Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 829: Maternal Glory

No one stood out to stop such an inhuman scene. The rest of the hunters looked at the scene with a smile while splitting the body of the magic shark, and some even praised him loudly.

"Ying, yes, I usually don't see it. Your hands are so clean. Just like me, I killed his father after his hunting injury."

"Well, your father is really terrible. He actually made himself worthless to you. In this case, it is worthy of death, but even if I am seriously injured and unable to move, they will not be affected. I started because I would never teach them my breathing method unless it was before I was dying. "

This group of hunters talked and laughed loudly, then drove the boat, and returned with the harvest of this time hunting, but they did not know that this scene was clearly monitored by an airspace above, and was watched by millions of beings at the same time. Eyes.

"The continent is really the same as before, with basically no change at all." Muria stared indifferently at the light curtain in front of him. Before he came, he was mentally prepared, so he is not angry now. Emotions, this is a very common scene in the paradise of evil gods.

"His Royal Highness, I beg you, let these scum be removed from this world." Mia, the maid next to Muria, took a step forward and said to Muria.

The scene just now has completely subverted Mia's three-view cognition, and now she has a feeling of wanting to vomit. At this moment, there were some Mia who wanted to dissuade Muria from starting a war. At this moment, she was extremely supportive. he.

If all the scums living on the Xenaps subcontinent are such scum, then even if all the creatures on this continent are killed, she will have no opinion. Such a guy is a waste of living in the world. air.

"There is nothing to be angry about, Mia, there are so many scenes in this continent." Muria smiled and comforted her with a heartfelt angry maid behind her.

"So, I will wage an extinct war on this continent. Wherever my army passes, there will no longer be a local inhabitant of Evil God Paradise."

"You can't wage an extinction war!" But when Muria just stated her intentions for war, Michelangela put forward an objection, "Although this continent is a paradise for evil gods, it also has innocent people, those Newly born children, they have no inherited memories, they are innocent. "

"Huh!" Muria took a moment's glance when he heard what Michelangela said, then looked back at Michelangela, who was shining with a strong mother's hand, and stroked her belly, then nodded, "Yes, child They are innocent and need to be screened before wielding a sword. "

"But just wipe them out. They don't need to exist." Michelangela looked at the hunting ship on the light screen heading towards the coast, with undisguised disgust in his eyes.


Above the hunting ship there was a thick incandescent beam of light descending from the sky, and the ship was completely covered without struggling, screaming and mourning. It was just three or two breaths away, and the ship was under this beam of light. Into ashes, scattered on this sea.

After the hunting ship was completely annihilated by shelling, the vast sky over the filthy sea was empty, and in the sky full of dark gray clouds, a vast airspace gradually emerged.

It was a magnificent city suspended above the sky, the element's brilliance shone on it, exuding a charming luster, and a deadly threat.

Seeing a floating city at the lowest distance, a cannon protruding from the bottom slowly retracted.

And with the close of this huge artillery, between these cities, a series of circular space doors opened, and then, one after another, the snake-tailed body, enchanting, but the fierce Naga shuttled from these space doors. Come and fall into the sea below.

Then many Naga fell into the sea, and blood flowers bloomed in the sea, which filled this deadly sea surface with a sense of demon blood.

And while these naga battled across a long space, they were tidal giants with blue complexion, holding huge war halberds or anchors, jumping from the floating city.

"Your Naga's task is to thoroughly clean up all the demonized sea beasts living in this sea area within ten days, and my Majesty's Legion of Tide Giants will assist you."

As the naga in the distant waters began to enter the offshore area of ​​the Senapus subcontinent through the space gate to fight with the tidal giant,

In the Castle of the Wind King, in front of Muria, seven legendary Naga lords obediently obeyed Muria's orders. This was his subordinate who relied on his own force to conquer the ocean.

The seven legendary lords of Naga were the first army sent by Landis to support Muria, followed by the second and third.

Landis Naga is a huge kingdom. It is impossible for Muria to send them all the high-end combat power as soon as they call them. They also need to move some personnel. It is impossible for Muria's This battle brought down their kingdoms, although with Muria in this war, when the war is won, they will definitely receive a portion of the war dividend.

"The Cloud Giant Legion, the Five-Colored Dragon Legion, the Dragonborn Legion ... ready to conduct a landing operation. Within three days, using Sinapus as a reference point, all the Senapus evils within a radius of one hundred kilometers will be cleaned, except for just born Except for the unconscious babies, the rest of the creatures were killed, and one was not left. "

The majestic and magnificent voice sounded in the city of clouds that had been built in Xanapus, and with this order, cloud-white giants one after another took their captive griffins from the floating city. Flying up, flying towards the land coast not far away, in a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of cloud giants blocked the sky on this side.

After the giant set off, the sturdy five-colored dragons roared head after head and flew to the distant earth under the leadership of Gu Long. They would do what they were most passionate about in their lives—killing and destroying.

Under the control of Muria, they have suppressed their nature for hundreds of years, and this time, they can freely release their nature.

At the same time, there are another floating fleet flying from above the floating city and falling to the ground not far away. These battleships are full of dragon descendants that Muria has cultivated for a long time. Creatures not good at flying.

"It's terrible!"

On the edge of a floating city, a dragon-shaped ancient golden dragon face exposed the scene in shock, and in the ocean below, the sight was looking at Naga and the tidal giant who were slaughtering sea beasts. In the middle, all are flying giants, five-colored dragons and floating ships transporting soldiers.

"This kind of war should have attracted a lot of eternal attention!" Another Gulong came over and watched the scene of the Xnapps Legion.

"Sure, it's hard for those gods to not even notice it."

"I don't care what the gods think of this war, and they dare not intervene anyway. I only care about how we can join this war."

After hearing this ancient dragon, the other ancient dragons who came to watch the battle on the edge of the city looked at each other. They were not His Majesty's Majesty. Their only affiliation with Muria was the principal and professor.

Muria can arrange them for various teaching tasks, but can't arrange them to fight for it ... No, more accurately, Muria is not qualified to order them unconditionally, they can also help them fight, but they must Pay for it.

But so far, Muria has not revealed the intention of inviting them to participate in this war, which makes this group of ancient dragons who want to make a fortune of war very distressed.

"The King of Greek Perth is too embarrassing. He is so rich that he is reluctant to invite us. As long as we participate in the war, the damage of these legions will definitely decrease significantly."

"Don't think too much, there is still a lot of power in the hands of others, you see, the angel army held by his wife hasn't moved yet." An ancient dragon pointed at Yunzhong City above his head. .

"In this war, His Highness Muria's main enemy was actually the incarnations sent by the evil gods. The conventional forces on this continent could not resist the army sent by him."

"So, only Gulong who can fight against the incarnation of the evil god, can he be invited by His Highness Muria?"

"I think so!"


And just as Professor Gulong of Xanapus was thinking about how to make war money on Muria's body ~ www.readwn.com ~ Above the sky, the gods were shocked one after another, and then they turned their eyes on Xenapus Subcontinent.

"Just just settling down for two hundred years, I have tossed out such a great deal of movement. Titan and Dragon's son, Muria, why can't you be quietly promoted to the peak of the legend and then enter the void honestly?"

In the Pantheon, a deity whispered softly, but her voice was not concealed at all. In this magnificent palace, all the deities who put incarnations here heard it.

"What does this guy want to do?"

"It is estimated that he wants revenge! After all, at that time 300 years ago, he was chased after.

"A group of children with a great future!" As the deities discussed it, five dragons with two tails did not join it, and his eyes stared tightly at the battlefield in the physical world below. "But all of them Don't recognize me! "

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