Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 430: Atris Grand Relocation

"The end of the war is doomed, and the end is just a matter of time." Jin Longniang said with a grin, "so we don't have to stay here, the results of the war will not be changed because of us."

Muria looked at the battlefield where the situation was almost one-sided, and nodded silently. This war was like an adult bullying a ten-year-old child. The Kingdom of Medis did not have any fighting power, and the result was no accident.

"So, come with me, we go directly to the next step and receive the loot." Jinlong Niang came to the chariot, picked up the driving Indira, and hugged it in his arms. "If you don't go, I'll do it myself Take them first. "

"I'll go." Muria nodded and agreed immediately. They were referring to Indira and Remilia. Since Jinlong Niang saw these two lovely loli, she was tired with them almost all day, teaching them each. This kind of knowledge makes Muria sometimes can't help but wonder about who is the biological problem.

"Very good." Atelier Jinlongniang stretched out her jade fingers and gently emptied. A swirling space door was formed in an instant, and then Jinlongniang scratched in the direction of Muria, and the three disguised as humans. The monster was dragged into the vortex of space by her car.

The noisy killings on the battlefield disappeared in Muria's ears, the roar of the dragon, the roar of the giant, the screams of the drow before death ... all gone, and the air became incomparable in an instant Quiet, making Muria slightly uncomfortable.

The only sound was the heavy panting of the nine monsters pulling the car in front of him, and the noisy noise from the city below.

Below is a city of drow elves, with dark purple as the main tone, and the scattered buildings with bright light patterns on it, flickering, the whole city looks like a magnificent artwork, giving people a kind of The urge to collect.

"Although these drow are a bit ugly, their artistic accomplishments are impeccable. From this aspect, it can be seen that their aesthetics are good. I just don't know why I chose Rose Queen as myself. The **** of faith, what an ugly **** can worship. "

After condensing the light that the body will naturally emit, the golden dragon queen who made herself inconspicuous murmured, her voice filled with puzzlement and disdain for the queen spider rose.

"Mother, strictly speaking, the drow elves are just a little bit black. Their features are very delicate and have nothing to do with ugliness." Muria responded softly. "As for the queen spider, she only looks at the spider head. It's ugly, in fact, her dark elf form is still very good. "

Muria was very pertinent in commenting that the elven form of the Queen of the Spiders really makes people speechless. After all, she was once the companion of the elven **** Corellon Lariansian. Where can this face go?

"How? Interested in her?" Jin Longniang's eyes circulated, and she looked at Muria with a ridiculous look. "Unfortunately, you are too weak now. Wait patiently for hundreds of years. After I have been promoted to the Dragon King, I will find a way This big spider grabbed you to warm your bed. "

"Please don't make nonsense, mother, I haven't been vulgar enough to be passionate about a big spider." Muria said with a straight face, after the fallen spider spider rose, its form completely does not conform to his aesthetic view.

"Oh!" Jin Longniang deliberately made a voice, looking at Muria, "So which creature are you interested in? Dragon? Titan? Or angel?

"You are almost sixty years old." Jinlong Niang showed a sigh of sigh. "The normal Jinlong, now even the dragon eggs have hatched, but you are still a dragon, you have even touched the opposite sex. What did you do? At this point, do n’t you think that the dragons have lost the dragon? ”

"I have the blood of metal dragons, but I don't like the blood of the five-colored dragons." Muria's face turned black. This is taunting him, absolutely, "Many golden dragons are the same age as me, no Still not looking for a spouse? "

"That's a minority."

"Are you with my father at my age?"

"Almost just met him." Jinlong Niang still looked at Muria, "I don't laugh at you anymore, you are my son, your vision must be as high as mine, so it will take a long time to find a suitable partner, But our lives are longer than the average dragon. It doesn't matter, but you have to tell me, do you have a goal now? "

"Yes." After a little hesitation, Muria nodded, remembering in his mind the appearance of the voice of a brave and fierce girl of the Celestial Prodigy.

"What race? What's it called?"

"The Blazing Protoss, Michelangela."

"The First Protoss of Borderless Heaven." Jin Longniang squinted her eyes, revealing a touch of contemplation, and nodded with satisfaction. "It's not bad, but I don't know what the children you are born to look like. Want to see what my future granddaughter looks like! "

"It's still early." Muria couldn't help crying. "She hasn't agreed to my pursuit, and there are restrictions on the family behind her. I don't know if I can become a partner with her."

"You look good." Jinlong Niang Atris sneered, "If the little girl promises you, but the Chitian Protoss obstruct it, I will find those old guys to solve it, you go as you want Do it with no scruples. "

"I see." Muria pursed her lips, her emotions fluctuated, and once again realized the benefits of a powerful backstage ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let me hold my granddaughter earlier, don't let me wait too long. "Jin Long Niang raised her wand in her hand, and launched her own magic spell that she prepared silently while chatting with Muria.

At this moment, the dark and dark area shook, and Muria at a high altitude clearly saw a large crack appearing on the ground around the drow city below, and a shocking large crack appeared, and the unconventional land preparation surrounded the city.

"This is it?" Muria stared at this elf city floating slowly, rising off the ground, and around it, a phantom of the original and vast half-plane appeared, and then some of it turned from fiction to reality, Slowly engulf this exquisitely beautiful city of drow.

"This is a spell I created specifically to move huge trophies. What do you think?"

"Very good." Muria's lips moved twice before she said three words stiffly. He really didn't expect Jin Longniang to be so ruthless and moved people away with her.

"Let's go and follow me to the next city. I have detected the location of all the elven cities in this dark area."

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