Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 882: Majesty of the Code

"Master, the Code has been preliminarily completed. Please look over it!" A huge code in black leather was placed in front of Muria. This huge book haunted the heavy grievance visible to the naked eye, "See See what else is wrong. "

"How many demons did you kill? Myers!" Muria glanced at her devil servant without seeing the slightest glimpse of this code, made from the skin of a devil, haunting substantive resentment. The change puts the palm above this code.

The resentment haunting the book is like a shark smelling a **** rush to Muria's palm frantically, but just touching Muria's skin, a majestic light emerges, with a crushing advantage It was defeated.

But it was just the grievances that a group of devils had tragically died, and this kind of thing wanted to erode him, it was ridiculous.

"It's less than ten thousand, Your Highness!" Myers seemed a little embarrassed and smiled, reporting a number that he thought was very rare. After all, since the first massacre began, he was summoned from the back. The devil is devoted to the preparation of the code, and has reached the point where he will not eat or drink.

"This code is good, but it is not perfect enough, and there are not enough aspects involved." After trying to read the nearly ten million words of code as fast as possible, Muria nodded and made a right Myers affirmed this job.

This code can basically be called the most complete code in Erasia's world, because it can be proved just by the word count.

This Xanapus Code covers more than a hundred races. The mainstream races, elves, dwarfs, dwarfs, orcs, the more rare dragons, angels, giants, mermaids, na There are some more special dark races of the Jia race, the werewolf race, the blood race, the Medusa race ... The number of races covered by this code is the highest in the world.

The scope of the industry involved has reached an outrageous level. Education, architecture, diet, medical care, religion, adventure ... all-encompassing, all-inclusive, almost every word and every detail is detailed Regulations.

"Please ask the master for pointers!" Without making any rebuttal, Myers bowed his head respectfully, asking Muria to say what he hasn't done.

"For example, the Education Law, which details the basic system of education, schools and other educational institutions, teachers and other educators, educated people, education and society, etc., but it does not impose a lifetime on a living being. Influence the most important teachers. "

"Parents of the child?" Myers' brains turned quickly, and Muria didn't finish the words, so he came up with what Muria wanted to explain. After all, the most important thing that affects a creature's life is actually It's not hard to guess.

"Yes, jurisprudentially, parents have a natural right to raise and educate their children, but some parts of the human race, the traditional five-colored dragon of the dragon race, have not fulfilled their due duties and abused themselves as parents. s right!

There is a need to restrict this by law! The profession of father and mother is not what they are qualified to be able to play. "

"I see!" Myers didn't ask Muria what kind of abilities his parents should have. If the owner knew everything, what would the dog do? The superior only needs to point out the general direction, and the rest of the details are left to his subordinates.


"Aeros! Have you read the recently issued Code of Xanapus?" During a break at noon, a beautiful-looking girl came to Aeros' classroom to look for him. There was a pair of anomalies on her forehead. Bright dragon horns.

"I've seen it, Eddie!" Ai Luosi smiled kindly when he saw the dragon girl who had been with him since elementary school. When he was a kid, the girls who circled him were watching now. Less than a few.

Of course, it is not because of the rate of advancement. Although the education system on the Subapean Subcontinent is extremely harsh, a large number of students are eliminated every year.

But Shengyan City is a very special place. So far, although there is no clear statistical data, the entrance rate of Shengyan City is recognized as the first, whether it is a small or early rise.

The main reason that Aerlos did not see those familiar faces was because those girls were assigned to other high schools, very few were with him, and none of them could be in the same class as him.

"This code is so strict!"

"There's nothing rigorous. As long as we don't usually do too much, we won't offend." Ai Luosi smiled when he heard the dragon girl's complaining.

"But don't you think there is too much code in this step? The rule above stated that if you want to have children, you must take a parental qualification test. If you fail, you cannot have children."

"I think it's good." To the surprise of the dragon girl, Aiolos, who had always been mild-tempered, raised objections this time, and did not respond to her.

"What's so good? If I want to have a child in the future, I will take this test too." The little dragon girl twitched and looked at Ai Luosi, two attractive faces appeared on her face. I don't know what's in my head.

"A very special thing happened a while ago in my class. Haven't you heard of it?"

"What's the matter?" Little Dragon Girl Eddie looked blank, rarely gossiping with the girls in the class.

"There is a female student in my class. Her family is relatively ordinary. She doesn't have much living expenses every month. She can still study in this school now, all relying on school subsidies for her living.

According to common sense, the school's subsidies for students with poor family conditions are basically just right, and it will definitely not make her unable to keep up with other students in nutrition.

But my female classmate, all her actual subjects are unqualified, because her physical fitness can not keep up, and her strength is the lowest in our class. "

"Why is this?"

"Because her parents took away a large portion of the subsidies granted to her by the school, her practice fell a long way behind normal levels. If she did not do well in her literacy test, she would have been fired!"

"How can her parents do this? Didn't they even think about their daughter at all?" Dragon Girl Eddie was a little confused, what kind of parents would be to treat her children this way.

"I heard that she has a younger brother, and according to the survey, her parents are using her grant to train her younger brother!"

"Isn't she resisted by being treated like this?"

"How to resist? As a child, it ’s against your parents? Do you think it's appropriate?" Aiolos asked in a flat tone. "And if she did, even if her parents were wrong, there would still be accusations. It fell on her. "

"It used to be impossible, but now her parents' behavior is illegal after the enactment of the Knapp Codes!" The dragon girl, Eddie, opened her eyes. At this moment, she thought of the Knapp Codes.

"Yes, her parents are illegal, so on the first day of the new law, her parents were arrested and she was summoned to court."

"What happened then?"

"Naturally, everyone is happy. In law, her parents deprived her of all the rights to education and custody. In terms of blood, they still maintained blood relations, but at the legal level, they were no longer connected.

If her parents in blood now dare to ask her for her subsidy again, it will be regarded as extortion, which is also against the law. "

"That's great!"

"Be prepared! Now is the time when the new law was just promulgated. In order to promulgate the law to the Subapean Subcontinent, our extra-curricular practice in the future will probably be the law enforcer!"

"Who did you listen to?" The Dragon Girl was slightly surprised.

"Teacher!" Ai Luo Si said his source, which teacher did not say, but the teacher at that time very vaguely reminded him to prepare him.

Soon, Aerlos's words were fulfilled. All the high schools in Xenaps joined together to screen out outstanding students with rich experience in combat, and then gave them a common task: to become a member of the Code of Synaps. Enforcers of the Baseline Guidelines.

White slim battle suit, pure white cloak, pure white gloves, everything is white, but in the sun, the slim battle suit and the fan will show a faint light, and outline a majestic pure white giant tiger image of.

This is the ~ www.readwn.com ~ obtained by Aerlos as the law enforcement equipment and standard clothing. It is said that the law enforcement officer's robes are white because they cannot tolerate a little bit of pollution.


"You have just put on this suit now, so you will perform some simple adaptive tasks!" The captain of the law enforcement team who brought the uniform to Aerlos's high school, easily introduced the group of students in front of him.

"What kind of adaptive task?" A young man standing next to Aerlos raised his hand and asked, his eyes were eager to try. In his imagination, he has now become a law enforcer. Naturally, Go and kill the evildoers who violate the code.

"The most special and most controversial point of the Code of Xenapus is that you all know it! You must implement the provisions of this Code now.

According to the information we provided, go to families who are not worthy of being parents to investigate, verify the situation, and then take their children away! "

"Do you mean let us grab someone else's child?"

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