Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 880: Call me queen!

Cypress, Young Dragon Enlightenment

"You are so weak!" A golden young dragon with six feet in length and a foot on the foot and a young red dragon with scales and a big smile on his face seemed very arrogant.

"What dragon are you?" A small silver dragon stared at Tiffany with a suspicious look. Although Tiffany was all golden, she had never seen such a powerful golden dragon.

"Jinlong! Can't you see?" Tiffany tilted her head and looked at the little silver dragon that had scared her.

"But, how can there be a golden dragon like you?" After being stared at Tiffany, Xiaoyinlong took a few steps back scared, let alone, Tiffany's completely different form from normal finance.

Let's just say what the dragon did just after she arrived. After entering the Enlightenment Park of the young dragon, she played for a short time and clashed with other young dragons.

In short, the red dragon stepping on Tiffany's feet wanted to play a role-playing game. He came to be the red dragon lord, and the other young dragons without him were his subordinates. Tiffany just came in, At that time, she still maintained the form of a dragon girl, and naturally she was followed by this playful red dragon.

Then, Tiffany heard that the young dragon wanted to make himself bow to him, and suddenly broke out, even if it was just a playful role-playing role, Tiffany couldn't bear it, so she directly transformed her In a real gesture, this young dragon was fatally beaten with a crushing advantage.

He was so frightened that he had less air to go out, but this overbearing way of directly moving his claws scared the other young dragons, and at this time the silver young dragon was frightened.

Because of the normal Jinlong, if the red dragon is oppressed because of age, the normal operation is to find a teacher, there is almost no do-it-yourself.

"It only means that you have little knowledge!" Tiffany stepped on the red dragon that seemed to be farting at her feet, staring at the silvery young dragon, "how about it? Would you like to mix with me? As long as you are willing to be My men, in Xanapus, quote my name and you can walk sideways. "

"I ..." Xiao Yinlong stepped back timidly.

"Not willing?" Tiffany's face showed a very unpleasant look. If she failed to solicit her subordinates for the first time, she would be a bit embarrassed to think about it.

"Yes ... Yes." Seeing that Tiffany seemed to be angry, Xiao Yinlong nodded quickly.

"Very good!" Tiffany smiled happily, and then he looked down at the red dragon he stepped on.

"How about you? Not convinced!"

"Served!" The little red dragon who suffered a severe beating also nodded quickly, seemingly miserable injuries, but did not hurt its muscles.

"Very well, you'll hang with me from now on!"

"Okay, Big Sister's head!" Little Red Dragon nodded obediently and succumbed to the strong, almost a natural thing for most creatures.

"Who's calling her sister?" Tiffany frowned, kicking the little red dragon aside, and she was very dissatisfied with the title, "I don't like this title!"

"What's that called?"

"Well, from now on, call me ... Her Majesty the Queen!" Tiffany now determined what his younger brother would call him.

"Okay, sister!"

"Huh?" Tiffany opened his mouth with a thunder, hitting this ruthless top man.

"Her Majesty, I know I'm wrong!" Xiao Honglong was savagely chopped, and then consciously called out the correct title.

"Hmm!" Tiffany nodded with satisfaction, then his eyes fell on Xiaoyinlong.

"Her Majesty!" Xiao Yinlong also succumbed.

Then, after the little red dragon's brother watched the whole process of his boss being beaten and then yielding, he also consciously recognized Tiffany as their new boss at this time.

"Large ... majesty, Her Majesty, what are we going to do next?" The miserable little red dragon limped before Tiffany and asked with excitement.

"Are there many guys in the Enlightenment Garden like you who like to play the lord?" Tiffany, who had no idea what to do, thought about it, and then asked.

"A lot!" Xiao Honglong nodded heavily. The Young Dragon Enlightenment Park is a floating city specially designed by Muria for the young dragon born just to break the shell to adapt to his identity. In fact, the area is quite large.

"That's too complicated!" Tiffany sighed slightly.

"?" When the other dragons heard Tiffany's sigh, a very confused expression appeared on the forehead.

"You only need one voice at the Young Dragon Enlightenment Park! That's my Tiffany's voice! All young dragons need only obey my order!"

"So, Her Majesty, do you want to conquer all the young dragons as your little brother?" Xiao Honglong asked excitedly.

"It's a subordinate, not a younger brother." Tiffany corrected his wrong name for the number one hitman.

Then, the expansion of Her Majesty Queen Tiffany's dominance of the Dragon Enlightenment Park began ...

"Do you want to rebel or usurp? Tiffany!" Gladys, who had just returned from Heaven and ran to the Dragon Enlightenment Park to find his sister, looked at the nearly 1,000 dragons in front of his sister, and asked helplessly.

In the class of young dragons, Tiffany's innate conditions are almost invincible. At present, there is basically no young dragon in the world that can compete with her.

"What usurp? What rebellion?" Tiffany's face was aggressive, and she was just playing around.

"You don't usurp, you don't rebel, so what do they tell you to call you Her Majesty?"

"This sounds majestic!" Tiffany's face was taken for granted, the title of the elder sister was too ugly, and the dragon lord was not worthy of her identity.

"However, if I can be my father's successor and become the queen of the eleventh empire on the continent, it seems even more prestigious! In this way, as soon as I order, everyone in the empire must collect treasure for me!"

"You want to replace your brother and become your father's successor?" Oratis looked at his sister delicately.

"Why not? Since my brother can be emperor, why can't I?"

"Okay, I'll go find my father now." Gladys turned, spreading his wings and preparing to fly into the sky.

"What are you doing with your father?" Tiffany's little paw grabbed her sister, and she felt bad.

"Seal your current memory and bloodline, drive you into the world, and accept the experience of becoming the successor of the empire."

"..." Upon hearing this, Tiffany froze slightly, then quickly hugged her sister, "No, no, I don't want to be a queen, my brother can be an emperor alone!"


"His Royal Highness, the number of humans on the Xenapps subcontinent has exceeded one billion, the number of settled elves exceeds 300,000, and the number of dwarves exceeds 3.13 million ... the number of species has increased from 39 post-war to the present 1,752 kinds, the basic material ecological cycle has been reconstructed. "

Myers stood under the main hall and reported to Muria this information which was quite incompatible with his identity.

"Well, that's great!" Muria nodded at this number. These numbers add up to seemingly huge. If they are shared across the entire Xenaps subcontinent, it will still be rare.

Extinct the entire Xenaps subcontinent, even if nearly a hundred legends joined forces to intervene and want to restore it to the same situation as other continents in a short time, it is unrealistic.

"His Royal Highness, there is one more thing that needs to be reported to you, because people from other continents have flooded into our Senapus subcontinent, so the members are extremely mixed, and there are all kinds of creatures, and this gives us the cities below Law and order has brought a great burden!

Of course, this is nothing. With the deterrent power of our Xenaps Army, it is enough to suppress all dissatisfaction and no big troubles will occur. But the biggest problem now is that our law system is very incomplete and there are too many loopholes. Your Royal Highness, you need a more complete set of laws in the territory you now rule. "

"Do you have any suggestions for this?" Muria glanced at Miles, and that was the real reason this big devil came to him.

"His Royal Highness, law is a contract in a sense, and we the devil are the creatures that are best at making contracts!"

"So you want to preside over the preparation of the laws of my future empire?" Muria looked subtly at his Majesty's most powerful devil. Over the years, Myers has dealt with many unseen things for him.

"His Royal Highness, this workload is too huge. I alone, even with my devil, will not be able to complete this huge task!"

The seemingly elegant Myers bowed to Muria, and then he put the plan he had already written on Muria's table. As a subordinate, he asked questions, and naturally he also asked. A problem-solving solution is a qualified subordinate.

No ruler likes subordinates who only ask questions ~ www.readwn.com ~ and cannot find a solution.

Muria looked at this plan as usual, looked it up, and after a moment, his brows frowned tightly, then he looked at the devil who was respectful in front of him.

"Myers, aren't you afraid that the devil in **** hate you? How many devil do you plan to sacrifice this time?"

"It is the honor of these demons to be the cornerstone of the law of the Empire!" Myers replied with a smile.

"They are your kind!"

"Master, although I can't get rid of my devil's identity, the devil I think of as the sniper of Sinapus is fundamentally different from the devil of hell. And, in my opinion, the same kind of **** is dead the best!"

"Now that you have a complete plan, I'm sure of this matter, now it's up to you to start this matter and complete it as soon as possible!"

"Observe, Your Highness!"

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