Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 834: Zhenshi Haidilong

"Why only attack me? Don't attack that **** melancholy!" The kingdom of fear in the abyss, the **** of fear above his throne, growled in anger, he couldn't understand the scene that just happened.

After the giant beast came, he directly killed him, and he let go of Muria, who didn't know how many knives he had chopped, without any intention of killing him.

That area was obviously marked by the Titan. He basically didn't do it. He has always been beaten unilaterally, and he is the victim.

"Why? How could the town beast have a tendency? Obviously, it should be the most impartial existence. It doesn't favor any race or creature, only the creature that harms the world. Why attack only me, not the hybrid? ? "

The dreaded demon was puzzled in his own kingdom. It was very fast, and he blamed this bad result on the reason that he had just forcibly shot to the main material plane.

"Mixed breed, since the Wind King Eagle didn't hit you, let me come, thinking that this time I was fortunate to rely on the town beast to kill my incarnation, can you rest easy? Next time you will not be so lucky!"


In the sea where Xenaps is located, the fighting within the ocean has gradually subsided. Under the supervision of the seven legendary Naga lords, the evil sea beasts in this area will not be able to make much of the storm. , Has been exhausted by the slaughter.

At this time, this area of ​​the sea was dyed black and red, and it seemed to be filled with a sense of **** unknownness. A touch of **** air was floating above the sea surface, and all the sea beasts here had been wiped out. .

And then, how to purify this sea area, otherwise, this sea area will become a veritable Dead Sea, and no creatures can live and reproduce in it in a short time.

But soon, the headquarters of Xenaps found that they didn't need to think about this kind of problem, because they found that there was a huge ocean wave in the distance, and it was approaching here quickly.

"Warning, there are legendary high-level creatures approaching here at high speed, warning, there are legendary highs ..." The screaming alarm sounded in the headquarters of Siempus, and at the same time, all the ancient dragons who were teaching were notified. .

Although Muria did not intend to invite these ancient dragons to participate in the war, Muria still regarded them as an insurance, an insurance that can respond accordingly if an accident occurs.

Muria promised them that as long as there was a disaster in Xynas, and Xynas did not have the corresponding power to defend, as long as Gulong protected Xynas, Muria would pay them accordingly.

"What happened?" Ms. Xanapus rushed into the headquarters, and then quickly asked the investigators. She needed to know what happened, how could a legendary high-level creature suddenly appear.

"A legendary high-level creature appeared. According to the currently detected energy level, it is likely to be a top creature of the legendary peak, and his body is extremely huge. Based on the images detected now, it can be estimated initially. The body is over 300 meters. "

"The war has just begun, and the Senapus subcontinent has sent such a powerful creature?" Mia heard the report, and subconsciously labeled this powerful creature with the evil god. After all, at this time, she will go west with them. Nappus clashes only with the evil **** believers on Xenaps.

"Master Mia, this creature is not from Senapus, but from the sea."

"On the sea?" Mia's face showed a hint of confusion. She did not expect that the enemies facing Knapps would come from the ocean. She did not remember what sinaps had offended on the ocean. Powerful creature or power.


Mia stared tightly at the light curtain projected by the monitoring array in front of her. In the rippling sea, there were white marks formed by the giant waves that the monster was sneaking under the ocean. You can see that a meandering From time to time, his body emerged from the sea, and then quickly disappeared. Each time it appeared, only a scale claw was exposed, which seemed extremely mysterious.

"What kind of creature is this?" Mia looked at only a part of her body, and she looked so huge, with a shocked expression on her face. This type of body is not what any creature can have casually. Absolutely. Very special bloodline.

"This is Hai Dilong!"

A slightly dignified voice sounded at Mia. Mia looked back and saw her master tear the space and walked over, but the strange thing was that he was followed by a person equal to him , Phoenix bird with pure white feathers.

"Master Wind King Eagle!" Seeing this pure white bird, Mia quickly recognized it. The reason why it was not recognized at the beginning, but because it was the smallest model of wind she saw. Wang Ying is up.

"Huh!" Feng Wangying responded extremely indifferently, and then ignored Mia.

"Master Muria, what kind of dragon is this Hydra? Why haven't I heard of it? And what did he come for?"

"Although the Haidi Dragon is named Dragon, it has nothing to do with the Dragon family. They are the beasts of the world, they are the breeding beings of the world. They are like descendants of the first beast of the world."

Muria's eyes also looked at the light curtain in front of him. He looked at the Haidi Dragon that came from the wind and waves. So far, this dragon has not shown its full appearance and looks extremely mysterious.

"How should we deal with it?"

"He didn't come with hostility. Let's take a look at what this Hai Dilong wants to do!" Seeing the arrival of this town giant, Muria also felt a little pain in his brain.

This group of town beasts belongs to the world that cannot be provoked the most. They are the representatives of the will of the world, and against them is against the world.

Most of the time, these existences will not appear, but in a deep sleep. Muria did not expect that this war would alarm this existence, and there is more than one. You must know that the last time the world merged into the abyss Only the King of the Wind appeared.

Groan! When this town-like beast approached the offshore area of ​​the Senapus continent, a majestic head was lifted from the sea water, and a crisp dragon groan was issued.

Then like a flash in the air, this majestic and gorgeous beast disappeared into the sea again, and rushed into the filthy coastal area with waves.

"It's truly a beast of the world!" Muria looked at the change caused by this Haitian dragon, with a look of wonder in her eyes.

After entering this foul sea, the town-world beast did not attack any creature, but instead used his authority to perform his duties. Muria clearly saw that the seawater in contact with him was using The speed visible to the naked eye becomes clear and bright.

The blood-contaminated sea area below Xanapus is changing from gray-black to blue-blue. This town beast is purifying the sea and eliminating all pollution.

"See it! I said, no matter which town beast comes over, it will not interfere with you." Looking at this "kind" of the evolving sea, Feng Wangying turned to look at Muria, "Are you going to talk to him?"

"Huh!" Muria nodded. Since the town beasts came over, he couldn't treat them as if he hadn't seen them. These town beasts have powerful power. He must coordinate the relationship with them. Under the premise of not interfering with your war, see if you can find a way to get them to lean slightly towards yourself.

It doesn't need much, just like what the phoenix eagle did when the incarnation of the dreaded demon fought himself, in this case, Muria was very satisfied.

"Hai Dilong! I am Titan and Muria, the son of the dragon! May I have your name?" Muria liberated the huge dragon form, fell into the blue sea that had been purified below, and counted his tail. Shi's length is already comparable to that of the town giant below.

"Red Moon!" Hai Dilong looked at the huge golden dragon in front of him and did not show a particularly surprised look. Compared to the ordinary dragon, Muria's body size is indeed large enough, but compared with the dragon king's physique In that case, Muria's body looks quite compact again.

There are many Dragon Kings he has ever met. Although he only has the strength within the limits of the world rules, he has the qualification to talk to the Dragon King on an equal basis. Under special circumstances, he can have power beyond the legend.

"Mr. Akatsuki, what is the purpose of your visit here?" Muria asked in a somber tone. At this moment, he could see that his Naga subordinates and the tidal giant, many of them asked this one. Hai Dilong bowed slightly, saluting the guardians of the sea ~ www.readwn.com ~ just like you see now, purifying the sea. Of course, when necessary, we will take action to prevent wars that are too intense and to prevent greater damage. "

"So to what extent can you get the shot?" Muria asked earnestly.

"Large-scale legendary war!" Hai Dilong said very vaguely, what kind of boundary he did not say.

"It also……"

"Vague, isn't it? Actually, it's not just a legend. As long as there is a regional ecological extinction, we will all shoot."

Hai Dilong's gaze was looking upwards. He had long noticed the existence of the eagle of the wind king, and the beasts of the town were all sensitive to each other.

"It's like now, your subordinates have slaughtered all the creatures in this sea area, which has caused the phenomenon of ecological extinction. In order for this sea area to rebuild a new ecological chain as soon as possible, I am here. "

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