Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 814: Muria

"Oh!" Muria, wearing a blanket made of wolf god's hair, walked out of the bedroom, came to the balcony connected to it, looked at the sun on the horizon, yawned, and was very comfortable. Stretched a lazy waist.

He feels that his spirit is extremely active. He has completed the most important transformation in his life. Now he can be very proud to say that he is truly an adult.

"The sun has risen, and a new day has begun." Looking up at the rising sun, Muria felt that her mood was infinitely joyful, very comfortable, warm and warm, and powerful power was running in the body, but These forces were confined within Muria's body without any leakage, and did not allow a minute to escape to the outside.

"It seems that the epic discussions are over." Muria looked at the place where the continent of the Holy Light, which had been condensed by a thousand clouds in the city, was empty. The magnificent clouds in the city were already long ago. It's gone.

The vision that caused the entire Stringer subcontinent to fall into extreme daylight has disappeared. The guests who participated in his wedding have already gone 7878, and only some who are familiar with him have remained in Xanapus.

"Well, after half a month of tossing, I finally made it up." Just then, a playful voice came over Muria's head, Muria raised her head, and immediately saw a blonde The girl sat on a tower above and looked at him with playful eyes.

"Mother?" Muria looked up at Jin Longniang, with a blank expression in her eyes, and then there was a mistake in her face, because he heard what Jin Longniang said, half a month? What the hell? He stayed so long.

"You just said that Michelangela and I have been in the room for half a month?"

"Of course, do you think I can lie to you?"

"This ..." Muria opened her mouth and said what she wanted to say, and found that she didn't know what to say now. He didn't think he had stayed with Michelangela for a long time! As soon as he came out, Jin Longniang told him that fifteen days had elapsed outside. Couldn't his time be accelerated?

"Don't you think you haven't been with Michelangela for that long?" Jin Longniang asked with a smile.

"Yes." Muria nodded a little awkwardly.

"Well, it seems that you have been lingering for too long, and you have forgotten the passage of time. The first time I and your father were not that long."

"Um," when he heard what his mother said, although he knew he shouldn't probe the news in this regard, Muria couldn't control her curiosity and couldn't help asking, "Mother, you and my father are first How long did it take? "

"Ten days!" Hearing his own son asking such a question, Jin Longniang said it without hesitation.

"That ... then what kind of form did you have at that time?" According to his restless curiosity, Muria carefully used honorifics, and asked her doubts hidden in her heart for a long time. He asked I've always been curious about this issue.

boom! Muria has just asked this question. A foot larger than the ten-meter Titan shape he maintained at the moment fell from the sky and stepped heavily on him, stepping Muria together with his balcony. Exploded.

Bang! The central cloud island with an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square kilometers shook slightly. Then many creatures living on this archipelago looked up at the source of the vibration they sensed, and when they saw the familiar figure He lowered his head inadvertently and continued to do his own thing, without the thought of intervening.

"Cough!" When this foot moved him along with the foot of the balcony that fell to the ground away from him, lying in a huge deep pit, Muria, coughing violently, he felt himself The ribs were broken by this foot a lot, and the defensive circle under him was also broken by that foot.

"Little Muria, how difficult is it for me to change shape and size? Huh?" The Golden Dragon Lady, whose body is the same as that of Titan, looked down at her and stepped into the ground, struggling to crawl. Muria came out, asked a gentle smile.

"It's no difficulty, with your mother's talent, this kind of thing is a trivial matter!" Muria, who quickly repaired the injury in the body, climbed from the ground with a smile and complimented his mother.

He also acknowledged his current situation. Who asked him to die? And compared to the answer he got, he is now very satisfied, anyway, this injury is nothing to him.

"Mother ... Mother," just when the atmosphere of Muria and Jinlong Niang was a little embarrassing, Michelangela appeared in front of the broken gap on the balcony, watching the Jinlong Niang who changed her spell into Titan form, hesitated for a moment, and shouted Live what she now calls Jin Long Niang.

"Huh!" Hearing the title of the hot girl who has just become her daughter-in-law, Jin Long Niang responded very kindly. The coldness in the original smile disappeared instantly.

"Muria, what did he just do?" Michalera glanced at Muria standing on a huge footprint, and whispered to Jin Longniang, she was resting, but the external shock awakened her So she stepped out and saw it, and then saw the scene in front of her, such a scene that forced her to ask questions.

"It's okay. Little Muria is not sensible and can't control her mouth, so I just educate him a little." Jin Longniang gave a haha ​​and directly passed the topic.

"Now that you are awake, follow me to see Muria's grandfather! He is still waiting for you two."


"Grandfather." After coming to the parliament hall of the Wind King Castle, Muria saw Archimonde, the barbaric Lord, who was sitting there waiting for him to finish.

"Hmm!" Akmon answered flatly.

"Grandfather." Michelangela, who followed Muria, also screamed.

"Good boy!" Hearing a stiff smile on Archimonde's face when he heard himself called a grandfather by a goddess of ten wings, he seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. He seemed to be the first in the history of the Titans. There is an epic Titan of the Sun Goddess of the Blazing Gods.

"Since you called me a grandfather, then as a grandfather, I should give you a gift." Archimonde raised his hand and gently touched Michelangela, a piece of crystal jade, like a golden jade made of thunder. Appeared in her palm.

"This is the epic way of our Titans, and the secret method of obtaining the source, but it is very different from those of your Blazing Gods. These estimates can only be used as a reference for you to achieve Blazing Gods in the future."

Hearing Archimonde's words, Michelangela took the spar in her hand and sensed the information in it.

"Muriya, I told you to come here because of the first gift you received from the Blazing Protoss. You should want to know the information in it!" Archimonde, the barbaric master, turned to Mu again. Rhea.

"Um." Muria nodded quickly. Of course, he was very interested in the information about the epic, especially how to obtain the source power. The root of the epic power is because of the mastery of this power that can evolve everything. .

"There is nothing to say about the method of epic cultivation. It is basically the same. The root of the method is the source. Without the cooperation of the source, this method of cultivation is meaningless. So I will tell you about the Chitian Gods. Source of Power.

However, before I tell you this, let me tell you about the secret method of our Titans to obtain the source of power. You should also briefly describe the weapon emperor. The acquisition of our Titan's source of power is salvation or extinction. However, our Titans generally do not like destruction. Most of the source of Titans comes from salvation.

The secrets we have are also related to them. Our secrets of the Titans can listen to the mournful sounds of the world, or the sound of asking for help. Through the sounds emanating from the world before its destruction, we can quickly lock the position of the world and then rush to the rescue. When we save the world's demise, the world will give us Titan as a thank you.

However, this method of obtaining source power is too direct, so it is very easy to encounter evil gods, which leads to a very high damage rate of the Titan. In contrast, the method of obtaining the source power of the Blazing Protoss is much more modest, but the only one The disadvantage is that it takes too long. "

"It's too long?" Muria was silent. For long-lived species, what is the disadvantage of long time ~ www.readwn.com ~ For long-lived species, time is the least valuable.

"Muriya, do you know how important the source is to the world? When the world lacks the source, the world will collapse and fall into destruction. The source is the life of the world, but when the world has When there is enough force, the world will be promoted, the small world will be promoted to the medium-sized world, and the medium-sized world will be promoted to the large-scale world. Our Elaxia world has been promoted twice before. "

"Erasia used to be a small world?" Muria was surprised, for the first time he heard.

"What small world, who told you, the Erasian world was a large world when it was born."

"Then our world has been promoted twice in a row ..."

"Are the big worlds the same? Both are strong and weak, and now the Erasian world has reached the pinnacle of the material world. I have basically not seen any stronger than our Erasian world when I travel outside. Great world. "

"The way the Chitian Protoss gains its source power is to help the world advance. First, the Chitian Protoss choose a world and then become the world's master in that world."

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