Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 831: You are qualified to live

"What's that?" A devil with no hair on his head, full of thorns, looked up at the sky, and he saw that something in the sky seemed to be flying towards the city.

But after he saw those creatures clearly, his eyes gradually fell into a dullness, and in the dull eyes, an incredible emotion appeared.

"How come there are so many dragons?" The devil rubbed his eyes incredibly. He felt that his eyes might have been spent, and he had not seen so many dragons in his life. How could these creatures entangled at the top of the food chain come together and there are so many.

"Ah!" The Devil looked at the scene not far away. He saw a team hunting in the city, and was stared at by this group of dragons who did not know where they came from. The light of the element descended from the sky, and then hit the center of the hunting team heavily.

Ordinary creatures encounter the top of the food chain in the wild. There are only two things that they can do. They beg on the ground and beg for the other to show mercy, let themselves go, or stand rigidly, and die a little bit of bone.

But it is clear that in this hunting team that was stared at by that powerful green dragon, there were no bony guys. They knelt on the ground for the first time, begging each other for mercy, and they could be let go. Or take them as slaves.

But unfortunately, the green dragon did not think of taking them as slaves, nor did they let them go because of their respectful gesture. It opened its mouth and sprayed a pure white breath.

This breath of apparently divine nature drowned the group of hunters directly, and then this group of guys who were no longer normal humans screamed and mourned among these divine breaths, and then a black smoke burst from the body. , Was actually purified directly.

"What kind of ghost is this?" The devil stood on the city wall and looked at the scene in the distance with aggression. Thanks to the strange bloodlines he awakened, he has excellent vision, so he can see the scene in the distance. Clearly.

"Why does the green dragon spit out divine breath? Shouldn't it be acid? What kind of dragons are these?"

This was the last thought that the demon had in a red dragon's breath, and then it was drowned by a thick, dragon-like inflammation that had condensed into liquid ground, and then left him with no bone residue.

The demon had never dreamed that he would actually be killed by a red dragon's sneak attack, yes, he was killed by the red dragon, and it was actually not a way of crushing the front, but using a space spell to kill.

"You are ill! Such a weak creature, you actually use space spells to sneak attack on him!" A blue dragon fell next to this red dragon that killed a demon by sneak attacks on space spells, staring at him with a mentally retarded look .

"The joy of assassination, you don't understand!" Said the red dragon quietly in the excitement of being able to sneak in and kill a creature unconsciously.

This is a red dragon that has been biased under various guidance after studying at the Dragon Academy. He loves assassinations!

"Shabi, look below, so many ants have found you. What kind of assassination are you?" Blue Dragon retorted with a look of scorn, he really couldn't understand how the red dragon's brain grew, obviously A muscular barbarian actually fell in love with the delicate profession of assassination.

"Yes, the assassination cannot be found by the enemy." Hearing the blue dragon's words, the assassination dragon nodded thoughtfully, and then gazed at it above the city wall, and set its sights on the city. Many creatures in the city have been scared by the movements he tossed out, all staring at him in stun.

"If that's the case, then I'll have to kill all the enemies who found me, and kill all the ants who found me, then this time I'm really assassinated."

The Red Dragon pondered for a moment, then slammed into the city, and with his movements, the surrounding air was slightly reddish, and then a fiery flame poured out of his body, burning everything around him .

When it landed, a red hot pillar of fire sprayed out of him, destroying all surrounding buildings and creatures. He felt that the blue dragon was right, the real assassination could not be discovered by the enemy.

The demon who was fortunate to be killed by the red dragon did not see the city he was in. The next scene, one after another, was circling in this city with a permanent population of less than 100,000. , Wantonly spitting flames, some still fell down, waving dragon wings, dragon claws, dragon tails, long tails, destroying all buildings, they can release all their nature here.

"Great dragon, I am willing to dedicate my child to you, ask you to let me go, and I am willing to follow you." In a house where a black dragon broke a wall casually, one was originally full of fierceness The strong man knelt on the ground with a humble face, full of grandma's courtship, his hands raised high, and a baby girl crying out loud in his hands.

"Don't!" On the other side was a woman who was curled up in pain and struggling on the ground. There was a very obvious punch pit on her belly, and there was a steady stream of blood in the corners of her mouth. She had already died shortly.

"Interesting!" Seeing the scene in front of him, the black dragon with a strong body that was beyond the cognition of the man in front of him laughed. The original order he got was to kill all the creatures here, leaving only the newborn baby.

But it is a mage dragon. Well, although he likes melee and fights with a big sword, he is still a mage. As a mage, you should have your own judgment.

The premise of Muria's order for this extinction is that because all creatures here that have self-consciousness, their three views are completely incompatible with universal values, so they are no longer eligible to live.

The woman seemed a little different now, "Why are you attacking her?"

"The great dragon, this unknowing woman, wants to stop me from offering you a sacrifice!" The man, who seemed fierce, explained humbly at this moment.

"In other words, is she trying to protect her child?"

"Eh," the strong man froze slightly, then nodded, and he didn't understand why the dragon in front of him was concerned about such a question that should be rather boring to him, "Yes."

"So, this is the child you gave birth to with this woman, right?"


"Oh, that's the case, then you don't need to live!" The black dragon, who had obtained the information he wanted to know, stretched out his claws, gently, seven rings, a finger of death, and then the strong man fell suddenly to the ground. .

"Wow!" And the moment the strong man fell to the ground, the baby that he had held between his hands also fell to the ground, and just as she was about to touch the ground, a gentle wind held her up He was sent to the mother who was struggling to protect her child.

"Congratulations, ants, you and your child are qualified to continue living." Heilong cracked his mouth and said to the confused woman.

"Hey, come a cloud giant!" Heilong yelled at the belated giant in the distance. "Here is a baby and a competent mother. Take them away!"


"Mother protects her child. This nature, even if it is an evil god, cannot distort it!" Muria sighed and stared at the light curtain in front of her. Everything on the front line was transmitted to him at the same time. He could see the trial of his parents clearly.

"With the decree, apart from babies, the original inhabitants of Xenapes who have virtues of goodness, integrity, tolerance, justice and other virtues can live."

Muria once again added a command that would allow some of the residents of Xenapes who still have some humanity to survive. This is a very low standard. As long as there is a little humanity in mind, you can Survive.

However, the premise of survival is to be able to show this hidden humanity in the face of Muria's Expeditionary Army, otherwise, it will still be a dead letter.

Just after he issued the order, a storm giant came in, kneeling on one knee. "Our Highness, we have found a legendary lair."

"Very good, tell me the location coordinates." When Muria heard that a legend had been found, Muria stood up suddenly, her face pale, which he ordered.

In the first legendary battle of Senapus, Muria decided to start it by himself, because besides him, it is difficult for his Majesty's legend to be 100% sure to kill a legend on the spot ~ www. readwn.com ~ The survivability of the legend is really too strong, and he has the rich experience of killing the legend without letting him escape.

After all, this is the first war, and it would be too ugly to let the enemy escape.


"A legendary warlock with demon blood!" Muria tore up the space and arrived at the location of the first native legend detected by the Storm Giant, looking down at the dark castle covered by dark clouds below, revealing indifferent Smile.

"Come out! If you can survive my three strokes without dying, I will show mercy and allow you to live."

When Muria resounded like a thunderous voice, echoing in this dark sky, even scattered the dark clouds covering the dark castle, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face, from this castle Zhongfei came out.

"Titan!" The legendary evil magician looked up at Muria with a ugly expression on his face. He had just received the oracle issued by his belief in the god, and unexpectedly encountered the deity who made him believe in an instant. The fury of existence.

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