Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 804: Stop playing, withdraw!

After the appearance of the nine Cloud City, the mighty angel legion flew out of it, forming a neat square array, arch guards around the Cloud City, and then followed the nine burning gods, killing together To the evil god.

The arrival of the Blazing God immediately relieved the pressure on the epic Titans, but this did not end, because the support from the Erasian world was not only the Blazing God, but also the Dragon King.

In the gate of the void, an elegant dragon king exuding a chilling cold, which made the void freeze, took the lead out of the gate of the void, and then flew directly toward the center of the battlefield where the battle intensity was the most intense, and sprinkled wherever it passed. The next few bits of ice debris are directly frozen when they come into contact with these evil debris, and then exploded into a pile of ice powder. Even if the evil spirit accidentally touches these ice debris, a part of the body will be covered by ice. Action becomes sluggish.

With the emergence of dragon kings one after another, the three dragon kings, who had been rowing on the edge of the epic battlefield, began to work hard ...

The number of epics on the Erasian side quickly drew on the side of the evil gods. The disadvantages of the Titans were almost disappearing. The balance of victory on the battlefield was tilted towards the side of the Titans, Blazing Gods, and Dragon Kings.


"Can anyone tell me what is the cause of this war? What is it that we are fighting with these alien gods? So far, three of the same race have fallen. What are we fighting with them?"

A voice containing fury echoed in the void, and the interrogator had all the evil gods he had summoned to his thoughts, and he had not yet figured out what exactly started this vast war and what It is worthy of them that these groups are known as the world destroyers, the existence of the old dominators and such a group of gods from a different world are so deadly.

"..." There was no silence, and no evil **** answered this powerful question. In fact, with the exception of a few evil gods, most of them did not know what they were fighting for, but they only saw their kin fight with others. Get up, and then participate in it, and then, this battle was flimsy, the bigger and bigger.

"It is the Lord of Evil, Abhors, who brought these monsters. The Lord of all things." Immediately, a voice reported to Abhors.

"Um! Abhus, tell me, what are you fighting with these gods? Because what is in conflict with them? Is it worth what we have in exchange for the loss of three fellows forever?"

"Great Lord of All, this ..." Hearing this supreme being questioning himself, Abhors felt very embarrassed. He never remembered what he had fought with this group of people worthy of approaching hundreds of epic melee treasure.

"I do not know."

"The war you started, you tell me you don't know?"

"I didn't compete with them? The great master of all things is that I can tell you the whole process of my conflict with them."


"In the first century, I felt that the seeds of erosion that I had randomly scattered were picked up by exotic wisdom races, and then the creatures of the exotic world began to worship me, and then I projected my power into that exotic world and continued to grow and grow Until shortly before.

One of the gods fighting us found the seed of erosion I had sown, and cleared it. But after clearing, he was still dissatisfied. He followed my trajectory of power and traced it directly to me, and then started to do it to me.

Originally I wanted to avoid it, but who thought that he actually opened the void door directly and chased after him, trying to kill me on the spot. "

"I see. This war is because you put your hand into the realm of a race of gods similar to ours, which led to this war. Abhors, are you an idiot? Just because of a little World, we have been provoked by such a powerful enemy "

"I don't feel any of these traces of existence in the world I eroded, that's not their world.

"But that was the territory they divided. There is no doubt that this time it was really because we invaded their territory and annoyed them."

"So, is it necessary for this war to continue now? I want to ask, what's the point of starting a big war with these guys? Will our former dominators have great vitality? Let us fall more members A murky and hoarse voice sounded in the void, "So I propose to end this war."

"But, the great Lord of all things, to this extent, even if we want to end, these guys may be unwilling. They seem to have made preparations for a protracted war. Do we want us to give in?"

"The nutrition of this world community has already been obtained by us. It is time to leave and look for other world communities. Just leave it!"

"But there are still some worlds, I haven't ..."

"Shut up. We won't fight this meaningless war, retreat!"


This Nether War, triggered by something that seemed a little insignificant in the Nether macro, was over. Its end was as sudden and silent as it started.

The epic Titan, the fiery heaven **** and many dragon kings who had already done a long-term battle, were surprised to find that the evil gods fighting with them had abandoned a large number of family members, and even some of their bodies were laid down. All the evil gods in a short time All disappeared without a trace.

"Did we win this battle?" Muria asked with a little confusion. The end of the battle was too sudden. It was clear that the battle had reached its climax, but the other party as a participant suddenly He retreated, and simply stopped fighting.

"Well, the war is over, these evil gods have taken the initiative to retreat, and we have won."

"These evil gods are really neat and clean. I searched the entire world community and found no trace of them. I just found some of their lower-level dependents."

"Such a large community of the world, they actually said no, no, but really generous."

"It ’s nothing to be thankful for, they ’ve been scourged by this world community, so the valuable world has been ruined by them. I do n’t know how long it will take to recover. These **** evil gods have ruined them. The world was lost directly. Do n’t know. When they leave, they do n’t know which world community is going to suffer again. ”

A blazing **** who toured this world community sighed in a low voice and sighed. Those world communities he saw were really unbearable to see, despair, sadness, fear, all kinds of weird atmospheres lingering over those worlds for a long time. And, no doubt, these are caused by those evil gods.

They regard the world community as a playground, the world that gave birth to life, as their toys, wantonly playing with the intelligent creatures, and induce them to do all kinds of things that are contrary to bioethics and incredible.

"Although they have been ruined, there are still a lot of valuables, anyway? This is also a world community, and the resources contained in it are not a small number. Let us distribute it. The losses of our three parties in this battle can be all A lot. "

A dragon king laughed optimistically. When he participated in this battle, he was ready to lose money, but he did not expect that the group of evil gods they came to fight actually left directly and abandoned the world community they occupied. It was thrown to them. In this case, he naturally has to make up for his loss in this war.

In this war, not to mention his own power lost in the battle with the evil god, let's say that his family members consumed in this war, that it has waited a long time, spent a lot of energy, invested a lot of Resources, the dependents that were nurtured, but after this intense war, none of his dependents existed, and more resources were urgently needed to be cultivated and supplemented.

"Thank you both for your support. In this battle, everyone lost a lot. It happens to be supplemented by the resources provided by this world community. Let us all allocate it."

The strength is the strongest of the ten lords of all the epics on the scene. He first expressed his thanks to the sacred **** and the dragon king who came forward to support him, and then agreed with the distribution of the sacred **** and the dragon king.

When I heard the Lord of the Ten Lords speak, www.readwn.com ~ Many Seraphs and Dragon Kings are secretly relieved. If Titan does not speak, there are some things they cannot decide. If the Titans object to their exploitation of the resources that plunder this world community, they will be embarrassed to do it, but it seems that the Titans have not stopped them.


"Well, the epics have begun to divide the cake and divide the resources of the world community. Unfortunately, I am not qualified to participate in it now. If I can participate, I can pick up a little and I can get rich overnight."

Standing with Muria on the back of a family of Titans shaped like dragons and snakes, Jin Longnien looked enviously at the distant epics and began to divide the world community, discussing how many worlds the parties should allocate.

"Well, it would be nice if the old man was in this battle. Although his strength is a little weaker, if he participates in the war, there is still no problem in dividing up the worlds. This is a chance for a huge increase in wealth! What a pity! Now. "

"If my grandfather comes, how many times will he die before he gets the world distribution?" Hearing his mother's sigh, Muria's face hurt, but he saw it, even the strongest Ten Lords, But they were all wounded. What's the end of Timothy who has just advanced to become the Dragon King and less than a thousand years old who came to participate in this battle?

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