Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 442: Majestic Remilia

"This guy is really decisive, running too fast," Ulysses looked at the twirling tentacles in his hands with regret, with a helpless expression on his face.

"This is from the arm of Timogan?" Muria asked in amazement as he looked at what had been dragged after the hundreds of chains passed through the space.

"Um." Ulysses sensed the thin source of power contained in it. Although it was small, it was not a loss at this trip, and it was a bit of a gain.

"I want to try if I can drag this guy's real body to the Elacian world. Unfortunately, this guy is too timid to dare to come over and break his arms directly in the middle, at the cost of this. Get rid of my shackles. "

"This is not a matter of courage." Muria whispered silently in his heart. The abyss entered the world of Erasia unless he did not want to live.

"I'm going to find the next projected incarnation of the Demon Lord. It's not enough to have a Dimogogan," Ulysses the Lord of the Abyss looked at the four legendary Titans. "Go and help me collect those purified by the world. The higher the number of shaped half-planes, the better, regardless of cost and method. "

"Master Ulysses, do you need to inform the royals of the Uranos Empire to help collect them, and they also sent someone over." A Titan came out to confess that the Uranos Empire is one of the ten empires of the human race, and the Titans There is a deep source.

"Have they sent someone over, please inform them." Ulysses the Lord of the Abyss said for a moment, "clarify to them that I need these half-planes, and let them give me everything they have collected, I will not let them suffer. "

"Understand." A Titan nodded, raised his hand to tear the space, took a step, disappeared, apparently to inform the Uranos Empire.

"Go all out and grab more half-planes for me. You don't need to worry about any existence." The Lord of the Abyss said arrogantly, with a strong force. Then the figure slowly became unreal and disappeared.

Alas, after hearing the request of the Lord of the Abyss, Muria showed a thoughtful appearance. The Lord of the Abyss, Ulysses, came out of the Titans. The goal is very clear, which is the source of power on those demon lords. , And those half-planes that are about to take shape.

Generally speaking, even the epic will not swallow the source force of other peers at will, because the nature of power is different. That fairy grass, my poison.

If it could be devoured at will, the Emperor Osiris would have devoured the evil **** imprisoned in the Eternal Sky Mechanical City long ago, and he would not keep it as a permanent motive.

But the Lord of the Abyss is different. He is trying to fuse the Abyss, and some of his strengths are very close to those of the Demon Lord. He already has the ability to devour the power of the Abyss, but this is a very dangerous behavior. If you are not careful, it will be eroded by the abyss and become a chaotic and funny one.

Therefore, he needs those half-planes transformed by the world with the level of the abyss, which contains what he wants, such as the chaotic power to purify the abyss. If you can fully understand it, Ulysses' power will rise again and enter a higher level.


"Well, it's all gone! Some boring!" In the parliament hall, Muria leaned on her chin, and looked lonely at the empty hall. Only Princess Remilia was under her guidance to review government affairs.

The Titans, including father Ans Orr, are gone, and the Golden Dragon Mother is gone. Of course, instead of going back, they are following the orders of the Lord of the Abyss to compete for the half-plane formed elsewhere in the mainland.

Even the ten ancient dragons that Muria had invited, followed most of them, because Ulysses had promised to change as many half planes as possible, and they would never let these ancient dragons down.

Then these ancient dragons, including the Golden Dragon Mother, are all enthusiastic to collect the half plane. The epic Titan is not the stingy ghost of the Dragon King. They have always been generous because they have little dependence on foreign objects.

The only thing that made Muria slightly relieved was that the three ancient dragons remained, but what made Muria a bit annoyed was that these ancient dragons stayed because the three ancient dragons were responding to the call of the Wind King Eagle. Disabled by the incarnation of Timogan.

The power of the Demon Lord eroded their bodies, causing them to lose most of their fighting power within a short period of time. Therefore, they had no choice but to stay beside Muria and recover.

It is also worth mentioning that, when the devastation in other parts of Nocchia's Eurasia reached its climax, when various powerful and rare demons appeared frequently, the Rockman Kingdom calmed down very strangely.

Only some low- and medium-level demons appeared, and then they were easily suppressed by hunting groups and giants who guarded the kingdom. Those demons in the abyss seemed to know that Lockman Kingdom was a forbidden area of ​​demons.

If you want to be happy and enjoy death and killing, you can only go elsewhere. Such a change gives Muria a very subtle sense of falling. He is ready to meet the climax of the magic disaster, but nothing happens.

At present, the intensity of the demon disaster in the Rockman Kingdom is only a little stronger than the beginning of the demon disaster. For the grown-up hunting group, it is not worth mentioning at all, and it is easy to deal with it.

"The magical disaster is over!" Muria sighed softly as she looked at the blue-haired, red-haired pupil beside her, even though other countries were bleeding at this time, but it had nothing to do with him ~ www.readwn.com ~ he didn't go Interference, that's a matter of the gods.

"You're going to take the throne and formally become Her Majesty the Queen of the Rockman Kingdom, Remilia." Muria caressed the little Roli's soft, long hair.

Um, yes, it's still Lolita. Ten years have passed. The princess's height, weight, and appearance have hardly changed. This is a Lolita whose shelf life is infinitely extended. , Has become a long-lived species above all things.

"Your appearance is a little troublesome!" Muria rubbed her brows a bit distressed. It can be expected that Remilia's appearance will not change much for a long time.

How can a princess Loli who only looks like an ordinary ten-year-old girl become a majestic queen? This is what Muria needs to think about now.

Human beings, or most intelligent life, are visual creatures. It is not human's patent to judge people by appearance. The world is always the world of looking at the face. Sometimes appearance can determine a lot of things, of course, sometimes it also brings trouble.

"Queen Remilia, majestic! Oh! It's so difficult!"

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