Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 826: Invincible war

Nocchia, the capital of the Rockman kingdom

"Dear Queen Lockman, Your Highness Muria has asked you to consolidate and integrate all your domestic troops within thirty days and days, enter Telenaps through the teleportation array, and be ready to participate in the war."

The storm giant with Jupeng stood in the main palace of the royal palace, and with respectful expression read the summons order to the blue-red-eyed Queen Loli sitting on the throne.

"I see, you go back and tell your brother that I will arrive on time." Hearing a rally here, Queen Loli Remilia's face showed no surprise.

Since attending the wedding that time, she has gone to Xanapus to find Muria through the teleportation team, so she already knew about Muria's intentions, and for this she also adjusted the status of her country. Policy, this war, she has already prepared for the country to help Muria.


"Claudia the White Dragon Queen ..."

In the De Prosen subcontinent, he has become the true King of the North. Claudia, who is known as the White Dragon Queen, quietly watched the storm giant below read out the order from Siempus.

"Well, I see. I will arrive with my legion on time." The white dragon queen, Claudia, responded blandly, and then looked at the same bland eyes as when the Giant Storm came. Keep him away.

"The turtle has shrunk for so long, until now, can't you finally bear it?" Bai Long, who was hovering above the ice throne, looked up at the sky, and a pair of golden dragon pupils glittered, exuding a dazzling light, bringing ordinary The majesty of the dragon that cannot be looked at directly.


"Frost Giant Kingdom, Frostfang, Hanyu ..." Still in the De Prosen subcontinent, a storm giant riding Jupeng came to the Frost Giant Kingdom lined with giant cities, then entered the king city, and ruled The Order of the Frost Giant Kingdom read the order.

It turns out that although the barbaric Frost Giant tribe established the Frost Giant Kingdom under the order and forcible promotion of Muria, the kingdom did not have a real king, but a parliamentary system.

The members of the council are the heads of the savage frost giant tribes, and the rulers are still the original ones. It seems that nothing has changed, but the benefits of setting up a kingdom and a group proposal are self-evident.

First of all, the internal consumption of the Frost Giant has been greatly reduced, and it has plummeted. There is no longer a large-scale giant war. There is only a small-scale fighting due to personal grievances. The strength of the Frost Giant on this continent has been united. It was unimaginable before.

In the same way, the parliamentary system also has great disadvantages. No matter what it is, once it is decided by the parliament, it will fall into a long period of trouble, the administrative efficiency is extremely low, and it is almost impossible to accomplish one thing.

However, these Frost Giants were irrelevant, but when Muria's call was placed in front of them, almost no Frost Giant dared to raise any objections, and no one wanted to deliberately hinder.

They know that no matter who they are, if they dare to delay the order from Xinapus because of their selfish desires, then they are ready to use their blood and skull to calm down the anger of the Lord of Siempus! He could not tolerate anyone dragging his hind legs.


Orbisto Subcontinent

"Captain Undead Barbosa, I say hello to His Highness Muria." A storm giant in bone armor stood in a translucent ghost ship, saying hello to a large Lich sitting on the throne of a skull.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense to me, let's talk, what did Muria send you over here?" Barbosa made a voice of mockery.

"His Highness is ready to wage war on Evil God Paradise. He asks you and asks you to explore the map of the Senapus subcontinent."

"It's time to start a war against Evil God Paradise. Alas, it's so fast. I've completed 90% of the map, and I still have a small part left."

"Master Barbosa, Your Highness commissioned you to draw a map 180 years ago, but to this day, Your Highness has not yet completed the drawing when it is needed. Don't forget, you can now master the dead cave Who can rely on so many resources in China? "

"Less to question me, you all know that the Xenaps subcontinent is known as the Paradise of Evil Gods, and you should know how many evil gods there have incarnate and operate there."

Hearing that the storm giant dare to question him, the soul fire in the skull of Undead Captain Barbosa swelled violently, and a storm giant who was not legendary dared to speak to him like this, he felt offended.

"Do you know how much power I have lost in the Xenaps subcontinent over the years?"

"Giant, remember to me that I'm not a subordinate of Muria's kid. If you dare to speak to me in such a tone next time, I don't mind making you into a skeleton giant with your physique, After being made into a skeleton giant, it should still be very eye-catching when placed here. "

"Make me into an undead giant? If you have the guts, just come! See if you can withstand the anger of your Highness now?"

"Are you threatening me? Do you think Muria will fight me for you, a legendary storm giant?"

"You can give it a try! Anyway, I'm not a legend, I can't resist your might." The blue-skinned storm giant has no fear, and he can be selected by Muria to negotiate with a legendary peak Lich, naturally There is something extraordinary.

"Hum!" Barbosa snorted and waved his hand, and expelled the storm giant directly from his ghost ship. He had a pit in his head before he could strike him.

"Tell Muria that I will improve the map in the next time without delaying his affairs. Now these ranges I have detected are enough for him to play."

The storm giant who had fallen into the dead sea water for a moment, then found that in his arms, he had unknowingly added a scroll, no doubt, this is the map drawn by Barbosa reconnaissance.


It is located in the endless ocean between the Roghagen subcontinent and the Orbisto subcontinent. In the kingdom of Naga, a giant storm appears on the giant Peng, and then drives the giant Peng into a rainbow and falls into the seawater. It will Read Muria's order to those Naga.

According to Muria's order, these naga will be responsible for clearing the waters around the Xenaps subcontinent, and killing all marine life worshipping the evil gods.


Roghagen Subcontinent, Dragon Peninsula, Red Dragon Principality

"The Kingdom of the Red Dragon, Bernard, obey, order you to convene an army within a month ..." The majestic Storm Giant stood in the palace of the Red Dragon Principality and read Muria's order to the Dragon Knight Bernard .

"Observe the order!"


The storm giant who came to read the order saw that he had notified the owner of the Red Dragon Kingdom, and immediately turned over and rode on the giant peng, and then controlled it, soared into the sky, preparing to climb over and separate the evil dragon peninsula from the mainland. Hengduan Mountains, this time he was mainly to convey the order to the six dragons of Guishuang Kingdom, and this red dragon knight is just incidental.


"Oh! Muria is finally ready to fight against the evil **** paradise, hey, uncomfortable, this time it's our turn to bleed."

In the royal court of the Guishuang Kingdom, a red dragon showing his true body came in, sighing and sighing. He had just sent away the storm giant propaganda order.

"Isn't this what happens sooner or later? Muria has given us so many resources to help us control the Guishuang Kingdom. Doesn't it mean that we can use an army at this time to assist him?"

A blue dragon holding a kiss kissed by a beautiful lady in dragon form raised his head and said indifferently.

"It's not us who are on the battlefield. What are we afraid of? Anyway, we have to stay in the Guishuang Kingdom, and we have to conquer the army for Muria."

"If we call too many legions, it will cause domestic unrest, and those guys may be restless."

"Hey, I said that you really think those human legends are fools! It's been so long, and our bottom line, they are probably already detected.

Otherwise, why do you think we can occupy the king's court for such a long time and give orders, rest assured!

No matter how we frustrate, these human legends only dare to cooperate with us, and dare not hinder us.

However, if there is really a guy who doesn't know how to live or die, we have to work together to kill him. "

"Don't you want to fight?"

"Why participate? What do you think of the other name of that continent? That is the evil **** of this world. For his own retention, if Muria wants to take down this continent, there will be a lot of costs. There is bound to Become a huge meat grinder, with our own strength, if you participate in this war, the probability of being killed is very high ~ www.readwn.com ~ What are you afraid of? We are the members of Muria ’s direct department. If we participate in the war, will Muria send us to some places that must die? "

"will not."

"Also, do you think Muria will lose this war?" A green dragon's eyes flashed with wisdom. Why didn't you participate in a victory?



Muria, who sent his giants to convey the order, quickly received feedback. All the external forces he has developed over the years have assured him that they will send troops to Sinapus on time.

Muria, who is ready to go to war, now just needs to wait, waiting for Xymples to move over the Xenapps subcontinent, then open the space door, use Xymples as a space teleportation point, and place herself on the world continent Legions, whether intentionally or unintentionally, were transported to the evil **** paradise and started this world-fighting war.

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