Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 861: The meticulous Pluto

"Okay!" Hearing the female Titan who hadn't seen it for hundreds of years, it was an invitation to fight. Muria nodded a little, then nodded and promised. According to his inference, the young man had taught him in his childhood. The martial arts titan should have acquired his own world.

She should have been conquering the world of the Titans for the last one or two hundred years, but the chance this time was too important, so she was recalled by the Titans.

Two undead chariots were running side by side. Wherever they passed, thousands of undead stunned to the ground. I did n’t know that they were two undead monarchs. But in fact, two of them were sitting on top of each other. The Titan has nothing to do with the undead.

As the chariot moved forward, several other undead chariots similar to his seat came into Muria's sight. There was no need to look at it. Just by perception, Muria could sense those cross-seats. On the undead chariot, those Titans who are as **** as ancient monsters are of different strengths, but they are all legendary or more.

Soon, a towering group of black palaces came into Muria's eyes. It was a magnificent and incredible palace for mortals. This was a palace where the gods lived.

Even if it is the lowest one of the palaces, one of the steps is like a mountain to a mortal, this is a palace built specifically for the size of the Titan.

Obviously, although he has become a god, Pluto Hades did not treat him at all. He built this black palace group, which is in line with Muria's aesthetic with dragon blood, and is majestic and magnificent. With gorgeous beauty.

However, when Muria approached the Pluto Palace, he found that the front end of the Pluto Palace stood with a huge and huge shadow wall, and on top of the shadow wall were carved various tyrannical undead creatures. Muria glanced at it, but felt There was some inconsistency in this wall, and there seemed to be something missing.

When he got closer, Muria saw the reliefs on the shadow wall. He immediately understood that these shadow walls lacked some reliefs, and there were some inconspicuous blanks. Around those blanks, he just sat down with him to fight. Car-like relief.

The mural of that piece carved a scene of a group of undead warriors driving a collective charge of a chariot. The complete army formation on the mural was missing and scattered.

As if to confirm Muria's conjecture, the undead chariot carrying him stopped in front of the shadow wall, and when Muria stepped down, the tank rushed directly into the shadow wall and merged into the shadow wall. In the shadow wall, a small gap was filled up, and a chariot charged accordingly.

"Sure enough, it wasn't the real undead, but it was manifested under the influence of some law." Seeing this scene in front of him, Muria showed an interested look.

He is very interested in this method, but unfortunately, it seems that he has no chance at present. This obviously involves the level of laws that can only be controlled by the gods. If you want to master this similar method, let ’s break through the epic first.

The chariot carrying the Titan stopped before and after it came to the shadow wall. All these undead chariots filled the shadow wall, filling the gap on the shadow wall.

Seeing this scene, the Titan couldn't help but stand and watch on the shadow wall. Such a strange way of strength was enough to attract the attention of the Titan.

As soon as the Titans watched the movie wall, the seven death knights came down from the movie wall, corresponding to the seven coming Titans.

"His Highness Muria, please inside!" One of the death knights came to Muria, and Murray bowed slightly.

Muria tilted his head, and he found that the Titan who had arrived with him had a death knight come to guide him.

When Muria followed the leading death knight to bypass the shadow wall, the deafening roar suddenly passed into his ear, and the ground was still shaking slightly.

Muria followed his voice, and immediately saw the scene that surprised him. Behind the shadow wall was a vast white bone square.

A Titan holding a Warhammer, surrounded by Thunder's legendary Undead Giant fighter, which is comparable to his body.

"This is ..." Muria looked puzzled, looking at the undead knight leading the way. He felt the excitement in the Titan, and saw the substantive warfare on Titan, but he didn't feel it. When it comes to killing, such a fight is more like entertainment.

"His Majesty's ritual of preparing the sacrifice will take some time to prepare, so in order to avoid your boredom, these have been specially prepared to relieve you of boring. As long as His Highness stepped into it, there will be a giant undead with the same strength as you. You fight.

In the course of battle, you do n’t need to have any worries. The undead formed by comparing strength are all formed by His Majesty ’s power. Even if you are broken, you can quickly regenerate the second one, so you can enjoy Play your full strength and enjoy the fun of battle. "

"That's it!" Muria's face showed a stunned look. He said how the Titan in front of him was so excited. For the Titans, it was too difficult to find a comparable opponent in addition to the same tribe. Already.

"So interesting? I'll try it!" After hearing the introduction of the guide to the undead knight, a Titan who arrived at the same time as Muria, immediately walked towards the square in front of him.

As he stepped into the square, white bones emerged from the square, and then weaved in front of him to form a huge skeleton giant. After the formation of this skeleton giant, a huge spear appeared out of thin air and was The skeleton giant held it in his hand, and then smashed at the Titan who stepped into the square.

"Good time!" Seeing the skeleton giant attacking himself, Titan laughed, he liberated his true body, the huge Titan's body stood on this bone-bone square, with a single-edged tomahawk in his hand. appear……

"Her Majesty Hades is really attentive!" Muria couldn't help but admire the giant undead who was playing with the Titan.

Normally, guests are catering to wine and food,

But for Titans, being the equivalent of a fan, without having any envious opponents, is the best hospitality, so the Titans who have just arrived here are particularly happy.

For example, when the female Titan Herois saw this scene, she couldn't wait to enter the square and fight against the undead formed by divine power.

"Don't His Highness Muria go in and give it a try?"

"Of course!" Muria also stepped towards the square. The bright golden thunder shone on his body. His body gradually became huge. Soon, a titan with a slender dragon tail walked into the square, and In other Titans, white bones condensed in front of Muria, and then formed an undead similar to his body at this time-a giant undead with dragon characteristics.

"Hey!" Seeing this undead that seemed to be modeled after himself, Muria chuckled, then drew out the army axe gun, and rushed forward.


Corresponding to the undead formed by Muria, he took a bone gun out of nothingness and put it in front of him, blocking Muria's slash. The seemingly fragile bone soldier blocked Muria's exclusive weapon, but it was just a residue. A shallow cut, and in an instant, this trace disappeared directly.

"Very good opponent!" After playing for a few rounds, Muria smiled on his face. These should be Hades, the undead condensed by divine power, although Muria cannot bring the general incarnation of the gods. The oppressive power, but its deep technique, let Muria feel that this battle, he has benefited a lot, no less than fighting the incarnation of the gods.

In addition, Muria found that the square where he is now is also very interesting. Although there are as many as thirty Titans in this square who are engaged in entertainment and fighting, the Titans do not interfere in each other's battles. Every undead that the Titans correspond to is in an independent space.

Pluto Hades has such great power that Muria is not surprised. What really surprised Muria is that Pluto's control of power has reached a state of climax.

Because Muria did not find himself dragged into an independent battle space from beginning to end, he did not notice any abnormality in the space, he could even feel the surging blood on those Titans, and he could obtain This conclusion came only because the aftermath of these fellow battles could not interfere with him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Just when Muria was fighting well, the skeleton giant in front of him suddenly stopped, not only him, This is true of all Titans.

"His Highness, the sacrifice ceremony is about to begin, and you can stop for a moment of entertainment." A huge skeleton beast appeared on the edge of the square, and on the head of this beast stood a man in a black robe. Lich, he was watching the Titans in the square.

As the words came down, including the skeleton giants in front of Muria, all the skeleton giants collapsed, and the white light disappeared. Thirty excess Titans stood together, and the golden blood was diffused, intertwined to form a golden blood, covering the entire Hades palace.

"Please, here!" Watched by more than thirty legendary Titans who suddenly hit the throne, but suddenly stopped, the skeleton monster sitting by the Lich was scared to the ground and did not dare to move. Muria could Every bone that saw it was trembling, exuding a breath called fear.

However, the Lich did not have the slightest timidity, and still made an invitation gesture, inviting these Titans into the Temple of Hades behind him.

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