Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 853: Come over to me!

The mysterious Lord has fallen! This is a doomed fact. As a rear that sneaks into the enemy wants to destroy the existence, when it is discovered, the fall is its destiny.

No one would think that he came here so sneakily, just to come and see the world of Elasia without making any small moves, so the fierce hidden secret master in his motherland fell. .

The process of his fall was not savage at all, and there were even some pitiful. He was beaten to death by the gods of Erassia. Before his death, he tried to escape, but this was useless, no matter how he hid In his own form, the murder god, Cyric, can always find it.

However, the **** of murder, Chiric, is the root cause of the fall of the mysterious Lord, and the direct reason is that the gods persecute the **** of murder, Chiric, to let him be the eye, and the rest of the powerful divine power to take this A mysterious master was killed.

The mystic master supported for a while with the seven drops of power he had saved, and even tried to pull down a few gods to bury him, but to no avail.

As the first exotic epic to arrive in the Erasian world, he has already attracted the attention of most of the gods. In this case, he simply can't reach it.

His body was destroyed again and again, but he used the source power again and again to restore himself to the place full of blood. When the power was exhausted, he still inevitably ushered in his own end.

And when he fell, his wreck-like wreckage was not treated friendly by the gods, but was divided into corpses, and his body was divided up by several powerful gods.

All the powerful divine powers that have been shot have obtained a hidden demon master's remains, and the killing **** Cyric has obtained the most remains, and without him, the gods could not find him.

"Should you try to pull this exotic epic world over?" The fearsome demon playing with a cloud of mist in his hand smiled at the other powerful gods with a smile and suggested. "The combat effectiveness he exhibits should be the second order of the epic, above the boundary."

"Wasting time, he is not a lone epic. There is a strong race behind him. Do you think the world he left behind, will the epics of the race behind him be left to us to capture?"

Murder God Cyric looked at the Demon God coldly. He might have obtained the remains of the Hidden Lord intact, but because of the involvement of the Demon God, he now only has 20% of the body , And all these losses, he blamed all the reasons on the body of the fear demon.

"How do you know if you don't try it? This is the first epic that sneaked in. Maybe his companions did not expect him to fall so quickly. If we shot fast enough, maybe we could evolve him. Pull over the world, so that our revenue can double. "

"Let's try it!" The tyrannical **** Bann, who also received a profit, showed a very smirk on his face, and he was very impressed by the proposal of the fear god.

This proposal was also recognized by the rest of the good camps. In this respect, all the gods are consistent and there is no quarrel.


Only the gods can detect the ripples of space-time turbulence began to spread, and powerful divine powers up to double digits began to join forces, and according to the wreckage left by the mystic Lord, he began to trace back his evolutionary world.

Then a vortex of space-time cracks began to emerge, and under the continuous input of these powerful divine powers, it continued to expand. A broken world that was inferior to even small worlds appeared in the eyes of the gods. Nevertheless, the gods There was joy in his eyes.

This kind of epic-derived world, although not as good as the small world, has evolved purely from source, and its rules are incomplete, and it is also one of the world's favorite "foods".

"Hurry it up! This kind of movement, the epic on the other side has already noticed it!" The master spirit who followed the elf urged, this behavior similar to robbery gave him a strange sense of excitement.

"Pull this epic over first, if there is an epic on the other side, if you dare to interfere, we will also pull it together, and then we will kill it together!" Storm Lord Talos laughed excitedly, so many gods gathered together He was also afraid of a hammer.


The mutilated world was dragged over, high energy spread, forming an extremely dangerous void thunder spreading in the cracks of time and space, and the mutilated world was slowly given over by the gods.


"Exotic Lord, you are looking for death!"

...... Several angry voices came out from the cracks in time and space. It can be seen that a palm covered with black scales grabbed at the mutilated world locked by the gods. At the same time, there was a huge dark red , Exuding endless blood, it seems that the sickle that has just been picked up from the blood pool is chopped towards the cracks of time and space.

"Huh!" Hades, the Hades standing on the four nightmare-pulling chariots, snorted, took the war spear in his hand, and was ready to pierce the sickle.

"Boss! Don't try to bring the owner of this sickle to fight!" The Hades, the Hades, seemed to be planning to blow the opposite epic with a shot, and the deities hurriedly stopped it.

This new Pluto, he was incredibly strong when he was still epic, but after he integrated into the world and gained divine power, his strength became even more horrible, and even some gods speculated that he should be able to talk to Lord of Dawn Sanda opened five or five. Such a big man, if he tried his best, the ghost knew what the epic on the other side would be like.

Hearing this reminder, Hades, the Pluto, did not respond, but the spear he had stabbed has disappeared, and his palms were open, grabbing toward the crack of time and space.

"When!" The palm wrapped by the purple and black armour pierced the vortex of time and space, grabbed the sickle with one hand, and then just pulled out to connect the master to his master. when.

"Click!" A crisp metal shatter came from the cracks in space and time, and the gods could see that there were countless fine cracks on the sickle that spread from the grip of Hades's palm. It was fierce and fierce. I didn't know how many living sickles had been slaughtered directly by Hades.

"This ..." At a glance, I knew that the extraordinary weapon was blown out directly by Hades, Pluto. It wasn't that many gods were stunned. Even the **** of dawn, Luo Shanda, stared slightly. The death shrine's power was surprised.

"This is the Lord of God, only one step away from eternity! Run fast, don't resist!" When this **** sickle was broken, an angry voice came from the cracks in space and time across it. It seems that I didn't expect this to come suddenly The guy who robs them of the Lord's world will be so powerful.

"Huh?" It seemed that the demon who had stretched out his palm made a sound of suspicion, and then the black scale was almost ready to seize the mutilated world, and it seemed to intend to wrestle the palm with the gods quickly.

However, its movements were too slow compared to Hades, the head of the army, who had just let go of that broken world, was grasped by Hades.

"Come here!" Hades whispered to himself, and then the power from Titan was applied to him, and then the presence of a mighty presence was pulled out by her instinctively, and then towards the cracks of time and space Come over.

"No!" There are twin horns growing on this head, and the body is covered with the existence of black scale armor and carapace. There is a roar of despair and weakness, if this is pulled, he still has a life?

But no matter how desperate he was, trying to delay time and waiting for his own boss to come to the rescue did not play any role. The difference in strength between him and Hades was so huge that he did not Any resistance.

boom! !! !!

A fierce explosion sounded, and the power of chaotic time and space spread. This master, like a giant ape, was pulled over by Hades, together with the broken world bound by the gods and ready to drag over. Come over.

"Roar!" The gods didn't pay attention to the incomplete world dragged together by them, but instead looked at the Lord who had been forcibly dragged by Hadis. After this Lord was pulled, the mood of despair in their hearts was already Filled up.

But in despair, he just wanted to drag several gods to bury him with him ~ www.readwn.com ~, and his seemingly strong body was blown away by Hades on the spot.

"I'm not dead! You can't kill me, Lord of the Exotics!" But its body just burst, and it seems like time goes back. All the broken stumps and bones are quickly reorganized and restored to just now. That look.

"There is no immortality!" Seeing this demon who tried to provoke him, Hadis had no emotional ups and downs, and straightly punched out one punch, killing an undead enemy, then another punch All right.

At this moment, the great ape master also calmed down a bit, and then tried to resist, he also fisted, and then banged hard with all of Hardis.

From the point where his fist made contact with Hades, the cracks began to emerge, gradually spreading to the whole body, and the dark golden light revealed with his body, and his body was blown again.

"Why?" But in a blink of an eye, the demon was reborn once again, showing the epic vitality, but it would be useless to grab the vitality again, so he would be killed sooner or later.

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