Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 436: Two headed baboon

For these guys who don't know how to behave, Titans and Colognes are naturally not polite. Others come with malicious intent, naturally it is not necessary to greet with a smile, and to greet with fists and claws is the best way.

"The sky here is getting closer and closer to the sky of Elassia." After a fight with the broken Baroyan, thinking about the problems in his battle, Muria looked up at the sky.

The azure blue sky carries some gray, like the haze-filled sky in the past, and there are still clouds floating, these are the symbols of the abyss being eroded and assimilated by the laws of the Erasian world. And those toxic gases in the air have become much thinner.

"This is no longer an abyss!" Under Ansor's surveillance, Barlow, who had been fighting Muria for almost a year, also looked up at the sky, with complex emotions such as longing, expectation, and jealousy in his eyes.

Devil born in the abyss does not mean that they like the abyss. They also like the environment of the physical world. Of course, the favorite thing is the living creatures.

"The final war is about to begin." Muria looked to Ans Orr who was supervising her. Don't think that her father would definitely participate in the war.

It's hard to imagine what it would look like? In the last time, the abyss will definitely carry out its last madness, and a variety of powerful abyss demons will come in large numbers, and those demon lords spreading in the tales of mortal legends will also come to project.

Fighting against the laws of the abyss and the physical world, Elacia will lose the repression of the creatures of the other world, and the demon lord of the abyss will never give up this opportunity to harvest the soul in large numbers.

Coupled with the strong coming from all continents at that time, Muria could not imagine how chaotic the Nooch Eur subcontinent would be.

"Unfortunately, I can only be a spectator at this level of fighting, and I cannot directly participate in it." Muria slightly regretted that such a big change that never happened for years, he could only watch, and the only comfort The benefit of this change is his share.

Ansor has promised that he will grab some of the half planes and give them to Muria. As for the specific number, it depends on Muria's specific performance.

The specific meaning of grabbing is very simple. By force, things that do n’t belong to you become your own. This is grabbing.

According to the legendary divisions of Nokia Eur Subcontinent, the Rockman Kingdom plus the surrounding dwarves and dragon princes, as well as the dark area, has occupied almost one tenth of the total area of ​​Nokia Eur Subcontinent. Both belong to the Titans and the Metal Dragons.

At that time, the half-planes that were born and evolved on it are also the Titans and the Metal Dragons. These are originally their own. Obtaining these half-planes is not a grab.


In the tenth year of Muria's rule in the Rockman Kingdom, Muria was just sixty-four years old. This is the age at which mortals are already aging. For the long-lived species, this age just represents their long road to life, but it has just started.

"How is the resettlement of refugees?" Muria, sitting on the throne, frowned.

This is his avatar, and the deity is still in the abyss, but the ministers and nobles below, no one has found this.

"Food, clothing, and the temporary tents you ordered can be distributed. But there are still many hidden dangers, such as monsters in the wild, monsters that have fallen because of infection with the abyss, and lost the shelter of the cities. These civilians are too Easy to die. "

"Do your best!" Muria sighed. The world engulfing the abyss is an opportunity for the legendary powerhouse, but for those weak lives, it is a natural disaster that can be killed at any time.

Despite the shelter of Titans and Colognes, the Rockman Kingdom still has an uncountable number of human deaths every day. Because the legendary demon may appear in any area, and it cannot be prevented.

Demons of this level simply exist, and the field formed by the power scattered on their bodies is enough to kill all the mortals of a city. Those whose homes have been destroyed and who have the opportunity to become refugees are still lucky. The bones of the unfortunate people have become slag, the soul has been devoured, and their existence has completely disappeared.

The situation of the Lockman Kingdom is already the best on the Noah Eur subcontinent. Immediately after the emergence of these powerful demons causing great damage, ancient dragons or titans will come to solve it.

The powerful demons that appear in other countries are often tortured one city after another, with dead bodies and mountains of blood flowing into the river, because those countries do not have strong men who can suppress the seals of demons in a short time.

The bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no chicken sound for thousands of miles. This is now the encounter of all intelligent races on the Noah Eur subcontinent, and the number of ethnic groups has plummeted. Death and destruction are the main themes of Nociasia.

This is the inevitable result of the abyss of world integration, and the Erasian world also needs to pay a price.


"Click!" The shattering crackle sounded in Muria's ears, and Titan, who cut the wound of the opposite Barlow Flame Demon, looked at the cracks under his feet dumbly, when he saw the brilliance in the cracks After the dazzling glory, a fatal crisis arose.

"Retreat!" While his father's scolding sounded in his ears, Muria had complied with his instinct to stay away from the large crack that had expanded into a large rift and continued to spread.

"That's it?" Muria stared at the light pervading his eyes in suspicion, only watching the light for a short time ~ www.readwn.com ~ he had a feeling of dizziness. Muria got a lot of information in this light, but after careful tasting, she found nothing.

"Open your eyes and take a closer look. This is the realization of the law. How many legends will never be seen in a lifetime. You can write down as much as you can now. You may have to wait for yourself the next time you want to see it again. After the promotion to epic. "

Hearing her father's words, Muria forsaw her increasingly dizzy head and the urge to close her eyes, and stared carefully at the splendid brilliance that spewed out of the earth from the broken abyss.

Just as Muria's deity realized the laws of incarnation while watching the formation of the half plane, the feeling of being in the parliament hall felt a sudden appearance, and it quickly became rich and unknown.

"There is a powerful demon descending on the capital." Muria's clone raised her head with a sneer, her golden eyes flashed, she shot over the top of the temple, and saw Scarlet's sky.

The sky that was supposed to be clear became gloomy at this moment, and a depressing breath permeated. An ugly monster ghost with a snake-like long arm, two baboon-like heads, reptile-like legs and twisted tail slowly emerges in the sky ...

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