraid that it has swallowed more than one layer of abyss. At least the area of ​​all the abyss layers that are swallowed up by our world will not be smaller than Noggia. European subcontinent. "

"So exaggerated?" Muria's mouth twitched twice. You need to know that the area of ​​more than a dozen layers of abyss does not necessarily have the size of a subcontinent. It is conceivable how good the appetite of the Erasian world is. .

"Is there a similar phenomenon in other subcontinents?" Muria asked the cologne.

"I contacted some old friends and asked some, and basically confirmed that this happened only in the Nocia Eurasia."

"Is that so?" Muria was slightly silent, then looked at an old dragon who had lived more than 900 years old. "Have you ever encountered a similar situation before?"

"I haven't heard of it, let alone encountered it." Pasteur shook his head with a grin and smiled. "I also encountered this kind of affair for the first time, because I have read the" The World Consumption Doctrine "before. That's what came to mind.

I originally thought of that book as a mentally deranged mage, and it was written in a hysterical state. I did not expect to use the assumptions inside to speculate that the current situation is very reasonable. "

"It's too early to draw a conclusion. There is no direct evidence that this is the world eating, maybe for other reasons." Muria looked up to the gray, and there was a faint glimmer of sky, as if the sun in the material world was about to rise The dawn before it was average.

Such a strange sky has already explained a lot of problems. Erasia's world law is eroding and assimilating this abyss, or in a more appropriate way, it is "digesting" this abyss.

Muria has agreed with the World Consumption Doctrine. Although it sounds nonsense, it is the case. This is just one eating in the world, although the time interval is so long that even Gulong can hardly know it, it can only rely on the degree of guessing.

"For the world, what are we living in?" Muria lamented in a mocking tone, thinking of the devastation that made the entire subcontinent sorrowful.

"Part of the world," Pasteur replied.

"If it's really eating, it's a good thing for the world itself, but for the creatures that live on the Nouasia subcontinent, it's a disaster."

"His Highness Muria, the magic disaster only spreads a wide range. It is not difficult for the truly powerful forces and strong people to survive, and it is only those ordinary and weak creatures that really struggle to survive.

But for the world, they are the least important being. No matter how many people die, as long as there are one percent, or even one thousandth of the survivors, within millennia, they will reproduce again and cover the entire subcontinent. . What does the millennium mean to the world? "

"So, for the world, sacrificing something that can be recovered within a thousand years in exchange for a growth of its own is a steady exchange of money."

Muria stared blankly at the demon wandering in the distant wasteland, feeling a little irritable. The world devours the depths of the abyss. There is no right or wrong about this kind of thing. If you are to blame, blame yourself for being born in this world.

"Going back, His Excellency Pasteur, it is time for me to fulfill my duties as the Grand Duke."


"Today is a harmonious and beautiful day again." At the top of the monster hunting monument, which is nearly 100 meters high in the center of the city, a calm-looking young man lays his hands on his back, watching the sunset at dusk. Beautiful sunsets to the west.

"Some boring!" Already drowsy, the youth who had not cut the devil for the past three days felt a drowsiness. He missed the group who suddenly appeared outside the city he was guarding three days ago. Fire demon.

"It shouldn't have been hacked, but there should be a few heads to play with." The young man muttered, "So boring, why haven't any demons appeared for so long? This shouldn't be, according to the gods of the United Front Department. By calculation, this is a weak point in space, and many demons will break through here and appear in the Erasian world. "

"Boy Yaheng, can you say a few words? Isn't it good to enjoy a few days of peace without the attack of a demon?" A man with a beard at the top of a mage tower less than a kilometer away from the gargoyle, 拎Holding a staff is like a mage with a mallet poking out his head and cursing.

"Hey, am I not used to killing demons and killing? Suddenly transferred me to guard the city, which made me a little accustomed. This task is too idle, and my bones are rusty."

"Relax?" The bearded mage gave a soft sigh. "I think you are killing the demon and going crazy. There is a demon siege at two ends in three days. If I had no money, I would have moved away with my mage tower. Then, who remains in this place of the Fourth War? "

"I, and many people in the hunting group like this kind of demons, but there are still too few demons. It's better to kill more demons when I perform hunting missions. Keeping the city these days, let me The hunter ranking has dropped a lot. "

"I think you are just too busy. If you have nothing to do, just explore the city. When I just opened the detection circle, when I inspected the city, I found several demon believers. Go and investigate."

"A demon believer?" Yaheng glared, and the naked eye was permeated. He said nothing, took out a high-grade metal tomahawk, and went into the city to search for demon believers ~ www.readwn.com ~ The change of "World Feeding" makes the unknown number of abyss levels almost overlap with Nocchia's European subcontinent. Not only legendary demons can enter the physical world, but even gold-level demons with a little strength have entered the material with puppets. The world set off a **** storm.

This change has almost attracted the attention of the whole world, especially those demon believers who are insane and cruel and crazy. They are even more excited. Devil believers from other continents now consider Nogia Eurasia as a holy place and do everything possible Get into it too.

A group of lunatics who like to play terrorist attacks and have no respect for life, this is Muria's definition of demon believers. The damage these guys cause to their kind is no less than the killing of demons.

Since Muria formed the Demon Hunting Group, the blood sacrifices to the demon followers have occurred no less than ten times. As for the cases of Tu Village and Tu Town, there are so many bulls, so Yaheng will be so nervous and angry, even if this is a fundamental No confirmation was received. You can also let Yaheng go to find the city owner, and use the power of the demon hunter to let him send troops to search the whole city.

In the end, in a **** room, Yaheng found the devil believer that the bearded mage said ...

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