Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 447: New slave

"His Highness Muria, Murray ..." Gentle, rough, slightly magnetic ... A variety of shouts with anxiety rang in Muria's ears, which made him quite annoyed, Like sleeping in the summer, a group of mosquitoes buzzed and screamed in the ears, making people feel upset and depressed.

"Don't make a noise." Muria opened her eyes stupidly, exposing a trace of incomprehensible crevices, feeling a bit impatient with a pain in her head that seemed to burst, "Let me continue Go to bed. "

For a moment, all the sounds disappeared, and Muria's ears became audible, extremely silent, with only a slight gasp.

Muria couldn't hear any more noise, closed her eyes with great satisfaction, and fell asleep again.

After waking up in a state of extreme drowsiness, I find that I can continue to sleep for another hour, which will make people feel more happy, and then continue to sleep, which is a kind of happiness.

… Time passed slowly while Muria was sleeping. In this sense, Muria did not sleep very long, only for a month. For long-lived species, this time is generally used to fight It's nothing more.

"Ah-" Muria opened her eyes slowly, looked at the blue sky in the half plane, which was no different from the material world, yawned long, stretched a lazy waist in a happy mood.

"Comfortable!" Muria stood up, slightly moving her body still in the form of the Titan Dragon, the sound of friction between the bones and bones, like the roar of a thunder and the roar of a ferocious beast.

Since the birth of Muria, he has rarely slept so comfortably. Every time he sleeps, he has a purpose. He falls asleep for the growth of the body, or replaces sleep with meditation and allows the body. Get rest.

"Your Highness Muria, you are awake!" A green dragon shadow flew from the mage tower not far away, and landed on the ground with a group of dragons of different sizes and colors, filled with a kind of He looked at him in awe.

"Well," Muria looked around, and found where he was now, right next to the mage tower, in the unfinished floating city. According to his memory before his coma, this should be the place where he fell.

"How long have I slept?" Muria looked at the pit he had smashed, looking inexplicable. The guys didn't know he would be moved to the mage tower, and let him sleep in the city ruins, although no matter It doesn't make much difference to him where to sleep.

"Twenty-nine days."

"Is it nearly a month?" Muria nodded, and he slept for a month, then the Rockman Kingdom had lost its ruler for the same amount of time, and the avatar he had left to deal with government must have collapsed.

However, the Kingdom has temporarily lost him to preside over government affairs, and there will be no major problems. The ancient dragons he invited have already returned. It is impossible for them to have problems with their suppression. Therefore, if Muria is not in a hurry to go out, there is no need for this, it is not bad for a period of time.

"Fiona, take a look at my half plane!" Muria's body rose off the ground and flew towards the edge of the half plane. Seeing this, Fiona quickly took these dragons Keep up.

"It's really desolate!" Muria looked down at the desolate ground below, and sighed slightly. This newly merged land looked no different from the surface of the abyss land he had seen before. It seemed to be the same barren and dead.

"His Royal Highness, this is only temporary. As long as some time later, these places will become green fields." The very old green dragon Fiona patted her **** and assured Muria, "For up to twenty years, I Can turn this mountain into a dense forest. "

"Very good." Upon hearing Fiona's words, Muria's face showed a satisfied smile. Although the green dragons are evil dragons, they like to live in large forests. Their scale armor is a natural camouflage color. For How to grow plants, they have enough say.

"A plant has begun." Muria, who inspected his new territory, gave a slight meal in the air. He saw a moonlight grass stubbornly breaking through a stone and swaying in the breeze. This was a very pleasing scene. The scenery makes Muria's mood happy.

These half-planes that have just been transformed from the abyss are different from the abyss. The seemingly dead and deserted land contains vigorous vitality. Countless demons once slaughtered on it, leaving blood and bones stacked together, purified by the laws of the world. After that, these are the best fertilizers.

"Your Highness, you can't go any further, there is a terrible being there." After a short cruise, Fiona stopped Muria, and in front of it was an active volcano. From time to time, you can see red gold lava splashing from it. Out.

"A terrible existence?" Muria looked at the volcano up to a thousand kilometers ahead, his mouth slightly raised, he felt a familiar breath, this breath was much more peaceful than his memory, a lot less violent.

"Broken angle!" Muria yelled, and the voice spread through the barren land in front of her. Immediately, behind Muria, a dragon could not help but secretly backed away, trying to escape.

While Muria was asleep, Fiona had explored this new land, and was very normal, and was shocked away by the Barlow flame that Ansold had intentionally left.

"Wow!" The volcano was boiling, the magma rushed out of it, and a behemoth crawled out of the crater. The dark red pupils looked at Muria, and in the fearful eyes of the dragons, this bar Luo Yanmo instantly appeared in front of Muria, then knelt down slowly.

"His Highness Muria! My horns have grown up ~ www.readwn.com ~ The bow-dead Baloyan shakes his head and shows Muria its pair of big and powerful horns.

Hearing something slightly playful about this Baloyan demon, Muria looked at it in amazement. The legendary demon has changed too much, and some subtle changes have occurred in many parts of the body, especially its lower body. A pair of anti-joint hoofed feet turned into human-like feet, and the whole looks much better than before.

"Have you ever seen Lord Ulysses?" Muria asked for a moment, "is the Titan surrounded by gold and black thunder."

"I've met the Majesty of the mighty shore." The awful expression appeared on the face of the broken-angle Barlow Flame Demon.

"Master Ulysses is an epic titan, not a demon lord, don't make a mistake again." Muria corrected with a frown.

"Understood." The broken-angle Barlow Demon had no objection.

"Will you sign a contract with me? Become my slave?" Muria asked directly, and he didn't have to test anything.


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