Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 847: Real epic

"Troublesome you, Yao God!" Seeing the Star Stalker dragging three evil gods into the hall, the Lord of the Ten Lords nodded greetings.

"Where is the duty!" The stargazer, known as the dazzling god, threw the three evil gods who had been beaten half by force, forcing the seal to shrink to his body. "Three evil gods, what are you doing? So weak? Right? You are almost useless! "

"These three evil gods have come here because of our reasons. There is also a powerful race behind them. We need to know through them. Maybe we are going to fight against their race."

"Oh!" Even if I heard the epic Titan say that the epic race outside the void is going to go to war, Yao Shen is not impressed, and he hasn't played, "Then the next thing is left to you to handle?"

"Well, give it to us!" Ten Lords replied, "These three evil gods were captured by you, so we will give you the corresponding price and give you three medium-sized worlds!"

"One is enough!" Yao God waved his hand, somewhat unconcerned. He left three evil heads on the ground who wanted to speak, but he had been banned by the evil **** who couldn't send the voice of the soul. "On these three wastes, Not worth the price. "

"..." Muria cracked the corner of her mouth, and then held back and didn't laugh. In this case, he is basically the weakest and the youngest guy in the world. Don't be too pretentious.

"Your lord Arista, are these three extraterrestrial evil gods chasing you?" Looking at the extraterrestrial gods who had been maimed and sealed, and basically had little strength lying on the ground, a blazing **** was a little curious. Asked inquisitively.

"It's them!" Alista looked complexly at the evil gods who had been beaten to death. These evil gods chased her without knowing how many worlds had gone into exile.

Now, these guys lie here like a few bugs. They can't even move, their ability to emit the voice of the soul has been sealed.

"Let's interrogate them first, and listen to what these guys say! We have more information! After all, it is also an epic race, not too small."

The Lord of the Ten Lords lifted some of the seals on the three heads of learning gods, giving them the ability to speak again.

"You, the alien masters of the aliens, quickly let us go. We are members of the demons, otherwise, you will suffer irresistible disasters."

None of the epics or the blazing gods responded to them. They just looked coldly at the three evil gods who had been reduced to prison, but still not honest.

"Do you know the consequences of attacking us? This is declaring war on our demons. Do you know the end of hostility against our demons?" Even without an epic response, these three evil spirits are still threatening.

"Oh!" Only one epic titan responded to these utterly boring, but still honest, thinking of the alien **** that threatened the epic titan and the fiery god.

"What end?"

"You will all fall down, your motherland will be destroyed, all the stars of your world community will be dim, everything will be silent, all the creatures and races related to you will be slaughtered and everything will be destroyed. Extinct! "

There is still no one who responds to the three heads of criticism, just watching them blankly, at this level, there will be no anger in this kind of words.

"Stop meaningless nonsense, I'll ask you a few questions, and be honest!" The Emperor looked at the three evil spirits who were constantly talking hard, and said impatiently.

"How many of your race are like you?"

"do not know!"


"a lot of."

"..." Ji Huang looked at them coldly, and then asked the second question, "How much better than you?"

"do not know!"



"Lord Arista, how long will it take to reach our world tour community from the world community ruled by the demon aliens?" The Emperor, who asked nothing, looked at Arista and asked, how much he needed to determine Interrogation time.

"It took me over 120 years to return from their world to the Erasian World Community!"

"One hundred and twenty years." Jihuang nodded, probably understanding. He should have enough time to interrogate the three evil gods, and he looked up at the Lord of the Ten Royals. "Can you give me these three evil gods? Interrogation? "

"Twenty years, the result of the interrogation, otherwise, it will be replaced." The Lord of the Ten Royals looked at the younger generation, and he knew that the younger generation had tossed out a device that could extract the power of the evil god.

"No problem." Ji Huang immediately promised that he looked at the three evil gods and smiled.

"What do you want to do? I warn you, if you dare to hurt us, the true gods of our demons will not let you go!"

"The Demon King?" The master of the ancient prison caught one of them. "How strong is your Demon King?"

"How strong? Use the strength and strength of the power to describe that the supreme existence is an insult to them. They are the supreme existence. Even the big world can be destroyed with one thought."

The four-headed demon said arrogantly, this is why he can still maintain his arrogant mentality in the presence of such a large number of exotic demon lords.

"Hmm!" The Ten Lords were unmoved and destroyed a big world? It sounds like a very good look, but he didn't destroy it, "How many Demon Kings in your clan?"

"Seven!" Said the four-headed demon proudly.

The masters of the ancient prison, the masters of the ten lords, and the blazing **** did not respond.

"How's it? Were you scared? Hurry up and let us go. If we are in a good mood, maybe we can leave you a way to live."

"King Emperor, take them down! Interrogate as much as you can!" Shi Yu raised his hand and took back the voice of the three evil gods.

"Well! I will do it as soon as possible!" The Emperor Ji stepped down from the throne, seized the three alien gods and left.

"Histor Yalista, you can leave for the time being, and we will inform you if there are related matters in the future."

It seems that the Ten Masters who are planning to discuss something with the Chitian Protoss looked at Muria, the old, middle and young generations.

"Well, I'll retreat first!" Alista, who had harvested forty drops of the standard unit power, agreed to do it well. This was a matter negotiated between the Titans and the Blazing Gods. A dragon king who had just been promoted was mixed in It is indeed somewhat decent.


"Mom, you have become the Dragon King now, but you need other existing shelter, how do you feel now?"

"What's it like?" The look on his face became a lot easier, and Arista, who was alive throughout the dragon, looked at his daughter with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Of course, it feels good to have a background! I didn't expect the problem that has troubled me for so long, it was so simple to be solved."

"..." Muria, who had left the epic Titan House of Justice, was silent. He stood by and watched again, but now he had a hunch that an unprecedented war would happen.

However, the threshold of this war is very high, to the point where Muria is now unable to pass, this is a war that only epic can participate in.

In this war, Muria estimated that he was not qualified to watch. If it wasn't for his grandmother who brought him here, he might not even get the news.

"I got forty drops of Yuanli this time. After so many hunts and kills before, it seems too worthwhile now!" Said Yalista.

By virtue of these sources, she entered the second realm of the epic. There was no problem at all in the imaginary realm, and she easily surpassed the ordinary epic, with an accumulation of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

"You're here with me this time, and you have a share with the audience. You two dragons and two drops of power!" Said Yalista, who was rich overnight.

"No, this is the reward you have desperately earned. Every drop of Yuanli should belong to you, keep it for yourself!" The greedy Jinlong Niang, this time very decisively rejected the kindness of her mother, she was quick She's six hundred years old, and she's going to talk about his mother's life, and she can't lose this face!

Yuanli, she wants, but in the future, she will rely on her own ability to obtain after the promotion to the peak of the legend.

"I can't use so much at once! You see I've got so much this time, it's nothing to divide you two!"

The Yalistas want to share the great benefits they get today with their descendants ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mother, this time you can give us two drops of source power to help us advance to epic, but later How about it? "

Jin Longniang stood in the air and looked seriously at her mother. Her eyes were longer-term. To become the Dragon King was a small goal she set for herself, but not her lifelong pursuit. Her pursuit was to be similar to ancient times. The existence of the prison master, the ten master master, and other beings, merely being there, can make a medium world fear, and then tremble with its source.

"You are now so easy for me and Muria to be promoted to epic, but in the future, I and Muria want to go further on the epic road, need more sources of power, do you still provide? "

"Then ... grandson, your mother is not ridiculous, you take yours." When Yalista saw her daughter's attitude resolutely, she didn't force it, but set her eyes on Muria.

"Grandma, if you want to be promoted to epic, you have to get the source. Before that, if you want to get the source, you have to go through a very difficult process. After that, you have to get the original force to be promoted and become an epic. It's a real epic! "

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