Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 823: Do what you want without any scruples!

It only took less than half a year, Muria unified the whole world of the desolate, as he originally planned, all the battles and conflicts were controlled at the high level and did not affect the bottom. When he resolved all the legendary shadows After the Giants defeated them all, the world was calm.

And there is no peace of mind, because the previous two Titans have laid a very solid foundation for Muria. The shady giants here do not exclude being ruled by Titans, and even very happy to be ruled by Titans.

And Muria took it, it was purely an army of millions of barren giants who carried out an armed march, and even many of the barren giants of the Nine Phoenix Dynasty decided to follow Muria deadly and to fight for Muria.


"What do you want to do next? Muria!" When Muria returned to Xynaps with a spirit of killing, Michaelia, who was resting in Xynaps, found Muria.

"You know, Micah." Muria came to Michalera, embraced her, reached out and touched her flat belly.

"In this case, I suggest you ask your elders first! The impact is too great."

"Hmm! I know, I plan to ask it in the past. If it doesn't work, I'll think of another way." Just because of the separation for half a year, I feel that I miss Michelangela a bit, and I went back to see Murray At once, Ya got up and went to the Titan Islands.

"Muria, are you going back to the Titans? I will go with you and just take you to the elves to ask why the leaves of the world tree that belonged to you have not arrived yet."

Hearing Muria's words, came back with him, and looked at them with an amused look, and immediately said, "The golden dragon maids who show love."

"After I've done the main things, I'll ask the elf's eternal island!" Muria nodded, and no one could move his belongings. It's his, then it must be his.


Titan land

Spirit Casio condenses his appearance, watching Muria and Golden Dragon Mother slowly descending from the sky, bowing slightly to the two.

"Master Muria! Old Mother!"

"Casio! Send me to the wild wilderness of my grandfather." Muria heard Ling's address to his mother, and her mouth couldn't help but bend upwards, she wanted to laugh, but he held back.


"Casio, there is something wrong with your title, where do I grow old?" Compared to Muria, who was stunned, the anger on Jin Longniang's face was not covered, and now she hates it when someone tells her The old word.

"This is an homage to you. Master Muria is now married, and it would be a bit inappropriate to call you grandma ..."

With a smile on his face, Muria listened to Casio's explanation of his mother, and stepped into the teleportation certificate that had been formed ...

"Muriya, have you broken through to the legendary high order? Yes, this speed is even among the Titans." The Titan on the mountain slowly opened his eyes and looked at him for a moment, then a look of admiration appeared on his face.

Hearing this, Muria froze slightly. Sure enough, among the Titans, his speed is not much. It can only be regarded as the top, not the fastest, and the Titans that break through faster than Muria.

For this result, Muria did not feel surprised. After adulthood, among the legendary Titans per capita, several geniuses who can advance faster than him are really normal.

"Muria, is there anything you're here for?" After praise, Archimonde, the barbaric Lord, began to ask Muria's intention.

"One thing I want to ask your grandfather."

"What do you want to ask?"

"You know, I was chased and killed by evil gods in the Xenaps subcontinent. I now have a certain ability to lower my incarnation, so I want to give blood for blood, and tooth for tooth."

"What do you want to do?"

"Eliminate the Xenaps subcontinent and let those evil gods lose their faith base."

"Huh!" Archimonde, the savage Lord, heard Muria's words, nodded, his face did not change at all, it seemed that Muria was talking about something similar to eating and drinking, simple and plain. thing.

"Can I do this?"

"Why not?" It was only then that Archimonde, the Savage Lord's face, was surprised, and it seemed that he did not understand why Muria asked, "What are you worrying about? Evil God?"

"The effect of flattening a subcontinent seems to be a little big. Does this make some gods have some scruples?"

This is the question that Muria deliberately ran to the Titans, and he did n’t hesitate to disturb his grandfather. The impact of tying a subcontinent in his current status is too great. The combination of these three races, Chitian Protoss and Dragon, wants to do something, which will make many forces feel uneasy. Muria will worry about plans that affect her race.

"Are you jealous of the rest of the gods? Meaningless thoughts, do what you want! You don't need to have any jealousy."

"I know."

"Go, do what you want, and you have the entire Titan behind you."

With a wave of the barbaric master's hand, a crack in space cracked at Muria's feet. Muria's body fell uncontrollably into it, and then returned to his courtyard in the Titans. He saw the two A familiar figure, Casio is explaining and Casio looks angry.

And just after Muria had left his grandfather ’s wild wilderness, Archimonde looked up into the sky, then reached out to him, and beside him, the rolling mountains collapsed, and then, with a strong kill The two-edged tomahawk of the cutting qi and the violent sky is rising into the hands of the reckless master.

"Go! Look at the gods, whoever they are, if you have any extra moves, cut him directly." Archimonde whispered, then looked up, stared at nothingness, and raised his hand to throw the tomahawk in his hand.

The tomahawk buzzed and turned into a scarlet golden red, tearing the space and immersed in it. Finally, the tomahawk, which had been stained with the blood of more than a dozen gods, appeared at Xenap, known as the evil **** paradise. Above the subcontinent.

After the buzzing of this tomahawk, after releasing the astonishing murderous force that went straight to Jiuxiao, all the power was converged, and finally it gradually disappeared into nothingness, as if it never appeared here.


"It's not enough to deter them!" In the city of the eternal sky, Osiris the Emperor looked up at the red-golden rainbow that crossed the sky and murmured to himself.

Then, the city of the eternal sky at the foot of the Emperor began to vibrate slightly, then in the edge area, a smooth crack began to spread. Finally, in a burst of mechanical friction and reorganization, a small sky mechanical city was formed. This mechanical city Filled with powerful kinetic energy, it shuddered a little, tearing the space, immersed in it, and finally appeared above the Senapus subcontinent. But it was unusually low-key and disappeared after its appearance.


The Lord of the Abyss, Ulysses, looked up at the sky, then lowered his head, silently. He reached out and held his hand. In the middle of this abyss, in the vast lava sea, a red war halberd flew out of it and fell Into his hands, like the Lord of the Wild, he was thrown into the void.


"Those little gods probably don't dare to do it, but those old guys who have lived long enough still dare to stretch their paws, little guy, let me help you once."

A rule-complete world shook slightly, emerged from the void, and then a scepter shaped like a scepter and a halberd-like weapon flew out of it.


Taking the lead of the reckless master, one epic titan threw his own weapons out, and finally, under the drinking of the ten masters, no epic continued to throw his own weapons.

For a Titan, an exclusive weapon is an extension of its body. In a non-combat situation, an exclusive weapon represents a Titan. An exclusive weapon straddling the sky above the evil **** paradise is equivalent to an epic Titan watching. There.


"What does Titan want to do? Can't we stop for a while?"

"Do you want to do something with Evil God Paradise?"

"Why target the evil **** paradise? Isn't it enough that so many gods have fallen before?"

Many epic weapons cut through the space, and finally appeared over Xynapus. Such movements naturally shocked the gods in the sky. They cast their eyes down, and then various expressions appeared on their faces.

No matter which **** is, I think this period is really very difficult, because the epic is too active in this period.


"How? Have you finished talking to your grandfather?" When Muria returned to the courtyard, Casio, who was correcting what Casio had called her, came over and asked.

"It's already talked!"

"In this case, come with me to the eternal island of the elven tribe!"


"Atelice ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why are you here again?" After a parading elder of the Elves encountered the Golden Dragon Lady with Muria in the air, his eyebrows frowned suddenly, The unpleasant color did not hide it, and almost sent the words "unwelcome" on his face.

"How? As a golden dragon, where can you stay in your elves?"

"Other Golden Dragons, we are naturally welcome, but you are like this ..."

"What happened to me?"

"Ha ha!"

"Forget it, I have a lot of adults, I don't care about you, this time I have a bill to find you."

"What account?"

"My son Muria, he is now the legendary Titan of the Seven Realms, but he has not received any leaf of the world tree worshipped by your elves so far. Shouldn't you give an explanation for this? ? "

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