Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 821: 0 years

"I heard that you cursed me with a group of dragons every day?" Muria sat on the crystal throne and asked the little silver dragon expressionlessly, not seeing any emotions.

"That ..." Little Silver Dragon Lu Fei laughed twice and wanted to explain that she knew there was no use in lying in front of this evil dragon. He was a being with the blood of the Golden Dragon and lying in front of him. Meaningless.

"Don't think about sophistication," Muria reached out a little, and then a projection array formed in front of Lu Fei, and then in front of the dark room, a little silver dragon with a black pattern on his body and a cloud dragon An image cursing someone's existence appeared.

"That ... Dean, this is for a reason, you listen to me!"

"Whatever the reason? You can't explain your actions of slandering the Dean. Be prepared to accept the elements in front of the school's teachers and students!"

"No, Dean, listen to me. I really have no choice but to use this method. I really didn't mean to discredit you."

"Then I'll give you a chance to explain, let's say!" Muria remained expressionless.

"I created the mourners' community, but because of the spiritual nature of the community, there are not many dragons willing to join, and then I heard that you can be immune to curses of all natures, so I did this."

After listening to Lu Fei's explanation, Muria stared at her silently, making the little silver dragon more and more uneasy, not knowing what Muria wanted to do with her. When the Wind King Castle fell into a long silence, Lu Fei finally heard the voice, and the dear dean finally spoke again.

"Although there is a cause, the nature of this is still very bad, and it is absolutely intolerable. You have to accept punishment."

"Master Dean, you are merciless. I know I'm wrong. Give me another chance! I won't dare next time."

"Do you want to have another time?" Muria's face was playful.

"No, just this time, there won't be a second time, you can rest assured." Xiaoyin Long Lu Fei promised vows.

"No, you need to have a second time." After hearing this little silver dragon being scared by himself, Muria nodded with satisfaction.

"Yeah." Little Silver Dragon Lu Fei looked up aggressively.

"You don't just have to have a second time, you have to have a third time, a fourth time and even more." Muria said something that made Xiaoyinlong very aggressive, and then she explained why.

"Although you may not be aware of it yourself, I need to tell you that the members of the Dragon clan in your community are the largest number of dragons in all the communities established since the establishment of the Dragon Clan Academy."

"That ..." Xiaoyin Long Lu Fei's face showed the look of expectation.

"It's business as usual, how did you expand the community before, and what you still do in the future. However, you cursed my content needs to be changed without any disrespectful words. If you offend again, I will invite you to come and drink tea. I want to talk to you about it. "


With her members, Lou Fe, who cursed Muria aloud, remembered everything she had experienced before. Do n’t shake her claws. She knew that every day ’s curse was seen by Muria. Long's disrespect to him will be counted on her head, who makes her the president of the society.

"I haven't become the commander of the army, so there are so many moths. Wouldn't it be more tiring if I become the commander of the army later?" Lu Fei thought with some sadness, she found that it was only the first One step is so difficult. How can we live in the future?


Time has passed unknowingly. Many races in the Erasian world have gradually discovered during the long passage of time. The number of dragons active in the world is decreasing year by year. Many famous dragons are silent. Disappeared, never seen again.

In the bottom of Elasia, the dragon has gradually become a legendary creature. Among the civilians at the bottom, the dragon is already full of mystery, everything related to dragons, intelligence, materials, and prices. All started to soar.

Among many intelligent races, the number of professionals derived from hunting dragons is decreasing year by year. Because the dragons have disappeared on a large scale, they have no such soil for the dragons.

Similarly, the gods derived from the increase in the number of dragons and causing damage, the Dragon Stalker, Marlock, have gained less and less faith, and he is now facing the crisis of demotion.

Of course, all these changes are not obvious. Although the dragon has disappeared, there are still a large number of dragon-like creatures that have survived and proliferated around the world. They have not disappeared on a large scale like the dragon.

In contrast to the decrease in the number of true dragons around Erassia around the world, the development scale of the Sinapus Dragon Academy is increasing, and the number of ancient dragons serving as professors is increasing. The number of teachers has also increased.

However, although there are many ancient dragons serving as professors, Muria still decides everything about the Dragon Academy, because before each Gulong comes to the Dragon Academy, Muria will invite them to be "friendly". Learn and exchange.

So even if the stalls of the Dragon Academy are getting bigger and bigger, there is no dissonant voice in the academy, everything is under the control of Muria.


"Muriya, are you ready? The barriers of the desolate world are about to collapse. If you don't break through to the legendary high level in twenty years, all your business in the desolate world may be burned."

A dazzling blond hair fell to his waist, and a glorious girl walked into the castle of Fengwang and looked at a boy surrounded by books.

"Are there twenty years? It's enough." For the past two hundred years, Muria, who had been living in the Castle of the Wind King most of the time, looked up and smiled slightly, her eyes full of self-confidence,

For the past two hundred years, he has spent most of his time studying, occasionally taking some free time to make adjustments and plans for the development of Sinapus.

For example, he led Xinapus around the world and collected dragons from all over the world. Over the years, Xinapus has circled the world around twelve Chida Roads, collecting twelve subcontinents. Parts of dragons.

And the five-colored dragons that were exiled by the Golden Dragon Mother to the twelve subcontinents have all been returned. After returning, all these dragons were thrown into the Dragon Academy by Muria for secondary transformation. They needed Learning new knowledge, we must advance with the times.

Once, they could be regarded as elite among dragons. After the establishment of Dragon Academy, because of Muria's cruel and systematic Dragon education, a large number of elite Dragons were cultivated. Those who grew up from childhood The five-colored dragon is not much. Many of the five-colored dragons have little advantage to the new generation of dragons. The only advantage is that they are older, and all the five-colored dragons have reached adulthood.

Another very important advantage is that they maintain a friendly relationship with Muria. With Muria's compulsory support, they still follow the Dragon trend of the times and have not been left behind. They are still among the Dragons. Elite.

After these five-colored dragons entered the Dragon Academy, under the guidance of Muria, they have even become the benchmark flag of the Five-colored Dragons in the Dragon Academy, attracting many colorful-colored dragons, and even some rare dragons. The class actively clings to them.

In fact, in the Dragon Academy, as long as the dragons have studied for some time, the samurai building in the Academy is basically the minions of their dean Muria.

"How time flies!" Thinking of everything he has experienced in the past two hundred years, Muria's eyes showed emotions. For the past two hundred years, I don't know if it was because he was married, he changed It has been a lot calm, basically no waves, basically swimming in the ocean of knowledge. Enrich themselves.

For example, the fleet that the Research Emperor gave him wanted to find ways to take these fleets out of the half-plane with a crystal ball as the external expression. For this reason, Muria mastered a large number of Knowledge about warship manufacturing.

For materials science, mechanics, energy science, architecture and many other disciplines, Muria also reads a lot of books donated by the Dragon King to the Dragon Library. In terms of knowledge reading, Muria is two hundred years ago. He is like a cloud of mud, unlike the other day.

Now, Muria can be very proud to claim that she is also a small mobile library ~ www.readwn.com ~ For two hundred years, Muria has developed with her powers and developed in a low-key manner, but the outside world, because of the Titans, The Blazing Protoss and the Metal Dragon Epic Alliance have not changed much for the time being, and everything is as usual.

But in the world, there has been a huge change. For other forces, a shocking change, a new **** has been born, and a **** who has just appeared is a powerful god.

Muria is also very familiar with the name of the god, the king of the dead, Hades. Of course, his current **** name is Hades, Hades!

When this epic ruled God, Muria was also extremely miserable. He didn't know what the reason was for an epic to bind himself and become a **** from the existence of the great shore that could swim in the void.

It wasn't until a short while ago that Muria got a little bit of news. It is said that after the awakening, the King of the Necroids did not go to sleep again, but instead wanted to reunite the Necropolis Council, but found that the Necropolis Council ’s The direction of development has completely deviated from his original intention, and then, Hades, the Necromancer wants to correct it.

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