Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 418: Atris' regret

"However, when you ransacked my treasure house, why didn't you have this awareness, and what you call the bottom line? You don't need other people's treasures in your hands.

Your mother and I have accumulated hundreds of years of hard-earned treasures, all protected by the legendary magic circle, you have to pry them all open and steal them, you play double standard! "

Golden Dragon Mother Atris slanted Muria, she is now unforgettable. When Muria patronized her treasure house and opened the door herself, she fell into the bottom of the valley in an instant.

"Hey, that's different." Muria laughed. "You are my mother. How can you use your words to rob and steal the word?"

"Hehe." Jinlong Niang just wanted to say something, and suddenly remembered that she had done many similar things to his father, Timothy. It is true that there must be a mother and a son. In the same vein, I don't know that I am old. Did my father ever do this kind of thing?

"His Royal Highness Muria, and Lord Atris, if there is nothing, I will retreat first." The silence of the air made Gu Jinlong Pasteur even more embarrassed, so he got up and resigned to the mother and son.

"Why do you call his Highness?" Jin Longniang asked with dissatisfaction. Her son's title was better than his own. How could this not make him or her angry?

"Because he has the blood of the Dragon King, compared to you, you should call me His Highness. I am the descent of the Dragon King, and he is just another generation. If it were not for me, he would not even have the dragon body. "

"Eh!" Pasteur is helpless when he hears a title. Pasteur is helpless. He is not a fool. There are obviously some contradictions between the mother and the child. He hurries away now. Retired. "

Regardless of the reaction to the mother and the child, the ancient dragon fled.

"His Excellency Pasteur is several times your age. He is a thousand-year-old cologne. You should respect it."

"Except for age, whether it's strength, blood, or insight, I'm above him in all aspects. Even so, I talk to him on an equal footing. Where can I not respect?"

"... I'm going to deal with government affairs." Muria went to the table and sat down, began writing and continued to review the official documents.

"You're driving me away?" Muria's words meant, how could Jinlong Niang not hear, "half plane you don't want?"

"Will you give it to me?" Muria's hand paused. Half of the face was still very attractive to him. After all, it was the legendary mage who could use the spell to open up in nothingness. Besides, it was the epic Level exists before it can be opened up.

"When did I refuse?" Jin Longniang asked back, and then she told Muria a message in a seductive tone,

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing to tell you, the half-planes just formed, if there is a suitable secret method, you can fuse them into a half-plane."

"Mother, do you have a place to live now? If you don't, you can stay here temporarily." Muria put down her pen and smiled diligently on her face.

"I haven't been so extravagant that the palaces of the human kingdom are too disgusting."

"Mia," Muria knocked on the housekeeper bell next to her, calling her personal maid.

"Master Atelier." When the blonde girl with shredded dragon scales came in her face and saw the golden dragon girl who was next to Muria to see him reviewing the official documents, she was very wise to salute her.

At first, she was serving the Golden Dragon Mother. Only after she slept with Muria later did she follow Muria. This was her second biggest opportunity in her life. As for the first, she was of ordinary origin and was very lucky to touch her. Got the Golden Dragon Mother, and was transformed into a Dragonborn.

"Mia, prepare the best palace and arrange for my mother to stay. The servants and guards will be the best."


"Muria!" Mia was summoned by Muria, and another cute little boy followed, and when she saw Muria, she hurried to him with a cheer.

"Indira, why are you here? Aren't you playing with Remilia?" Embracing the young tooth Lori flung into her arms, Muria asked softly despite the surprised look of Jin Long Niang.

Indira from the Void, is not much different from ordinary little girls before she has to use her domineering devouring talent and that weird transforming talent. Well, compared to Muria and now Remilia. Say.

"I defeated Remilia today. She is now running back to the room and crying." Indira sniffed and said proudly. "Then I just saw Mia coming over to you, and I followed coming."

"Um." Muria nodded. The two loli have played almost every day since they knew it. The win and loss are basically half points, and the winning and losing are changed every day.

Two little monsters with strong resilience who can't kill each other. The way they decide to win is simple. Whoever hurts the other first and lets the other bleed wins.

"This is your daughter?" Looking at Muria and Indira as if they were brothers and sisters, Jinlong Niang asked with joy, and the appearance of Indira was very in line with her preferences.

"What do you think!" When she heard Jin Longnien knowingly ask, with a question of ridicule, Muria rolled her eyes. Anyone who is familiar with Muria's breath can feel the difference between Muria and Indira. .

Muria, like the scorching sun in the sky, exudes endless light and heat, grand and magnificent. And Indira is like a vortex of vanity that devours everything ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's trembling.

"When were you born?" Golden Dragon Mother Atris smiled with a frown. "Why don't you tell me?"

"This is what my grandfather gave me and hatched out of that void egg." Muria said angrily. The current appearance of Indira has an inseparable relationship with Jinlongniang. "You should have seen it. "

"It turned out to be that little guy. I said something familiar." Golden Dragon Lady Atris showed thought. "When I saw the egg, I curiously touched it twice, and found that it wanted to devour my power. I fed it and ate some. "

"So, Indira is now a girl. If you haven't touched her, you should now be like me, a boy." Muria explained that according to Indira's instinct, Jinlong Niang is far stronger In Muria, she used the Golden Dragon Mother as a template to construct herself, but Muria's influence on her can not be ignored, so she has become what she is now.

"Girls are better, just to make up for my regrets." Jinlong Niang Atelier leaned down and took Indira from Muria's arms into her arms with extremely brutal force, "You broke When it came out, I was a little disappointed. "

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