Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 819: Daily must-see entertainment

"His Royal Highness, is this really okay?" The golden dragon-maid asked with anxious expression.

"Anyway." Playing with a small and exquisite model of the battleship, Muria's eyes looked at the light curtain in front of which recorded the knowledge of warship manufacturing.

These light curtains, which contain important knowledge that can affect the progress of a civilization and heart failure, are interspersed with a very uncoordinated light curtain. The light curtains are the dragon student students who joined the mourners' community. The scene of community activities.

Curse Muria! Damn the founder of the world's first dragon academy in Erassia! The curse has customized the leader of the rigorous teaching system for the Dragon Academy! The curse made thousands of young dragons die every day, and could not eat together to die!

This is why the mourners community can attract the Dragon Academy, and many dragons join in it. By joining them, they can vent the grievances caused by their heavy schoolwork.

"But, Your Highness, there are more and more dragons cursing you. If you continue to do this, even you may not be able to sustain it." Mia looked into the light curtain, those dragons that were cursing. , Annoyed in his eyes.

Her eyes fell on Muria again. For thirty years, Muria had not left a trace of traces on him. He was still so young, maintaining the appearance of the youngest teenager among human beings.

His black hair was loose, his golden eyes were bright, and he was wearing a white feather coat. He just sat there quietly, because he had read a lot of books over decades, and a scholarly talent had appeared on him. With his elegant temperament, the eyes are also shining with wisdom.

However, what is very inconsistent with his temperament is that he is covered with a layer of light gray and black halo. If you look closely at this layer of halo, you will find that there are dynamic and different dragon-shaped ghosts. These dragons The ghostly roar screamed with resentment, and seemed to be accusing himself of suffering.

Mia knows what this is. These are the auras of curse formed by the dragons of the mourners community who vented their resentment with curses.

Although each dragon sends out a curse like a joke, no malicious curse, but even this curse, under the continuous accumulation of nearly 10,000 dragons once a day, is still in Murray A substantive curse aura formed on Ya's body.

Eleacia is a world where faith can captivate God. The sincere praise of millions of people can lift up the seat of God and let a mortal thing become an eternal deity. So, what about the curse of millions? Is it possible to tear a god's seat? Let him fall to earth.

Mia didn't know, she didn't think of it, she was just a short-sighted maid. She had only one goal in her life to serve her master, Muria, and nothing more.

"But Your Highness, the aura of your curse is getting worse and worse, even if you are in your capacity, you may not be able to sustain it. These curses may one day."

"Then let them happen, anyway, it's just some innocent jokes." Muria smiled at the words of her maid, and didn't care.

He is a hybrid of Titan and Dragon King! Any curse that exists under the **** is invalid. He can be immune to all mortal spells. That is, the **** himself curses him. If the strength is too weak, it will not take effect.

These young dragons issued these jokes-like curses to him because of too heavy schoolwork. It is logically impossible to take effect, because the essential gap between them is really too great.

But the gradual formation and growing curse of the aura on him gave Muria a hint of unknownness. He tried to clear it, but it didn't work.

It was like drinking a dove to quench thirst. When he cleared away, when the young dragons of the two-day mourning community held a community event again, these curses would appear on him again. After a few tries, Muria gave up.

"His Royal Highness, you can try to reduce the activities of the mourners' community. It does not need to be done once a day."

"Mia, do you know why I allow the mourners community to exist?" Muria devoted a small part of her attention to talking to her personal maid, while most of her attention remained in front of those records of various knowledge Light curtain.

"Excuse me ignorance, Your Highness, I don't understand." Mia really didn't understand. In her opinion, why a dignitarian like Muria would tolerate these ignorant young dragons for slandering him like this ?

Obviously, the 120-year compulsory education system that he customized for these young dragons is for their good. However, the process is indeed cruel. For example, the dragon in elementary school can only rest for three days a month, but because the class is too much The heavy workload prevents many young dragons from getting enough sleep. As a result, they can only use their holiday time to make up for sleep.

As for the senior dragons, such as the junior middle school dragons, and the senior middle school dragons, their sleep time is gradually reduced. Many times, these student dragons do not even have sleep time in order to complete their schoolwork.

"Mia, you see, the number of associations these dragon students have set up by themselves has exceeded 50 since the college was established, but these associations, with the exception of the mourners' association, the rest are distinct.

The metal dragon will only join the community created by the metal dragon, and the five-color dragon will only join the community created by the five-color dragon. The xenophobic nature of these communities is too serious. This is different from what I expected. I hope that through the community system, all The types of dragons can get along well, but unfortunately, these communities can't do this. "

"But the mourners 'community did this." Mia looked at the light curtain in front of the mourners' group's social activities. Among them, not only metal dragons, but also a large number of five-colored dragons. There are also gemstone dragons, and there are some more rare types of original dragons, such as shadow dragons, crystal dragons, cloud dragons, and so on.

Regardless of the number of members of the Mourners 'Society, Mia has to admit that the type of dragons of the Mourners' Society is absolutely the largest, and it is second to none in the entire Dragon Academy.

"That's why I allowed them to exist." Muria's mouth turned upwards. If it wasn't for the mourners' group that the other groups hadn't, how could they tolerate this group of young dragons to make a mess.

"It turns out that as long as there is enough external pressure, even different types of dragons with hatred can unite and unify outside."

"But they are united, just ..."

"To curse me," Muria said with a smile on his face, and he raised his hand to touch his chin. "In fact, this is not bad. Who asked me to customize such a demanding learning system for them. Think of me as common The enemy is normal. "

After several dragon kings gave money and came out of the dragon to join the Dragon Academy, Muria reformed the learning system of the college again, and established (copy) a more rigorous teaching system.

He formulated 120 years of compulsory education according to the age of the Dragons, including 60 years for elementary school, 30 years for junior high school, 30 years for high school, and 30 to 50 years for university.

It is because of this education system that the dragon students in the Dragon Academy complained. Even the ancient dragon teachers who taught the dragons could not bear it, but all these strange voices contacted Muria After the Dragon King, they were all forcibly suppressed.

It's time for the Dragons to make changes, and the changes need to go through the pain. Compared to the ancient dragons who have to bear heavy teaching tasks and the young dragons have to bear heavy learning tasks, the pain of such changes is quite mild. .

Because these dragon kings already had a premonition, the Chitian Protoss and the Titans seemed to be united together, what were they going to do? Although the dragon kings of the dragon clan also participated in it, because of the huge gap between them and the two races, they seemed to be excluded, just a nominal union. Such treatment naturally made these dragon kings unwilling.

Therefore, the eyes of the Dragon Kings were placed on the Dragon Academy established by Muria. Therefore, in decades, the Dragon Academy of Muria was tilted and vigorously supported by resources from many Dragon Kings, and then flourished. development of.

The original campus of the Dragon Academy was expanded from the original 12 cloud islands to 32 cloud islands. This is Muria's plan to develop the Dragon Academy.

He is one of the biggest gainers. Because of his identity, no Dragon King dares to kick him away, no matter which Dragon King has to worry about his three grandfathers.

Whatever the Dragon King's plans and plans are, Muria doesn't matter. The Dragon Kings need to worry about things. He can't get involved, he just needs to do his own thing.

"Look, these little guys are about to start a formal collective curse." Muria raised her hand to stop what Mia wanted to say, and looked at the light curtain with interest, which was a lot of boring and tedious reading that he read every day. After the book ~ www.readwn.com ~ I specially left myself an entertainment project for recreation. Must see every day.


"Now, the time for the curse of liberty is over, and it is time for a formal collective curse."

The silver dragon Lu Fei, standing under the statue of Muria, lightly pressed his silvery claws, and then the silent array engraved in this secret room turned on immediately, and all the dragons could not speak. It was soon that Lufei lifted the moratorium.

Xiaoyinlong turned around with a solemn expression and looked up at the huge statue of Muria. She remembered everything she had encountered when she entered the Dragon Academy in her childhood, and her eyes gradually showed her anger.

Ruffi must remember all her tragic experiences, otherwise, she would not have the courage to perform this curse ritual, because she knew that the person she was cursing was looking at them. Only in the case of anger, she had a little So a little bit of courage, after anger filled his brain, Lu Fei took the lead and began to curse,

"The great Dean Muria, I curse that in non-combat moments, you will trip over your feet and eat your food and get your bones stuck in your throat ..."

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