Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 543: Giant's Origin Conjecture

"You take me as my sister?" Claudia, who kept the white dragon shape, put her head on Muria's knee, and the dragon pupil leaning on Muria's side slanted Muria, "So Cynthia, Jessica and Renata, the three female red dragons, are you also a sister? "

"Of course." Muria, who removed the armor, reached out and touched Claudia's slender neck, her palms touching her scales, a cold but not cold touch, like a good jade carving Made of general.

"Four younger sisters, huh!" Claudia was uncomfortable, but her eyes vividly expressed her emotions. "Then why don't you raise a few male dragons as brothers?"

"..." Muria frowned for a moment, then gave the answer, with a very positive tone, "Simple dislike, I don't like brother."

"Male instinct."

"..." Muria said silently, saying he didn't want to entangle this issue with this Xuelong.

"When are you going to leave?" Claudia had no intention of getting entangled in this kind of issue, but asked another question that she was very concerned about.

"You want me to leave soon?" Muria pinched Claudia's slender neck, a little dissatisfied in her tone.

"Whether I hope or not, isn't it an inevitable thing for you to leave?" Claudia asked, "this continent is not worthy of nostalgia for your Highness Muria, isn't it? Compared to other continents, De Prosen is too poor and backward, not even a kingdom. Of course, for me, this subcontinent is very suitable for development. "

"That's true, too." Muria stroked his chin. "I'm not sure how long I'll leave this subcontinent, but I want to unify more than half of the Frost Giants of this subcontinent and teach them what they must master as a civilization After I leave, at least when I leave and lose the support of external forces, they can continue to develop and give birth to enough elites to promote the development of civilization. "

"You just want to form an army, and now you want to help them develop civilization!" Claudia was a little surprised by Muria's mind and eyes, "Of course, I understand the purpose of your doing this, after all, there is a Civilization is supporting, and the Frost Giant Army you formed has the most solid backing, and even if it is wiped out in an unexpected situation, it can be quickly rebuilt. However, have you ever thought about a problem? "

"what is the problem?"

"Is Frost Giant's ignorance and backwardness really caused by the external environment and the influence of gods? Is there no influence on their own bloodline? Can they really achieve your goals and develop civilization?"

"What do you want to express?" Muria looked down at the white dragon lying on his knees.

"It is well known that the five-colored dragon is a dragon species created by the mother of the evil dragon, Tiamat, and the metal dragon was created by the platinum dragon **** Bahamut," Claudia looked up at Muria, "So, who created the giant?"

"Life is not necessarily created by gods or epics. Natural evolution can also give birth to colorful life." Muria looked at Claudia's eyes seriously and said.

"I know, for example, the Titans are the most powerful race among the first creatures bred by the world. But you cannot push everything to the world. You must admit that many intelligent races in the Erasian world are Some powerful beings were created.

The shape of the giant is so similar to the Titan, why can't one make the assumption that all giant species in the Erasian world were created by the Titan. "

"It's ridiculous!" Muria's brow frowned in a Sichuan pattern. "According to you, all races similar to Titan's form were created by Titans, so now humans are also created by Titans?"

"It's possible. I once found some secret records in the books you showed me that are not true or false. In the dark ages when the Terran has not yet risen, a Terran sage suddenly got inspired and started to make the armor of hunting demon. , And then there was the most brilliant era of hunting demons behind.

However, even if the strongest ninth-generation hunting armor is rooted in the first-generation hunting armor, then the question arises, how was the first-generation hunting armor created? From scratch, it is more difficult than from one to nine. Is the first generation of hunting armor really developed independently by the human race? There are still some special beings that inspired the sage of this human race. "

"Do you want to say that this is Titan's work? The rise of the human race was driven by the Titans behind the scenes? It's ridiculous, this is impossible. What good is the rise of the human race to my Titans?"

"At the time, in which era did you think other races would help human beings? In addition, the Titan inspired by the saints of the human race may be just an inadvertent move. After all, the first generation of hunting armor was not strong. He did not expect it. As a result, the human race will soar into the sky. It is like a person throwing a little breadcrumbs to the ants on the ground. "

"Your brain is too big, Claudia. The human race has proven their endless creativity. The first generation of hunting armor may have been born in the flash of the aura of the sage." Muria still shook her head. , Did not agree with Claudia's hypothesis, but he remembered it in his mind, because it is not impossible.

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then skip the human race and just talk about the relationship between the giants and the Titans. Don't you think that the giants' behavior of surrendering to you is too exaggerated? If we assume their The ancestors were dependents created by Titan, so this behavior can be reasonably explained. "

"If these giants are really dependents created by Titan, please explain why these giants are in such a bad situation? Titans are not trivial races." Muria asked, "Why did they fall? To such a situation? "

"Maybe because the epic Titans who created these giants have fallen, so they are left unattended as dependents?" Claudia boldly gave a guess, "After all, they are only descendants of Titans dependents. "

"Presumptuous!" Muria pushed away from Claudia, stood up from the throne of ice, his face showing anger, "Each epic titan has different powers. According to you, an epic titan corresponds to A giant race, then my Titans have fallen to more than ten epics so far. "

"A lot? The Titans have existed for millions of years since they were born. On average, they have fallen an epic Titan about 100,000 years. Compared with the frequency of the fall of the gods, it is pathetic. Epic Titans are not immortal. Immortal existence. "

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