Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 811: Most sincere gift

The three chapters have not been checked, and they will be released on time. There may be many typos. After eating, I will check and correct them.


"His Highness Muria is about to get married. What congratulations are you going to give him?" A jackdaw landed next to a frost wolf. This jackdaw is so huge that it can cover the frost wolf when its wings are open. The sky in front of me.

"Haven't thought about it yet, how about you?" The **** of frost wolf hung on a huge stone pillar, looking down at the kingdom of God below it. A huge crystal invitation was pressed under its paw. It looks quite luxurious. This is Not long ago, a storm giant sent it through his followers.

"I'm going to weave my shed feathers into a jacket for him," said the Jackdaw godly, and he had already thought about what to give.

"that's it?"

"So what do you want? We are the beast gods, not the wealthy human gods. Our believers were just some beasts and uncultivated frost giants. Recently, there have been some human believers. The devil has no such delicacy at all. Gave him weapons or weapons, only some raw materials. "

"Isn't this good? It's too cheap, it seems we have no sincerity."

"We are gods. Is there no sincerity in the woven feathers from the fallen feathers on God? Not to mention that we are only in a joint relationship with him, and we are not his subordinates, so we don't need to be too cautious. Moreover, you know the feathers I plan to send How old is it? I can plan to send a feather coat that has made Her Highness Muria's Titan visible.

"Uh, do you know how high His Royal Highness Muria is now? Are the feathers you naturally shed naturally enough?"

"Of course it is not enough, so I consumed some divine power and let myself shed my whole hair once. So many feathers are enough to weave a feather coat."

"... Then I will send a wolf fur cape and the wolf teeth that have come off me?" Frostwolf asked tentatively, and to be honest, he was scared by his best friend. This is really a terrible crow. .

In the end, under the guidance of the God of the Jackdaw, the God of the Frostwolf also took off his hair once, and then weaved it into a wolf fur cape, ready to be given to Muria as a gift.

"Are we going to send a mission, or will we personally come down to the incarnation?" The Frostwolf God, who was ready for the gift, asked his close friend tentatively.

"Are you stupid? You also sent a ambassador to the past, and you see what those pantheon guys are panicking about. They now want to come and incarnate and have no chance in the past."

Hearing the words of his best friend, the God of Jackdaw clanged loudly, "Muria must have an epic to attend this wedding. What did our little divine missions like in the past? Those powerful gods I ’m not familiar with Muria, but I want to inquire about the news before sending the mission to us. What about us? Do you think it is appropriate for us to set up a show in front of this temple? ”

"Inappropriate, so we go by ourselves." Frostwolf God scratched his neck,

"Oh, by the way, we still have to find the Snow Leopard guy to pass by, so we will hold a group at this time."

In the De Prosen subcontinent, the three gods' lights came almost from nowhere in the sky, and fell into the three main sacrifice temples. Then, the three incarnations filled with powerful breath came out of them, and merged together. Tear the space together and drive towards the Stringer subcontinent ...

"Frostwolf, Jackdaw, Snow Leopard!" Muria was shocked to see the three incarnations standing in front of her, and then a smile appeared on her face. This was the first group of people who descended in person and congratulated him. Gods.

"Congratulations to your Royal Highness for their new marriage." The three beast gods did not dare to set aside the sight of Muria's welcome. They already felt that the breath of the Dragon King had been returned in courtesy, and then they gave their carefully prepared congratulations.

"You guys, in fact, how expensive is it?" Seeing the fur products handed over by the three beast gods, Muria couldn't help tearing the lips. This weight was too much, and he was all a bit shocked.

The divine power fluctuations in these feather cloaks clearly show that these are carefully prepared gifts, but robes made of the body of God, and the source of these materials is naturally self-evident.

"Go ahead and sit down!" Muria summoned a wolf-shaped monster, and made it a guide to guide the way, and arranged the three beast **** incarnations.

"This is it?" The Frostwolf God stood still, watching the beast summoned by Muria, and he felt familiar with this dragon-like beast.

"Oh, this is Thunder Wolf, my grandfather's conquered family in a different world," Muria saw the doubt in the eyes of this huge white wolf, and pointed at the giant wolf.

At this time, the special wolf dragon has undergone a special mutation. The thundering thunder on him is no longer the blue and white thunder on the thunder dragon wolf that Muria first saw, but it has mutated into gold. Its strength It also improved a bit and touched the edge of the legend.

"It turned out to be the creature that followed Archimonde, the Savage Lord, and had battled with the gods." After hearing Muria's introduction, the three gods looked at this thirsty dragon completely differently, and its strength was not It is powerful, but its master's strength allows them to have enough awe, which is definitely a great existence for these three little beast gods.

"Well, you can take them in." Muria instructed the thirsty dragon, the thirsty dragon girl nodded very much, and then led the three beings backwards, overflowing with them. The scattered divine power was ignored.

This thirsty dragon was one of the many relatives sent to him by his grandfather and the arrogant Archimonde not long ago. These beasts with a very elegant appearance served as the waiters for Muria's wedding. Guide guests to where they live. Regardless of strength, these thirsty dragons are first-class ones, and they are very good for supporting their positions. Otherwise, Archimonde would not support a group as soon as he raised it.


And shortly after the three beast gods sent away by Muria, a floating fleet came slowly, and at a glance, it was known that the team sent by the kingdom-level forces should have been under Muria's command. The giants greeted them, but Muria stopped them, walked in, and greeted the guests who came down from the floating boat.

"Remilia!" Muria looked at Rory, who was running towards him happily in front of him, with a happy smile on her face. Whenever and wherever she sees beautiful things, Is pleasant

"Brother." Lemilia leaped into Muria's arms, then squeezed his neck tightly.

"Look, this is a gift I prepared for you and my sister." After being embraced by Muria, Queen Lolly took out a huge glass bottle as a gift, and the glass bottle was folded with origami. Different thousand paper cranes.

"This is what your brother taught me. You said you can make a wish by folding a thousand thousand paper cranes. I can fold ten thousand paper cranes for you and my sister. I can make ten. One wish, I wish ten wishes, that you and your bride and sister can stay together forever and never be separated. "

After hearing Remilia's words, Muria froze, then took the crystal bottle in her hand, and looked carefully.

"What's wrong? Brother, don't you like it?"

"No, I like it very much." Muria's mouth curled upward, and then the arc became larger and larger. He looked at the glass bottle containing Qian Zhihe, lifted it high, and finally exclaimed loudly. Laughing, he was heartfelt joy.

Although from the first congratulatory gift from the native kingdom, until now, Remilia ’s gift to him was the most ordinary, only some origami in a crystal bottle, but he received it. To the most sincere gift.

In this gift, Muria does not value the value, but the intention contained in it. For example, the first Dragon King who came, he sent out seven handles, not only was the Golden Dragon Empress resentful of it, but even Muria had some bad feelings. Because there is no sincerity at all, because the Dragon King did not look at Muria at all, like a seven-handed weapon that he could handle with ease.

"And me, my gift." Suddenly, another Loli, who looked like a petite figure, and a flutter, also ran into Muria's arms, squeezing Remilia out of the way, but also said Muria knocked back a few steps backwards, making him feel bloody, and his chest a little sullen.

"His, you lightly, Indira." Looking at Indira holding him tightly, Muria reached out and rubbed her hair, then took the crystal bottle in her hand, which was also various Thousands of paper origami folded in different colors.

As for the styles ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is unbearable to see, and the quantity is not comparable to that of Remilia.

"Muria, how do you think my Thousand Paper Cranes are compared to Remilia? Is it better for me?" Indira hugged Muria, then asked with anticipation, no Stopping frowning at Muria, trying to make Muria reverse the black and white, it seems that she also knows that the origami she folded is bad.

Muria looked at the crystal flasks in her hands and smiled with the origami, which is called a paper ball,

"What do you think?"

"Well, I'm obviously working very hard, but it's not always easy to fold. I obviously took the same amount of time, but I only made it so much, and it was so ugly."

"It's okay." Muria rubbed her hair with satisfaction and put her down. "Although it's a little ugly, but I can still see, I will save it."

"Muriya," at this time, the White Tiger Troy who followed them came over, and placed a crystal clear statue in front of Muria, "This is a gift I give you."

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